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這篇蠻有趣的文章,之前翻譯之後放在股票版 不過其實內容陳述的議題也很適合放在這討論XD 就重新整理一下 po上來 外電來源: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/061008_secret_agenda.htm 2008年比爾德伯格俱樂部會議紀要 Secret Bilderberg Agenda To Microchip Americans Leaked 神秘的比爾德伯格議程大揭密-給美國人植晶片! Elitists want to microchip Americans in name of fighting terrorism, Europeans universally opposed to attack on Iran, Globalists fear oil prices rising too quickly 議題: 1. 菁英人士希望以對抗恐怖主義的名義為美國人植入晶片 2. 歐洲人普遍反對攻擊伊朗 3. 全球化人士擔憂油價漲的太快 Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, June 10, 2008 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/june2008/061008_secret_agenda.htm Sources from inside the 2008 Bilderberg meeting have leaked the details of what elitists were discussing in Chantilly Virginia last week and the talking points were ominous - a plan to microchip Americans under the pretext of fighting terrorist groups which will be identified as blonde haired, blue eyed westerners. 根據消息,2008年的比爾德伯格會議,我們得知菁英份子在維吉尼亞的Chantilly開會的 討論事項,而這些項目是會讓人皺眉的-例如,為了對抗恐怖份子組織,未來可能會融入 金髮藍眼的西方人,因此在這前提之下,這會議起草了個計畫-給美國人植上晶片。 Veteran Bilderberg sleuth Jim Tucker relies on sources who regularly attend Bilderberg as aides and assistants but who are not Bilderberg members themselves. The information they provided this year is bone-chilling for those who have tracked the development of the plan to make the general public consider implanted microchips as a convenience as routine as credit cards. 老牌的比爾德伯格內線-吉彌塔克,依賴的訊息來源是那些獲邀參與會議的助手(不過他 們不是正式成員)。對於部分關心追蹤植入晶片發展(讓它像使用信用卡一樣方便)的人 士,今年傳來的可能是個令人毛骨悚然的訊息。 "Under the heading of resisting terrorism there were points made about how the terrorist organizations are recruiting people who do not look like terrorists - blonde, blue eyed boys - they're searching hard for those types to become the new mad bombers," said Tucker. 塔克說:「在對抗恐怖主義的旗幟下,談論到了某些議題:關於恐怖份子如何招募看起來 不像恐怖份子的人加入成員-例如金髮藍眼的男孩-恐怖份子利用這些不同類型的幫手來 擔任炸彈客」。 As we have documented, the blue eyed blonde haired Al-Qaeda line is a familiar talking point that has been pushed on Fox News and within other Neo-Con circles in an attempt to turn the anti-terror apparatus around to target dissidents, protesters and the American people in general. 依照我們的紀錄,藍眼金髮的蓋達份子戰線近來也逐漸成為福斯(註:保守陣營傳聲筒) 新聞和新保守主義圈子內談論的焦點。他們試圖轉移反恐機制到這些特定目標支持者、抗 議者和普通美國老百姓上。 Ominously, Tucker's source also told him that Bilderberg were discussing the microchipping of humans on a mass scale, which would be introduced under the pretext of fighting terrorism whereby the "good guys" would be allowed to travel freely from airports so long as their microchip could be scanned and the information stored in a database. 令人不快的是,塔克的訊息來源同時告訴他,比爾德伯格同時也討論了廣泛人民植晶片計 劃-以反恐為前提,此計劃宣稱:「好公民」只要願意值入晶片接受檢驗(並列入存檔) ,他們就可以永久地在各機場間穿梭來去自如。 Tucker said the idea was also sold on the basis that it would help hospital staff treat a patient in an emergency situation because a scan of the chip would provide instantaneous access to health details. 塔克同時也說,這個構想同時強調,在植入晶片的基礎上,掃瞄晶片可以提供立即的健康 資訊,所以它可以在緊急狀況時幫助醫療人員。 Tucker underscored that Bilderberg were talking about subdermally implanted chips and not merely RFID chips contained in clothing. The discussion took place in a main conference hall and was part of the agenda, not an off-hand remark in the hotel bar. 塔克強調:比爾德伯格所談論的計畫並不只是在衣服上放入RFID晶片這麼簡單,而是在皮 下組織值入晶片!這樣的討論也不是飯店酒吧裡的閒談,而是搬上了正式的會議廳,成了 會議議程的一部份。 Such a bizarre concept may seem unbelievable to some, but over the last ten years there have been dozens of examples of people accepting implanted chips for a variety of different reasons. 像這樣古怪的構想,對某些人來說,或許看來有些難以置信;但是過去十多年來,在不同 的考量下,也有不少人逐漸接受植入晶片的構想。 In 2004, Mexico's attorney general and 160 of his office staff were implanted with tracker chips to control access to to secure areas of their headquarters. 2004年時,墨西哥法務部長和總部的160位成員接受了晶片植入,用以控制總部人員進出 ,並進而維護總部安全。 The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona and other nightclubs around the world are already offering implantable chips to customers who want to pay for drinks with the wave of a hand and also get access to VIP areas of the club lounge. 巴塞隆納的貝哈海灘俱樂部,以及世界上的部份夜總會,也已經提供顧客值入晶片的服務 -如此一來他們揮揮手就可以買單,也可以進入club lounge的貴賓區。 Bilderberg skeptical of attack on Iran 比爾德伯格對於攻擊伊朗的質疑 Tucker's source told him that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates did attend Bilderberg despite him not appearing on the official list. 塔克的訊息來源告訴他:國防部長蓋茲也參加了比爾德伯格會議,雖然他並沒有出現在官 方出席人員名單上。 Tucker said that his sources told him Gates was in attendance to present his case for war with Iran, but that the majority of Bilderberg members were against an attack at this time. 塔克說:他的消息來源告訴他,蓋茲與會的目的是呈現他的攻伊大計,不過大多數的與會 成員反對在這個節骨眼攻擊伊朗。 "The Europeans were generally opposed to an invasion of Iran - Gates made the regular war propaganda drill about how Iran is a nuclear threat to everybody," said Tucker, adding that European Bilderbergers made snide comments about where such nuclear weapons actually were being kept and at one point joking that they were possibly "in Saddam Hussein's tomb". 塔克說:「即便蓋茲仍舊宣傳伊朗將如何成為每個人的心腹大患(核子威脅),歐洲成員 普遍反對進攻伊朗」。他並強調部分的歐洲比爾德伯格成員甚至毒舌調侃道::「核子武 器在哪呢?大概是在海珊的墳墓裡吧?」 Despite Bilderberg opposition, Tucker said that the administration was still considering an attack before Bush leaves office in January. 即便比爾德伯格持反對態度,塔克表示,相關行政當局仍舊考量在布希離任前攻擊伊朗。 "At least 90 per cent of the Europeans oppose a war, probably closer to 100 per cent," said Tucker, adding, "most of the Americans were passive and deferential to the Secretary of Defense and Condoleezza Rice's pitch in so far as Iran is concerned". 塔克說:「至少有百分之九十、搞不好百分之百的歐洲成員都反對戰爭」。他繼續說:「 而大部分的美國成員對國防部長和萊斯(註:美國國務院總理)的講述內容,抱持著被動 和保留的態度」。 Tucker said that most Americans present at the meeting were opposed to attacking Iran but dare not be as visible and loud in their opposition as the Europeans. 塔克說大部分與會的美國成員反對攻擊伊朗,但是卻不願意像歐洲成員般公開嗆聲。 Energy and oil prices 能源和石油價格 "One of the Bilderberg boys raised this question - should we put a lid on the rise in oil prices, are we reaching the point of diminishing returns," said Tucker, adding that Bilderberg noted how Americans were trading in their SUV's in record numbers for small and more fuel efficient cars and using more public transport to combat high gas prices. 比爾德伯格會議上,有人問了這個問題-當利潤回收越來越低(註:邊際效應遞減)時, 我們應不應該為油價設個上限?塔克說,比爾德伯格會議指出,美國人正以歷史前所未有 的速度將他們的休旅車換成節能的小車,並增加使用大眾運輸以對抗高油價。 Tucker's source said that Bilderberg were predicting $5 for a gallon of gas by the end of this summer and oil over $150 dollars a barrel, but that this was a ceiling and oil prices would probably begin to decline thereafter because they thought the acceleration had happened too quickly. 塔克的訊息來源稱:比爾德伯格預期每加侖5美元的原油會在這個夏末來到,油價也會抵 達每桶150美元的價位,不過,這是個上限了,油價或許會開始下滑,原因是油價漲速過 快了。 As we previously reported, Bilderberg called for oil prices to soar in 2005 when oil was a mere $40 a barrel. 而這如同我們先前所報告過的:應2005年時比爾德伯格會議之要求,原油價格需要上漲, 而當時的每桶原油只有40美金。 During the conference in Germany, Henry Kissinger told his fellow attendees that the elite had resolved to ensure that oil prices would double over the course of the next 12-24 months, which is exactly what happened. 當時在德國的會議,亨利、吉斯傑告訴與會人士,菁英統治集團決定確保油價能夠在未來 的12~24個月內翻兩番,而後來的確也辦到了。 During their 2006 meeting in Ottawa Canada, Bilderberg agreed to push for $105 a barrel before the end of 2008. With that target having been smashed months ago, the acceleration towards $150 is outstripping even Bilderberg's goal, which is why the elitists expressed a desire to cool prices at least in the short term. 而在2006年加拿大渥太華的會議裡,比爾德伯格會議決定進一步推升油價,希望在2008年 底將油價推升到每桶105美元的價格。而這個價格在幾個月前被輕易突破,油價持續飆漲 往150美元邁進,這超過了比爾德伯格會議的目標,而這正是為何菁英統治集團,表達了 希望在短期內暫時冷卻油價的意圖。 Just two days after he left Bilderberg, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, George W. Bush and others expressed support for a strong dollar and Bernanke hinted that interest rates could rise, which immediately caused oil prices to drop in line with Bilderberg's consensus. 而就在離開會議的兩天後,聯準會主席柏南克,美國總統布希和其他官員表達對強勢美元 的支持,伯南克更進一步暗示將會調升利率,如此一來也導致油價開始回檔-初步達成了 比爾德伯格會議的共識。 -- 翻譯稿轉自本人blog http://www.wretch.cc/blog/izaax/12112262 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: isaacchen 來自: (07/26 00:08)
yongqing:RFID類股始創敗XD 07/26 01:26