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引自紐約時報,網址: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/30/world/americas/30honduras.html?ref=americas June 30, 2009 In a Coup in Honduras, Ghosts of Past U.S. Policies By HELENE COOPER and MARC LACEY 政變背後-美國過往外交政策的幽靈 WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday strongly condemned the ouster of Honduras’s president as an illegal coup that set a “terrible precedent” for the region, as the country’s new government defied international calls to return the toppled president to power and clashed with thousands of protesters. 美國總統歐巴馬週一強烈譴責,認為宏都拉斯的非法政變驅逐總統, 是在中南美洲地區開一惡例。該國新政府篾視讓該國總統復職的國際呼聲, 並且與數千名抗議人士發生衝突。 “We do not want to go back to a dark past,” Mr. Obama said, in which military coups override elections. “We always want to stand with democracy,” he added. 歐巴馬說:「我們不希望回到以政變凌駕選舉的黑暗過去。」他進一步補充 說明:「我們一直希望與民主站在一起。」 The crisis in Honduras, where members of the country’s military abruptly awakened President Manuel Zelaya on Sunday and forced him out of the country in his bedclothes, is pitting Mr. Obama against the ghosts of past American foreign policy in Latin America. 宏國軍方流放仍著睡衣的總統一事,使得歐巴馬扭轉過去美國對拉丁美洲外交 政策幽靈的努力受到腐蝕。 The United States has a history of backing rival political factions and instigating coups in the region, and administration officials have found themselves on the defensive in recent days, dismissing repeated allegations by President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela that the C.I.A. may have had a hand in the president’s removal. 美國史上曾多次在中南美洲支持在野政黨,並慫恿政變。委內瑞拉總統查維茲 指控美國中情局在這場政變中推波助瀾,使得華府官員數日來處於防衛姿態, 疲於否任這項指控。 Obama administration officials said that they were surprised by the coup on Sunday. But they also said that they had been working for several weeks to try to head off a political crisis in Honduras as the confrontation between Mr. Zelaya and the military over his efforts to lift presidential term limits escalated. 華府官員表示,週日的政變他們同感吃驚,但他們也提到過去數週以來已 盡力化解 Zelaya 與軍方在總統任期歧見裡出現的政治危機。 The United States has long had strong ties to the Honduras military and helps train Honduran military forces. Those close ties have put the Obama administration in a difficult position, opening it up to accusations that it may have turned a blind eye to the pending coup. Administration officials strongly deny the charges, and Mr. Obama’s quick response to the Honduran president’s removal has differed sharply from the actions of the Bush administration, which in 2002 offered a rapid, tacit endorsement of a short-lived coup against Mr. Chávez. 美國與宏國軍方向來關係良好,甚至協助宏國軍方訓練軍隊。這層關係讓歐 巴馬政府處於窘境,華府被指控對政變的可能性視而不見。華府官員強烈否 認這項指控,歐巴馬對此事回應的態度也與布希政府時代迥異。 2002年委內瑞拉總統查維茲面臨一次短暫的政變時,布希政府曾立即予以默認。 On June 2, Obama administration officials got a firsthand look at the brewing political battle when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton traveled to Honduras for an Organization of American States conference. Mrs. Clinton met with Mr. Zelaya, and he reportedly annoyed her when he summoned her to a private room late in the night after her arrival and had her shake hands with his extended family. 今年六月二日,當美國務卿柯林頓前往宏都拉斯出席美洲國家組織會議時, 華府官員獲得第一手情資顯示政治鬥爭正在蘊釀。據聞 Zelaya 在私下 闢室會談時惹惱柯林頓,Zelaya 甚至讓柯林頓與他的大家庭成員握手。 During a more formal meeting afterward, they discussed Mr. Zelaya’s plans for a referendum that would have laid the groundwork for an assembly to remake the Constitution, a senior administration official said. 一位高層華府官員表示,後來在更正式的會議裡面,他們討論到Zelaya 規劃中的公投案。 But American officials did not believe that Mr. Zelaya’s plans for the referendum were in line with the Constitution, and were worried that it would further inflame tensions with the military and other political factions, administration officials said. 但華府官員不相信 Zelaya 的公投案符合該國憲法,並擔心它將進一步讓 Zelaya 與軍方和其他政治勢力的關係更加緊張。 Even so, one administration official said that while the United States thought the referendum was a bad idea, it did not justify a coup. 即使如此,華府官員表示,雖然公投案是爛主意,仍不應以政變顛覆政府。 “On the one instance, we’re talking about conducting a survey, a nonbinding survey; in the other instance, we’re talking about the forcible removal of a president from a country,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity during a teleconference call with reporters. 這位不願具名的華府官員與記者視訊會議時表示:「在某個場合裡,我們 討論到應該舉辦一場不記名民調;另一個場合裡則談到武力推翻總統一事。」 As the situation in Honduras worsened, Assistant Secretary of State Thomas A. Shannon Jr., along with Hugo Llorens, the American ambassador to Honduras, spoke with Mr. Zelaya, military officials and opposition leaders, administration officials said. Then things reached a boil last Wednesday and Thursday, when Mr. Zelaya fired the leader of the armed forces and the Supreme Court followed up with a declaration that Mr. Zelaya’s planned referendum was illegal. 華府官員表示,當宏都拉斯局勢惡化時,助理國務卿 Shannon、美國駐宏國大使 Llorens,曾一同與 Zelaya 以及宏國軍官、反對黨領袖會談。但是上週三與 週四 Zelaya 將國防部長與最高法院院長解職之後,事情開始沸騰開來。 隨後出現示威運動,抗議公投案違法。 The White House and the State Department had Mr. Llorens “talk with the parties involved, to tell them, ‘You have to talk your way through this,’ ” a senior administration official said Monday. “ ‘ You can’t do anything outside the bounds of your constitution.’ ” 週一時,一位高層華府官員表示:「白宮與國務院要求駐宏國大使 Llorens 與相關各方會談,告訴他們『你不能做憲法規定以外的事』」 Still, administration officials said that they did not expect that the military would go so far as to carry out a coup. “There was talk of how they might remove the president from office, how he could be arrested, on whose authority they could do that,” the administration official said. But the official said that the speculation had focused on legal maneuvers to remove the president, not a coup. 然而,華府官員並未預料宏國軍方會發動政變,「我們曾論及他們可能會在誰的 授權下逮捕總統,或把總統免職。」該官員解釋,他們推測宏國只會用合法方式 將總統免職,而不是政變。 Whether Mr. Zelaya merited removal remains a strong point of debate in Honduras. Fierce clashes erupted Monday between thousands of soldiers and thousands of Mr. Zelaya’s backers. The protesters blocked streets, set fires and hurled stones at the soldiers, who fired tear gas in response. But opponents of Mr. Zelaya said they intended to rally Tuesday in support of his ouster. 儘管免職 Zelaya 的合理性在宏都拉斯還在激辯當中,週一已發生數千名軍人 與 Zelaya 支持者間的劇烈衝突。抗議者封鎖街道,向士兵放火並丟擲石塊, 軍方則以催淚瓦斯回擊。Zelaya 的政敵表示他們週二將會聚集支持推翻總統。 On the diplomatic front, three of the country’s neighbors — Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua — said they would halt commerce along their borders for 48 hours. Beyond that, Venezuela and some of its allies, including Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Cuba, said they were withdrawing their ambassadors from Honduras in an effort to isolate the new government. Brazil also said it had ordered its ambassador to Honduras, who was out of the country at the time of the coup, not to return until further notice. 在外交前線,瓜地馬拉、薩爾瓦多與尼加拉瓜等三個宏國鄰邦表示將會中止 邊境貿易 48 小時。委內瑞拉與同盟國家,包括厄瓜多、玻利維亞、尼加拉瓜 與古巴皆表示他們已召回駐宏國大使,孤立宏國新政府。巴西則表示他們要求 在政變發生時已返回巴西的大使再度前往宏都拉斯,除非獲得進一步指示, 否則不能回國。 In the face of criticism from across the hemisphere, the new government hunkered down in Mr. Zelaya’s old office, ringed by soldiers and defending its actions as a bid to save the country’s democracy, not undermine it. 面對國際批評聲浪,新政府躲在 Zelaya 的舊辦公室裡讓士兵撥電話解釋 ,這個行動是企圖捍衛宏都拉斯的民主而非破壞它。 Roberto Micheletti, the veteran congressional leader who was sworn in by his fellow lawmakers on Sunday to replace Mr. Zelaya, seemed to plead with the world to understand that Mr. Zelaya’s arrest by the army had been under an official arrest warrant based on his flouting of the Constitution. 週日在國會議員面前宣誓就總統、取代 Zelaya 的資深國會議長 Micheletti 懇求國際理解,Zelaya 被軍方逮捕是因為蔑視憲法,經過官方授權後進行的。 “We respect the whole world, and we only ask that they respect us and leave us in peace,” Mr. Micheletti said in a radio interview, noting that previously scheduled elections called for November would go on as planned. 他在接受廣播訪問時表示:「我們尊重全世界,只要求他們也尊重我們, 並讓我們保持和平。」他也提到原本預計在 11 月要進行的選舉仍將繼續進行。 Mr. Zelaya said from Nicaragua late Monday that he would return to Honduras on Thursday with the secretary general of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, Reuters reported. 路透社報導,Zelaya 上周一在尼加拉瓜表示,他週二將伴隨美洲國家組織 秘書長 Insula 一起返回宏都拉斯。 “He’s the former president of Honduras now,” said Ramón Abad Custodio, the president of the National Commission of Human Rights, who defends the replacement of Mr. Zelaya as constitutional. “He may feel like he’s still president, but he’s a common citizen now.” 宏都拉斯國家人權委員會主席 Custodio 認為撤換 Zelaya 合乎憲法, 他表示:「Zelaya 已經是宏都拉斯前總統了。他也許還以為自己是總統, 但他其實已經是個平凡老百姓。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: