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U.S. backs away from plan to buy bad assets The Bush administration on Wednesday largely abandoned its plan to buy up toxic mortgage assets and said it will focus its $700 billion financial bailout fund on making direct investments in financial institutions and shoring up consumer credit markets. 週三布希政府大舉放棄它們計畫買下的壞帳,並將7000億金融應急資金轉而直接挹注在 金融體系及支稱消費者信用市場上。 The U.S. Treasury Department initially promoted the financial rescue package approved by Congress last month as a vehicle to buy illiquid mortgage assets from banks and other institutions to spur fresh lending. 美國財政部最先是透過國會核準的金融拯救整合方案,試圖購買銀行及其它公司的 呆帳,希望能刺激出新的貸款。 However, that plan never got off the ground and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told a news conference asset purchases were not the most effective use of the funds. 不過,這計畫並未實施,財政部長Henry Paulson說購買呆帳並非是對金融體系最有 影響力的作法。 "This is not going to be the focus," he said. Paulson added, however, that the Treasury would continue to examine the usefulness of "targeted" purchases. Paulson又加上一句「這不會成為重點。」,不過,財政部將繼續最有效的標的物。 http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE4AB7P820081113 路透 補連結 改個錯 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 阮某長門 咱某長門 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (11/13 12:27) ※ 編輯: amkust 來自: (11/13 17:28)