精華區beta IA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
引自華盛頓郵報報導: http://www.washingtonpost.com/    wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/22/AR2008072200161_pf.html India's Government Wins Parliament Confidence Vote 印度政府贏得國會信任案投票 By Rama Lakshmi and Emily Wax Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, July 23, 2008; A12 NEW DELHI, July 22 -- The Indian government survived a crucial vote of confidence Tuesday, clearing the way for the contentious nuclear energy deal with the United States, after a debate peppered with dramatic allegations of backroom lobbying and bribery. 在充滿戲劇性、彼此指控對方進行私下遊說與賄賂的爭議聲中,印度政府本週 二在形勢嚴峻的國會信任投票中獲勝。未來,印度與美國進行核能協議的隱憂 已經清除。 The vote concluded a bitter, nine-month battle in support of the deal by the now-beleaguered coalition government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The agreement, which would give India access to the world market for nuclear fuel and technology, must be approved by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which governs the trade of nuclear materials. The U.S. Congress would then vote on the accord. 信任投票結束長達九個月的鬥爭與仇恨,原先因印美核能協議被群起圍攻的聯合 政府總理辛格獲得支持。印美核能協議讓印度可以透過全球市場購買核能原料與 技術,但此協議尚待管理核能原料交易的國際原子能總署與核子供應國集團同意。 美國國會也將針對此協議進行表決。 "This vote gives a clear message to the world that India's head and heart are sound and India is prepared to take its rightful place in the comity of nations," said a beaming Singh, whose supporters set off firecrackers and beat celebratory drums in the streets of New Delhi. "I have always said the deal was important, and now we know it." 笑容滿面的辛格表示:「這次投票向世界宣告,印度的國家健全,並準備在國際 禮讓下取得正當地位。」他並聲稱:「我一直主張核能協議是重要的,現在印度 人民瞭解了。」辛格的支持者獲知勝利後,歡天喜地在首都新德里街頭燃放鞭炮 與敲鑼打鼓。 But the victory was not without cost for Singh. On a day of intense political drama in Parliament, he faced a chorus of calls for his resignation after opposition members carried two duffel bags full of cash into the assembly building, alleging that the prime minister's allies had used the money to try to buy votes. 但是辛格的勝利必須付出代價。日前他就在國會面臨戲劇性抗議事件,反對黨成 員把兩大袋現金帶進議場,聲稱這是辛格的同謀者用以賄選的證據,並異口同聲 要求下台。 When Singh rose to address the members, he was shouted down by opponents chanting, "Be ashamed, be ashamed," and, "Thief." The prime minister, in his trademark blue turban, sat nonplussed, shuffling through files. His government secured 275 votes in the 541-member lower chamber of Parliament; his opponents secured 256 votes; 10 members abstained. 當辛格起身向國會成員發表演說時,他甚至被反對黨的「見笑、見笑」、「賊仔 」等口號淹沒而停嘴。圍著藍色頭巾個人象徵的辛格,隨之尷尬的坐著整理文件 。辛格政府在541張下議院選票中獲得275票,反對票256票,10票棄權。 In the intensely fought battle, Singh's allies won by wooing support from smaller, regional parties and independent lawmakers and by encouraging either abstentions or defections. Political parties went so far as to arrange for legislators who had been jailed to be temporarily released so they could cast votes. A couple of others were pushed into Parliament in wheelchairs despite their medical ailments and hospital treatments. 在激烈的鬥爭中,辛格的執政聯盟除獲得小型與地方政黨、無黨議員的支持外, 並鼓動其他政黨議員棄權或跑票。甚且短暫釋放因犯罪被關押的議員,以及不顧 兩位議員健康,將重病住院的他們推上輪椅入場投票。 For Singh, a member of the Congress party who has never won a direct election, the vote was one of the biggest victories of his political career. His ruling coalition was forced to call the vote of confidence after a group of communist allies withdrew their support. The parties argued that the U.S. nuclear deal tied India's foreign policy too closely to American interests. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the main opposition party, demanded that the deal be renegotiated so New Delhi would not be "a junior partner" and would maintain the right to conduct nuclear tests. 辛格雖為國會議員之一,卻從未在直選中獲勝,本次信任投票是他政治生涯最大 一場勝利。執政聯盟被迫尋求信任投票的起因在於數個印度共產黨同時撤銷支持 執政聯盟。共產黨指稱,印度與美國的核能協議將把印度的外交政策與美國利益 綁得太近。印度人民黨要求對美重啟談判,讓新德里不致成為美國的跟班,維持 印度進行核子試爆的權利。 Under the historic deal, India would open 14 of its civilian atomic reactors to international inspections. In return, it would be able to develop its civilian nuclear program without having to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. 在這個歷史性協議的架構下,印度將開放14個民用核能反應爐供國際檢查,以換 取印度在不用簽署「核子非擴散條約」的前提下發展民用核子計劃。 "The irony is that for India, this is the best deal since sliced bread. It's hard to imagine a deal that could have been sweeter," Sharon Squassoni, a senior associate in the nonproliferation program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, said in a telephone interview. "India has been given all the benefits without any of the responsibilities of moving toward nuclear disarmament." 卡內基國際和平基金會核子非擴散計畫室資深副研究員夏隆‧史夸松尼接受本報 電話訪問時表示:「諷刺的是,對印度而言,這是最佳協議,很難想到更好的方 案了。」他進一步說明:「印度獲得所有的利益而不用擔負裁減核武的責任。」 But in a country with a long history of suspicion toward Washington, there are remnants of knee-jerk anti-Americanism. Singh was labeled a U.S. stooge, and critics feared the deal would force India to sever its historical ties with Iran. 但在一個長期對美國抱持懷疑的國家內部,仍殘留直覺的反美主義。辛格已被貼 上美國走狗的標籤,批評者更擔心這個協議將切斷印度與伊朗的歷史臍帶。 The prime minister's allies, however, argued that the deal was crucial to India's quest for superpower status. 執政聯盟則主張,核能協議對印度邁向國際超強地位具有重大幫助。 "We have to start thinking like a big and powerful country. Let us not worry about how the world is going to impact us, but think of how India can impact the world," Rahul Gandhi, the ruling Congress party's heir apparent, said during Tuesday's debate. "We must never take our decision based on the fear of the unknown." 「我們須開始設定自己是有力量的大國,不要擔心這個世界如何影響印度,而是 設想印度如何影響世界。」執政黨法定繼承人拉胡‧甘地繼續表示:「我們不能 再因為恐懼不明的未來而去做決定。」 At one point during the debate Tuesday, three members of the BJP rushed to the well of the chamber and waved the wads of cash, shouting that Singh's allies had tried to buy their support for the deal. 週二的辯論中,3個印度人民黨議員突然衝上議事廳,晃動一疊鈔票大吼辛格的 同夥為了通過核能協議打算買票。 "This is a shameful day for Indian democracy -- all for the sake of this nuclear deal," said Brinda Karat, a member of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). "How low can this government fall in their desperation to please America?" 印度共產黨議員卡拉表示:「這是印度民主蒙羞的一天,全都為了這個核能協議 。」他說道:「政府拼命拍美國馬屁,姿態到底要擺多低?」 With the government's survival, the negotiations on the historic agreement will next be taken up Aug. 1 at the International Atomic Energy Agency. 由於執政聯盟已通過信任案,核能協議下一回合進展將是印度與國際原子能總署 8月1號登場的談判。 "We have wasted a lot of time and political energy in building consensus for the nuclear deal in India. Now there is very little time left to complete the international procedures," said retired Gen. Ved Prakash Malik, president of the Institute of Security Studies. "Even the Parliament debate became a political show. Members raised issues of price rise, loan waiver for farmers and murky deals. The real issue, that is the nuclear agreement, got diluted somewhere." 「我們已浪費太多時間與政治能量在建立核能協議的共識上,現在只剩一點時間 完成國際進程。」現為印度安全研究協會主席的退休將軍馬里克認為:「國會的 爭論成了一齣政治秀,議員提出物價上漲、農民貸款減免以及黑暗交易等議題, 真正的核能議題反被稀釋了。」 Many political observers said the vote strengthened Singh's political stature. At the same time, though, the corruption charges against his allies sullied his clean image. 許多政治觀察家表示,信任投票結果強化辛格的政治高度。同時,他的夥伴被指 為賄賂,則玷污他的清白形象。 "He may have won the vote in Parliament, but Manmohan Singh has suffered a moral defeat," said Shahnawaz Hussain, a lawmaker with the opposition BJP. "This government has bent every rule, engaged in highly immoral acts to push the nuclear deal, and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's hands are dirty." 人民黨議員胡珊坦言:「辛格也許贏了國會信任投票,但卻遭遇道德上的挫敗。 這個政府為了核能協議破壞所有規則,採取極為不道德的行動,辛格總理的手是 髒的。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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