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http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/04/zimbabwe1 Zimbabwean prison officer's film shows Mugabe vote-rigging Duncan Campbell and Paul Lewis guardian.co.uk, Friday July 4, 2008 Article history (影片請點以上網址) A film that graphically demonstrates how Robert Mugabe's supporters rigged the elections in Zimbabwe has been smuggled out of the country by a prison officer. It is believed to be the first footage that shows ballot-rigging actually taking place and comes as the Zimbabwean president is facing increasing international pressure. 一部紀錄了穆加比手下爪牙如何操弄選舉的影片,被一位獄卒偷渡出了國外。 在目前辛巴威總統面臨不斷上升的國際壓力之際,這被認為是第一部紀錄實際 發生過的選舉舞弊的影片。 Shepherd Yuda, a 36-year-old prison officer, fled the country two nights ago. His wife and children are with him. He said he hoped the film, much of which was shot inside his country's notorious jail system, would help draw further attention to the violence and corruption in Zimbabwe. 兩天前的晚上,36歲的獄卒Shepherd Yuda帶著他的太太和小孩逃出了辛巴威。他說, 他希望這部大半是在他祖國惡名昭彰的獄政體系下拍攝的影片,能夠吸引更多國際關注 到辛巴威國內的暴力與腐敗問題上。 Yuda, who has worked in the prison service for 13 years, was motivated both by the increasing violence directed towards members of the Zimbabwean opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), and the murder two months ago of his uncle, an MDC activist. Initially, he had just intended to chronicle secretly what life was like inside the country's jails but he found himself present when a war veteran and Mugabe supporter organised the vote-rigging by getting prison officers to fill in their postal ballots in his presence. 受到辛巴威境內針對反對黨Movement for Democratic Change(MOD)成員漸趨嚴重的暴力 行為以及兩個月前他身為MDC支持者的叔叔慘遭暗殺的刺激,在監獄工作了13年的Yuda 起先只打算秘密的紀錄監獄中的狀況,不過卻意外的拍下了支持穆加比的老兵以監視 監獄工作人員投下通訊投票的方式來操弄選舉的畫面。 Using a hidden camera, Yuda filmed for six days prior to the run-off election last week in which Mugabe claimed victory with 90% of the poll. The MDC leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, had earlier announced that his party would not be participating because of the intimidation. 藉由隱藏式攝影機,Yuda拍下了由穆加比聲稱取得90%選票的第二輪投票前六天間的畫面。 稍早之前,MDC領袖Morgan Tsvangirai宣布由於受到威脅的緣故,該黨不會參加第二 輪投票。 "I had never seen that kind of violence before," said Yuda, of the run-up to the election. "The impact has left a lot of orphans; it has left a lot of people displaced. You cannot expect that from your government. You expect that from a rebel group. How can a government that claimed to be democratically elected kill its people, murder its people, torture its people?" 對於第二輪投票,Yuda表示:"我從來沒看過這樣激烈的暴力行為過。這場災難造成 了大量的孤兒,造成了大量的人們流離失所。你根本想像不到政府會做出這樣的事, 這比較像是叛亂軍會幹的。一個聲稱是依照民主程序選出來的政府,怎麼能殺害 自己的人民、折磨自己的人民?" The film, which was made for the Guardian and will be shown on BBC Newsnight tonight, shows how Yuda and his colleagues at Harare central jail had to fill in their ballots in front of Zanu-PF activists. "This was the most difficult moment of my life," he said of marking his cross beside the name of Mugabe. "These people forced me to do [something] I have never done in my life." 這部提供給衛報以及將會在今晚的BBC Newsnight撥出的影片紀錄了Yuda跟他的同事 是如何依照指示在Zanu-PF支持者前投下選票的。提到將票蓋給穆加比時,他說" 這是我生命中最艱難的時刻。這些人逼我做我從來都不會做的事。" Yuda also obtained footage of Zanu-PF rallies in which voters are warned that they should pretend to be illiterate so that an official can fill in their ballot for them on behalf of Mugabe. He was able to film the MDC's general secretary, Tendai Biti, in leg irons in jail. Biti, who is now on bail, faces treason charges that carry the death penalty. The leaders of WOZA, Women of Zimbabwe Arise, who were jailed in May, are also shown. Yuda也紀錄到了在Zanu-PF的造勢大會中,選民被要求假裝成文盲,以便選務人員可以合 法的幫他們把票蓋給穆加比。他也拍到了MDC的秘書長被上了腳鐐關在獄中的畫面。 目前假釋中的MDC秘書長Biti面臨了最高可處以死刑的判國罪起訴處份。WOZA(Women of Zimbabwe Arise)的幹部們被囚禁的畫面也被拍進了影片。 Having completed the filming, Yuda left the country with his family for a new life and is now at a secret destination. "I don't regret doing this, although it is a painful decision I have taken," he said. "We can live without the memories of seeing dead bodies in the prison, dead bodies in the street, dead bodies in my family. I've lost my uncle. My father was also beaten by Zanu-PF. I am praying to God: please, God, deal with Zanu-PF ruthlessly." 拍完影片之後,Yuda帶著家人離開了這個國家,準備展開全新的生活。目前他已到了 秘密的目的地。"我並不後悔,雖然這是痛苦的決定。我們可以過著新生活,忘掉 在監獄中、街上目睹死屍、目賭親人慘死的回憶。我失去了我的叔伯,我的父親也 慘糟Zanu-PF毆打。我祈求上帝"拜託,主呀,請毫不留情的降禍於執政黨吧!" Mugabe has now been sworn in for a sixth term as Zimbabwe's president, a process that Tsvangirai described as "a complete joke". More than 130,000 people spoiled their ballots. 穆加比已宣式就任辛巴威第六任總統,Tsvangirai形容這個過程”完全是個笑話"。 超過13萬人投下了無效票。 International pressure is mounting against Mugabe. It emerged yesterday that a US draft resolution to the UN will call for sanctions against him and demand that his government immediately begin talks with the MDC. If adopted by the UN security council, the resolution would freeze the financial assets of Mugabe and 11 other Zimbabwean officials and ban them from travelling. 施加於穆加比的壓力日漸增加。昨日美國已向聯合國提出決議要求對穆加比 加以制裁,並要求穆加比政權立即與MDC展開協商。如果經由聯合國安全會議 通過,這項決議將凍結穆加比與其他11位辛巴威官員的資產,並禁止他們出國。 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- 階級消滅了,作為階級鬥爭的工具的一切東西,政黨和國家機器,將因其喪失作用,沒有 需要,逐步地衰亡下去,完結自己的歷史使命,而走到更高級的人類社會。我們和資產階 級政黨相反。他們怕說階級的消滅,國家權力的消滅和黨的消滅。我們則公開聲明,恰是 為著促使這些東西的消滅而創設條件,而努力奮鬥。共產黨的領導和人民專政的國家權力 ,就是這樣的條件。不承認這一條真理,就不是共產主義者。 ~ 毛澤東選集 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (07/08 08:58)