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As Spain takes one great step forward for animal rights and liberty, activists elsewhere are persecuted 當西班牙在保護動物的權利與自由上有大幅進展時,志士們在其他地 方是被迫害的。 Peter Singer The Guardian, Friday July 18, 2008 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jul/18/ animalwelfare.animalbehaviour In a historic vote last month the Spanish parliament's commission for the environment, agriculture, and fisheries declared its support for The Great Ape Project - a proposal to grant rights to life, liberty, and protection from torture to our closest nonhuman relatives: chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orang-utans. Other countries, such as New Zealand and the UK, have taken steps to protect great apes, but no national parliament has declared that any animal could be a person with rights. 在一項歷史性的投票中,西班牙國會的環境、農業與漁業委員會宣示了它對"大型 猿類計畫"的支持。該項計畫保障了包括黑猩猩、倭黑猩猩、大猩猩、紅毛猩猩等人類 近親的生存權、自由權、以及免與被迫害的權利。其他國家,包括紐西蘭、英國也 採取了措施來保護大型猿類,但是沒有其他任何一國的國會通過類似的保護法案。 Keeping great apes in captivity will be allowed for purposes of conservation only, and then under optimal conditions for the apes. Moreover, the resolution recommends that Spain take steps in international forums to ensure that great apes are protected from maltreatment, slavery, torture and extinction. 只有在保育考量以及飼養條件良好的情況下,大型猿類才能被圈養。更進一步的, 該項決議建議西班牙政府能夠努力在國際論壇中確保大型猿類能夠免與被虐待、 奴役、折磨以及滅絕。 Paola Cavalieri and I founded The Great Ape Project in 1993 to break down the barriers between human and nonhuman animals. Researchers such as Jane Goodall, Diane Fossey and Birute Galdikas have shown that great apes are thinking, self-aware beings with rich emotional lives, and thereby prepared the ground for extending rights to them. 我和Paloa Cavalieri在1993年擬了大猩猩保育計畫來消除人類與非人類動物在享有 權力上的差別。研究者如珍古德、Diane Fossey和Birute Galdikas的研究成果顯示 了大型猿類是能夠思考、有自我意識的生物,並且有豐富的情感生活,因此我們有 充足的理由保障他們的權利。 If we regard human rights as something possessed by all human beings, no matter how limited their intellectual or emotional capacities may be, how can we deny similar rights to great apes? To do so would be to display a prejudice against other beings merely because they are not members of our species - a prejudice we call speciesism, to highlight its resemblance to racism. The Spanish resolution marks the first official acceptance of that view. The use of the term "slavery" in relation to animals is especially significant, for it has been assumed that animals are rightly our slaves, to use as we wish, whether to pull our carts, be models of human diseases for research, or produce eggs, milk, or flesh for us to eat. Recognition by a government that it can be wrong to enslave animals is a significant breach in the wall of exclusive moral significance we have built around our own species. 如果我們認為生而為人就該有人權,不論任何人類個體的智商有多低、感覺有多遲頓, 那我們怎能不讓大型猿類享有類似的權利?這樣做,就等同於我們因為其他生命不是我 們的一份子,就對他們有所偏見。這種偏見為了突顯它和種族歧視的類似,我們稱它為 "物種歧視"。西班牙國會的這項決議突顯了這項觀點在該國是被官方認可的。以"奴役" 來描述動物的處境是格外有意義的,因為這表示了動物正是我們的奴隸,我們可以任 意使喚,不論是拉我們的車,當作醫療實驗品或者當作生蛋、生奶以及產肉的工具。 官方所承認這項觀點,對於只考慮人類權利的傳統道德是一項重大挑戰。 While Spanish parliamentarians were sympathetically considering the rights of animals, in Austria 10 leaders of lawful animal welfare organisations were beginning their fifth week in prison. Police had roused people from their beds, put guns to their heads and seized computers and files, disabling the animal-rights movement on the eve of it launching a new initiative to enshrine the protection of animals in the Austrian constitution. The leaders are being held without charge under a law aimed at members of criminal organisations such as the mafia, and a court has remanded all 10 to be held until September. 當西班牙國會對動物權表示同情時,在澳地利10位合法的動物權組織領導者已經在 苦牢蹲了四個禮拜。警察將人們從床上敲醒,用槍指著他們的頭,沒收電腦及檔案 資料、在動物權組織正要行使創制權讓憲法認可動物的權利時,強制解散組織。 在沒有被起訴的情況下,這些領導者被警方以對付像黑手黨之類的犯罪組織的法律 收押,而法院也裁定他們將被關到9月。 One, Martin Balluch, has been given a 1,500-page police file to justify his arrest. In the file his name is mentioned only three times, all in connection with media interviews or articles. Ironically Balluch, a brilliant man with doctorates in both physics and philosophy, is one of the foremost spokesmen in the worldwide animal rights movement for pursuing the nonviolent, democratic road to reform. In recent years, Austrian animal welfare organisations have been remarkably successful in persuading voters and legislators to support laws phasing out cages for egg-laying hens, cages for raising rabbits for meat, and raising animals for fur. As Balluch writes: "A law banning a whole industry does far more economic damage to the animal abuse industry than anything else the animal movement could do." 其中一位,Martin Balluch,被警方以一份1500頁的文件來將他被逮補合法化。 在這份文件中,他的名字儘被提及三次,通通是跟新聞報導或訪問有關。諷刺的, 身為優秀的物理與哲學博士的Balluch,是一位最熱切的的動物權保護運動的辯 護者,長年致力於以民主、非暴力的手段達成目標。近年來,奧地利的動物保護 組織在宣導公民們支持禁止將蛋雞和肉用兔關起來、飼養動物以取得毛皮的法案 上取得不小的成果。正如Balluch所言"一項禁止整個相關產業的法案對虐待動物 的經濟活動所造成的打擊,比其他任何動物權保護組織所能做的還要大上許多。 The police persecution appears to be an attempt by the conservative party, which controls the ministry of the interior, and its animal industry supporters to strike back at a legitimate, peaceful challenge to the way we treat animals. That this can happen in a European democracy is shocking. 看起來警方的逮補行動是出自於握有內政部的保守黨派的策動。保守黨派在動物產業 的支持者們正以法律與國家機器為武器,打算對動物權保護運動作出重大打擊。 這種事情竟然能在歐州民主國家發生,真是難以想像。 · Peter Singer is professor of bioethics at Princeton University and author of Animal Liberation project-syndicate.org -- 國王用煙霧來迷惑我們,我們要聯合向暴君開戰。 讓戰士們在軍隊里罷工,停止鎮壓,離開暴力機器。 如果他們堅持護衛敵人,讓我們英勇犧牲; 他們將會知道我們的子彈,會射向我們自己的將軍。 國際歌 中文版 http://mymedia.yam.com/m/851626 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
pursuistmi:推 07/18 23:09
※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (07/18 23:14) 請教一下對猿類比較了解的板友,在中文裡chimpanzees、gorillas 和orang-utans是不是沒有區隔,一律稱為大猩猩?謝謝! ※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (07/18 23:26) swallow73:轉錄至看板 GreenParty 07/18 23:27
thigefe:第一個是黑猩猩,第二個是大猩猩,第三個不知 07/18 23:30
swallow73:第三個還是猩猩,如果有看過艾倫坡的The Murders in the 07/18 23:37
swallow73:Rue Morgue應該會對這種力大無窮又殘暴的猩猩印象深刻 07/18 23:37
swallow73:呃,結果中文就只有前面加"黑"、"大"、跟什麼都不加 07/18 23:39
swallow73:來做區隔? 07/18 23:39
※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (07/18 23:44)
thigefe:因為 黑和大 外表就差蠻多的 07/19 21:18
thigefe:第三種應該是紅毛猩猩,外表一樣有差 07/19 22:11
thigefe:剛發現 中文WIKI有說XD 還附圖 07/19 22:19
swallow73:也是,謝謝t大,問了蠢問題,抱歉. 07/20 07:07
※ 編輯: swallow73 來自: (07/20 07:08)