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標題:U.S. Kills Top Qaeda Leader in Southern Somalia 新聞來源: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/15/world/africa/15raid.html?ref=global -home By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN and ERIC SCHMITT Published: September 14, 2009 NAIROBI, Kenya – American commandos killed one of the most wanted Islamic militants in Africa in a daylight raid in southern Somalia Monday, according to American and Somali officials, an indication of the Obama administration’ s willingness to use force against Al Qaeda’s growing influence in the region. 在禮拜一的白晝中 老美突擊隊幹掉了索馬利亞南部的一個回教好戰團體的領導者 Western intelligence agents have described the militant, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, as the ringleader of an Al Qaeda cell in Kenya responsible for the bombing of an Israeli hotel on the Kenyan coast in 2002. Mr. Nabhan may have also played a role in the attacks on two American embassies in East Africa in 1998. Nabhan是凱達組織在非洲的外圍組織頭頭 他要為2002年在肯亞的以色列使館爆炸案負責 在1998年的東非美國使館爆炸案他也參了一腳 American military forces have been hunting him for years, and on Monday, at around 1 p.m., Somali villagers near the town of Baraawe said four military helicopters suddenly materialized over the horizon and shot at two trucks rumbling through the desert. 追捕了數年後 老美用四輛直升機在沙漠中對隆隆作響的兩輛卡車開火 The two trucks were carrying leaders of the Shabab, an Islamist extremist group fighting to overthrow Somalia’s weak but internationally-recognized government. The Shabab work hand-in-hand with foreign terrorists, according to Western and Somali intelligence agents, and in the past few months, as the battle for control of Somalia has intensified, the group seems to be drawing increasingly close to Al Qaeda. 兩輛卡車上載了這個組織的數名頭頭 過去數年裡 他們與索馬利亞政府對抗 並與凱達組織越走越近 American officials on Monday provided few details but confirmed that Special Operations forces commandos, operating from a nearby American warship, participated in the helicopter raid. 直升機是從老美海軍上起飛出發的 Under the Bush administration, the American military used long-range Tomahawk cruise missiles and AC-130 gunships to carry out strikes against terror suspects in Somalia. One American adviser said the decision to use commandos and not long-range missiles in this case may reflect a shift by the Obama administration to go to greater lengths to avoid civilian deaths. In the past, many Somali villagers have been killed by American cruise missiles. 觀察家說 在小布希時代 老美愛用長距離戰斧巡役飛彈與AC-130攻擊直升機來對付恐怖份子 但這樣會讓索馬利亞許多村落中的平民也被波及 歐巴馬改用突擊隊的作法 會讓平民受到波及的程度下降 But urgency was a major, if not overriding, factor as well. The adviser said the Special Operations forces had to act quickly after receiving what they considered reliable information about Mr. Nabhan’s location on Monday. That may explain why they conducted the operation in daylight, putting them at greater risk. 突擊隊的用法就是在收到可信賴情報後要快速反應 這解釋了為什麼他們挑禮拜一白天動手 儘管這樣要冒更大的風險 Despite the danger, the strategy also ensured that the troops could more accurately identify their target, attack it and confirm the deaths afterward. “This approach was, ‘Let’s do it very quickly, very swiftly and confirm he ’s gone,’” the adviser said. 老美現在的行動準則就是用突擊隊用的"快、狠、準" Mr. Nabhan played an increasingly important role as a senior instructor for new militant recruits, including some Americans, as well as a liaison to senior Qaeda leaders in Pakistan, the senior American adviser said. Mr. Nabhan在招募組織成員與和巴基斯坦的凱達高層聯繫上 都扮演越來越重要的角色 “This is very significant because it takes away a person who’s been a main conduit between the East Africa extremists and big Al Qaeda,” said the adviser, who like several United States officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the classified commando forces that carried out the mission. 許多老美軍方高層認為運用突擊隊完成補到這樣一尾大魚的這項任務 是具有象徵意義的 The helicopters, either with sniper bullets or air-to-surface missiles, quickly disabled the trucks, according to villagers in the area, and several of the Shabab fighters tried to fire back. Shabab leaders said that six foreign fighters, including Mr. Nabhan, were quickly killed, along with three Somali Shabab. 直升機用飛彈與機槍壓制了卡車 Mr. Nabhan與其他組織成員被當場擊斃 “We are very upset, very upset,” said a Shabab official from the town of Merka, near where the raid happened. “This is a big loss for us.” 稍後 Shabab組織發表聲明: "我們非常的沮喪,Mr. Nabhan的陣亡對我們是個巨大的損失。" Ahmed Gaabow, a resident of the area, said that the helicopters then landed and retrieved the bodies, apparently for identification purposes. 當地居民說,直升機稍後降落來收集屍體與確認目標的死亡。 Mr. Nabhan, who was thought to be around 30 years old and of Yemeni descent, was born in Mombasa, on Kenya’s coast. American intelligence sources have said that he masterminded the suicide bombing of the Paradise hotel in Mombasa, which killed 11 Kenyans and 3 Israelis and wounded dozens of others. Mr. Nabhan是出生在肯亞蒙巴薩的約30歲葉門人。 他策劃了在肯亞的天堂旅館的自殺爆炸案,該爆炸案造成11名肯亞人與3名以色列人死亡, 另外還有數十名傷者。 The Paradise was a popular Israeli hang-out, complete with a kosher restaurant and synagogue. That same day, Nov. 28, 2002, a group of assailants fired several missiles at an Israeli passenger jet at the Mombasa airport, narrowly missing it. Intelligence agents said Mr. Nabhan helped fire the missiles. 天堂旅館是個完全符合猶太教誡律,因此極受歡迎以色列人歡迎的飯店。 2002年11月28號,一群槍手用炸彈轟了它,據說Mr. Nabha從旁協助。 Mr. Nabhan was one of the handful of Al Qaeda terrorists hiding out in Somalia for years, taking advantage of the country’s chaos to elude the team of international agents pursuing them. Mr. Nabhan is believed to be a close associate of Fazul Abdullah Mohamed, Al Qaeda’s East Africa operations chief, who helped organize the bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, which killed more than 200 people. American military forces have tried to kill Mr. Nabhan and Mr. Mohamed with air strikes several times in the recent years. Mr. Nabhan是凱達組織在索馬利亞做有權力的領導者。 他藉由該國混亂的情勢躲過國際的追補。 他跟凱打組織在東非的頭子Fazul Abdullah Mohamed關係密切, 他們一起策劃行動了1998年在東非與坦尚尼亞共造成200人死亡的美國使館爆炸案。 過去數年間兩人躲過了數次追殺。 The Barawe area, like much of southern Somalia, is controlled by the Shabab, who are not widely popular among Somalis but are known for their fierce fighting skills and passion for their cause. There is increasing evidence that foreign jihadists, like Mr. Nabhan, are leading Somali Shabab and training them in suicide bombs. Barawe地區跟索馬利亞南部許多地區一樣,是由回教游擊隊組織所控制。 他們擅長凶暴且精良的殺戮技巧與任務。這幾年來,像Mr. Nabha這樣外國人領導他們, 並且在當地訓練民兵與自殺炸彈客。 American officials said Mr. Nabhan’s death is likely to send other terrorist suspects scurrying for cover. When they resurface, there may be killings of suspected informants, sowing further turmoil in their ranks, American officials said. 老美官方說,Mr. Nabha的死亡會讓許多恐怖份子頭頭去避風頭。 等到他們重新現身時,他們會殺掉許多可疑的洩密者, 並且在廣大的土地上散播更多的仇恨與恐怖。 Jeffrey Gettleman reported from Nairobi and Eric Schmitt from Washington. Mohamed Ibrahim contributed to the report from Mogadishu, Somalia ------- 小布希愛用戰斧飛彈一方面可以繼續支持國內的國防工業 歐巴馬改變戰術方式 看來是有能力擺脫國防工業的糾纏 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: paradoxmani 來自: (09/15 09:59)
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