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http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/04/20/stephen-hawking-ill.html Stephen Hawking Hospitalized, Reported Very Ill 史蒂芬霍金住院,據報病危 Robert Barr, Associated Press April 20, 2009 -- Famed mathematician Stephen Hawking was rushed to a hospital Monday and was seriously ill, Cambridge University said. 劍橋大學表示,知名數學家史蒂芬霍金週一病危被緊急送醫 The university said Hawking has been fighting a chest infection for several weeks, and was being treated at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, the university city north of London. 霍金已經在劍橋Addenbrooke's醫院與胸腔感染奮鬥數週 "Professor Hawking is very ill," said Gregory Hayman, the university's head of communications. "He is undergoing tests. He has been unwell for a couple of weeks." 公關主任Gregory Hayman表示,霍金教授病重,已經幾星期不舒服,正接受檢查 Later in the afternoon, Hayman said Hawking was "now comfortable but will be kept in hospital overnight." 下午稍晚,他表示霍金當下舒服但仍將留在醫院過夜 Hawking, 67, gained renown for his work on black holes, and has remained active despite being diagnosed at 21 with ALS, (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), an incurable degenerative disorder also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. 67歲的霍金,因其對黑洞的研究聞名,且在罹患肌萎縮性側索硬化症之下仍然保持活躍, 他自21歲罹患此病,是無法治療的退化性失調,也稱作Lou Gehrig's disease For some years, Hawking has been almost entirely paralyzed, and he communicates through an electronic voice synthesizer activated by his fingers. 多年來霍金幾乎完全癱瘓,僅能以手指控制的電子合成語音溝通 Hawking was involved in the search for the great goal of physics -- a "unified theory" -- which would resolve contradictions between Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, which describes the laws of gravity that govern the motion of large objects like planets, and the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, which deals with the world of subatomic particles. 霍金參與了最偉大的物理界聖盃研究--"統一理論", 此理論將解決愛因斯坦的相對論以及量子力學之間的理論矛盾, 前者是主宰自然界天體之類大物體的重力定律,後者則是處理次原子粒子的世界 "A complete, consistent unified theory is only the first step: our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and of our own existence," he wrote in his best-selling book, "A Brief History of Time," published in 1988. 在1988出版的暢銷書"時空簡史"中,霍金說"一個完全,一致的統一理論只是第一步, 我們的目標是對周圍一切的徹底理解,以及關於我們的存在" In a more accessible sequel "The Universe in a Nutshell," published in 2001, Hawking ventured into concepts like supergravity, naked singularities and the possibility of a universe with 11 dimensions. 2001年出版的較易理解的續集"胡桃核裡的宇宙", 霍金更大膽提出如超重力,裸奇點,以及11維宇宙的可能性 He announced last year that he would step down from his post as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a title once held by the great 18th-century physicist Isaac Newton. However, the university said Hawking intended to continue working as Emeritus Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. 他去年宣布他將卸下Lucasian數學教授席位(*),一個曾為牛頓所擁有的頭銜, 然而劍橋表示霍金有意繼續保有名譽Lucasian教授職位 (*)盧卡斯數學教授席位(Lucasian Chair of Mathematics)是英國劍橋大學的一個 榮譽職位,授予對象為數理相關的研究者,同一時間只授予一人,此教席的擁有者稱 為「盧卡斯教授」(Lucasian Professor)。 Hawking had canceled an appearance at Arizona State University on April 6 because of his illness. 霍金因為病情而宣布取消四月六日在亞歷桑納州露面 "Professor Hawking is a remarkable colleague. We all hope he will be amongst us again soon," said Professor Peter Haynes, head of the university's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. 劍橋大學應用數學與理論物理系主任Peter Haynes教授說 "霍金教授是一位出色的同事,我們都希望他能快點回到我們的行列" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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