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引自紐約時報: http://www.nytimes.com/   2008/07/24/world/asia/24cambo.html?_r=1&ref=world&oref=slogin July 24, 2008 Thailand Assails Cambodia in Dispute Over Temple 泰柬神廟爭議 泰國譴責柬埔寨 By SETH MYDANS BANGKOK — Thailand’s ambassador to the United Nations accused Cambodia on Wednesday of employing diplomatic “guerrilla tactics” in a dispute over an ancient temple to try to redraw the shared 500-mile border. 泰國駐聯合國大使本週三控訴,柬埔寨運用外交游擊戰策略,透過神廟爭議, 企圖重劃兩國長達500英哩的邊界。 The ambassador, Don Pramudwinai, said the Cambodians were using a century-old map of the disputed temple, drawn up when Cambodia was a French colony, in a broader plan to gain more territory. 泰國大使 Don 指出,柬埔寨用一百年前還是法國殖民時期的地圖,指出神廟在 柬埔寨領土範圍內,用以要索更多領土。 “Sometimes our sincere friendship has prompted us to overlook our neighbors’ ultimate motive,” the ambassador told a Thai radio station, speaking from New York, where Cambodia has asked the United Nations Security Council to help resolve the dispute. 泰國大使在紐約接受泰國一家電台訪問時表示:「有時我們的忠實友誼提醒我 們審視鄰國的最終目的。」柬埔寨同樣在紐約的聯合國總部要求安理會協助 解決爭議。 “In this case, they are using guerrilla tactics to ambush us,” he said. About 1.8 square miles of land around the temple form one of 16 sites along the border that involve territorial claims between the two nations. 他說:「這個事件中,柬埔寨正運用游擊戰術設下埋伏。」神廟周圍1.8平方英 哩的範圍,是泰柬邊界沿線16個爭議地點之一。 Hundreds of Thai and Cambodian soldiers remained camped at the 900-year-old temple, perched high on an escarpment in the Dangrek Mountains, which form part of the border. On Tuesday, Cambodia’s foreign minister, Hor Namhong, said international mediation was needed because the two nations were in an “imminent state of war.” 數百名泰、柬兩國士兵仍然佈守在具有900年歷史的神廟附近,駐守在構成兩國 邊界的Dangrek山脈高處。週二,柬埔寨外長Hor表示,兩國已「瀕臨開戰」, 需要國際介入調停。 Sovereignty over the 11thcentury temple, Preah Vihear, has been in dispute since the withdrawal of the French in the 1950s. Although it is easily accessible only from the Thai side, the International Court of Justice awarded sovereignty over the temple to Cambodia in 1962. 建立於11世紀的普利維希神廟自從法國在1950年代撤退後就成為泰、柬兩國 領土爭議。雖然從泰國方向較易進入神廟,但國際法庭在1962年將主權判歸 柬埔寨。 Despite the ambassador’s rhetorical escalation, Thailand’s prime minister, Samak Sundaravej, played down the dispute on Wednesday, predicting tensions would ease after the general election in Cambodia on Sunday. 雖然泰國大使語氣激昂,泰國總理Samak週三則低調處理此事,並預測在柬埔寨 本週日的大選過後,緊張情勢將會緩和。 “After the elections, they will soften their stance and talks will be easier,” he said. “Everything has been done for the July 27 poll and I need to keep quiet so as not to discredit Prime Minister Hun Sen, ” he said, referring to the Cambodian leader. 泰國總理表示:「選後,柬方姿態將會軟化,雙方較容易進行對話。」他說: 「柬埔寨7月27日的選舉已就緒,我必須保持安靜以免影響韓森的名聲。」韓森 現為柬埔寨領導人。 The two sides met on Monday but failed to resolve the dispute, which began earlier this month when Unesco listed the temple as a World Heritage Site, acting on an application from Cambodia and using a map supplied by Cambodia. 本月稍早,聯合國教科文組織通過柬埔寨申請,並引用柬埔寨地圖,將神廟列為 世界遺產,讓這起爭議就此爆發。泰、柬兩造本週一曾進行會談但隨即破局。 The two nations were taking part Wednesday in a meeting in Singapore of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, where diplomats from neighboring nations urged them to find a peaceful solution. 本週三,泰、柬兩國參與在新加坡舉行的東協會議。會中,東南亞鄰國敦促雙方 和平解決爭議。 But the standoff was inflaming nationalist feelings in both countries that have flared into local violence in the past. Opposition politicians in both countries are accusing their governments of being soft in their dealings over the temple. 但由於過去幾天,兩國內部熾熱的民族主義激情已在當地引發暴力事件,加上泰 、柬兩國反對人士各自指控兩國政府在處理爭議時太過軟弱,雙方就此陷入僵局 。 Mr. Samak’s government is under fire from its domestic opponents, for whom the temple is the latest issue in a long-running campaign that has already caused the resignation of a cabinet minister. 泰國總理Samak為此遭受國內抨擊,由於泰國正處競選階段,神廟爭議已使得一 名內閣官員辭職下台。 These critics accuse the government of selling out Thailand’s heritage to further the business interests of the former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a coup in 2006 but whose supporters now control the government. 批評者指稱,泰國政府把泰國歷史遺產出賣光光,藉此促進前總理Thaksin的商 業利益。Thaksin在2006年的政變中被迫下台,但他的支持者現在控制著泰國政 府。 The National Counter Corruption Commission has begun to investigate Mr. Samak and his cabinet over accusations that the government violated the Thai Constitution by supporting Cambodia’s application for a World Heritage listing without consulting Parliament. In principle, the investigation could lead to the impeachment of the entire government. 泰國反貪瀆委員會已著手調查總理Samak及內閣官員是否違背泰國憲法,在未曾 諮詢國會的前提下支持柬埔寨將神廟申請為世界遺產。原則上,調查結果可能成 為是否彈劾政府的依據。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: