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※ 引述《simmon989 (勁舞飛揚)》之銘言: : 標題:上路一年 巴黎城市單車問題浮現 : 新聞來源:http://news.yam.com/tlt/international/200807/20080709460354.html : 自由時報 2008-07-09 : 編譯陳成良/綜合報導 找到原文了 附上翻譯如下 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4289943.ece From The Times July 8, 2008 A year on, the cycle experiment has hit some bumps 上路一年, 實驗性的公共自行車計畫遇到一些顛簸 Charles Bremner in Marie Tourres, Paris As Paris marks this week the first anniversary of the appearance of public bicycles on its streets, other cities are watching ever more closely a hugely successful experiment in self-service public transport. 在這周, 巴黎公共自行車上路一週年的同時, 其他城市正更仔細的檢視著這個 獲得巨大成功的"自助式公共運輸"實驗. Since Bertrand Delanoe, the city’s Mayor, took the gamble of putting 16,000 velibs, short for velo liberte, or bike freedom, at the disposal of Parisians, the stately grey machines have been taken out for a spin a total of 27 million times. To the pleasure of the left-wing council and the frustration of drivers, cycle traffic has jumped by 70 percent as Parisians take advantage of the almost-free service. 當巴黎市長Bertrand Delanoe賭博性地啟用這個計畫, 放置16,000輛暱稱為"velibs" (意為"bike freedom")的單車給巴黎市民使用以來, 已服務2千7百萬人次. 這項近乎 免費(譯按: 考慮當地消費)的服務使單車流量成長了70%, 左派的市議會樂見於此, 而 (汽車)駕駛人則感到不快. But as Boris Johnson, an regular cyclist, ponders a similar scheme for London, he may well consider the downside. Paris' velib are used for 120,000 trips a day, each one averaging 22 minutes. However, the pedal boom has been attended by a jump in cycle deaths and injuries. Three velib riders have been crushed under the wheels of heavy vehicles and about 70 have been injured since January this year. After a 35-year-old violinist was killed by a municipal bus in a bus lane in May, her father called on the Mayor to suspend the velib scheme. 但是當Boris Johnson*1 --倫敦市長, 也是單車日常使用者-- 考慮在倫敦實施類似的計畫時, 他應該仔細考慮負面影響. 巴黎的"自由車"一天提供12萬趟交通, 每次平均22分鐘.*2 然而自行車風潮同時也使自行車傷亡躍增. 今年一月以來, 三名"自由車"騎士死於重型 車輛輪下, 並有超過70人受傷. 在五月份一名35歲小提琴家在公車專用道上遭市區公車 撞死之後, 他的父親要求巴黎市長暫停"自由車"計畫. *1 最近上任的倫敦市長, 曾任保守派雜誌"Spectator"編輯 *2 低於最低收費時限, 只要你有購買"使用權", 半小時內免費 The authorities are blaming the cyclists as well as the city’s notoriously aggressive drivers, although the overall accident rate has declined by 20 per cent. Many accidents involve inexperienced riders or careless tourists. 巴黎當局除了歸責於單車騎士之外, 也指惡名昭彰的霸道駕駛. 但是事故率其實下降了 20%. (按: 哪種事故的事故率? 單車還是所有交通事故? 上下文看是後者, 但希望能找 到統計資料) 許多事故乃肇因於新手單車騎士或粗心的觀光客. Police are handing out football-style yellow cards this week to cyclists, drivers and pedestrians who commit minor but potentially dangerous offences. Last year 7,000 fines were issued to cyclists, double the previous year. Yet few riders of the velibs bother to wear helmets or high-visibility attire and more than half do not stop at red lights. 警察對於比較輕微的違規, 對單車騎士、汽車駕駛和行人發出類似足球賽的黃牌警告. 去年單車罰款共有7千起, 是前年的兩倍. 然而很少"自由車"騎士認真穿戴安全帽和醒目 服裝, 超過一半人闖紅燈. The bikes, which are free for the first 30 minutes and are available from 1,200 high-tech docking zones, have proven more vulnerable than expected to thefts and vandalism and less robust than they were supposed to be. 這些公共自行車在租借的前30分鐘免費, 可以在1200個高科技停車場租得. 然而這些 自行車比原本預期的更容易失竊和遭受破壞. JCDecaux, the firm which operates the bicycles in return for concessions in display advertising, acknowledges that it found the scheme tougher than it had expected. About 3,000 of the €400 bikes have been vandalised or stolen, it said. Hundreds have vanished, and Parisians are sighting them in Romania, Casablanca and more exotic spots in Africa. Last month Le Parisien published a picture of a boy showing off his velib in a Romanian village. Rumours fly that port customs officers are discovering containers loaded with velibs. 運作公共自行車的JCDecaux公司從自行車計畫上的展示廣告獲得報酬, 他們承認這個 計畫比預期中艱難. 約3千台單車失竊或遭破壞. 其中上百台消失的車曾被目擊出現 在羅馬尼亞, 卡薩布蘭加和更偏遠的非洲. 上個月Le Parisien公開一張照片, 一個 羅馬尼亞村落的小男孩炫耀著一台"自由車". 謠傳海關曾發現裝載於貨櫃的"自由車". Albert Asseraf, the strategy director at Decaux, said that London should consider a few rules for the scheme: “Install a dense network with docking stations every 350 metres; keep the hire cost minimal; base it on credit [payment] cards, and make sure the maintenance system is up to scratch.” Decaux公司的策略總監認為倫敦應該詳加考慮自行車計畫的規則: "盡可能密集的 提供租還車點, 每350公尺一處; 盡量收取最低租金; 用基於信用卡的付費方式; 確保隨處可得的維修體系." A spokesman for Mr Johnson said yesterday that the Mayor “has already had very productive discussions with Transport for London regarding plans to create a bicycle hire scheme in London, along the lines of the hugely popular velibs scheme in Paris. 倫敦市長的發言人表示, 昨天倫敦市長與TfL(倫敦交通局?)對於打造倫敦的公共租借 自行車計畫, 基於巴黎大受歡迎的"自由車"計畫之上進行了建設性的討論. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: neutrino:轉錄至看板 Ecophilia 07/13 18:18 neutrino:轉錄至看板 bicycle 07/13 18:22
NPLNT:感謝分享 07/13 18:30
※ 編輯: neutrino 來自: (07/13 18:33)