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標題:Georgian President says 'Russia fighting war' (Updates with quotes and background) WASHINGTON, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said on Friday that Russia was fighting a war with his country and that Georgians were "looking with hope" to America, but he did not specifically appeal for U.S. help. 喬治亞總統Mikheil Saakashvili禮拜五說,俄國正在對他的國家進行戰爭,並且喬治亞 「懷抱希望」看著美國,但他並沒有特別請求美國介入。 "We have Russian tanks moving in. We have continuous Russian bombardment since yesterday ... specifically targeting the civilian population," Saakashvili said in an interview with CNN. 「俄國坦克正在入侵。我們從昨天開始一直受到俄國轟炸...特別針對平民群眾。」 Mikheil Saakashvili在CNN訪問中說。 "Russia is fighting a war with us in our own territory." 「俄國正在我們自己的領土上對我們進行戰爭。」 Russian forces rolled into Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region and were approaching its capital, Tskhinvali, on Friday, Russia's RIA news agency quoted a Russian military commander as saying. 俄國武裝部隊進入脫離喬治亞的南奧賽梯區域,並且於禮拜五逼近了首都Tskhinvali, 俄國RIA新聞網引述一位俄國軍官。 "This was a very blunt Russian aggression. ... We are right now suffering because we want to be free and we want to be a multiethnic democracy," Saakashvili said in the interview. 這是個非常明顯的俄國侵犯。...我們現在正在受難,因為我們要自由,我們要成為 多民族的民主國家。」Saakashvili在訪問中說道。 Saakashvili, whose country is pushing to join NATO, said the conflict "is not about Georgia anymore. It's about America, its values." Saakashvili領導的喬治亞正在推動加入NATO,並說這次衝突「不再是關於喬治亞了, 而是關於美國,還有其價值。」 "I ... thought that America stands up for those freedom-loving nations and supports them. That's what America is all about. That's why we look with hope at every American," the U.S.-educated president said. 「我...認為美國願意為熱愛自由的國家出頭並且支持他們。這就是美國的價值。這就是 為什麼我們對美國投以希望的眼神,」美國教育出來的總統說。 Neither the White House or the Pentagon had any immediate reaction to the situation. The U.S. Defense Department has less than 120 personnel in Georgia. They are involved in training Georgian forces. 白宮或五角大廈都沒有對事件發展做出任何立即反應。美國國防部在喬治亞僅有少於 120名幹部。他們主要的任務是訓練喬治亞部隊。 Saakashvili said Russia had been preparing for the war for years, amassing troops on Georgia's border for months. Saakashvili說,俄國已經為這場戰爭準備多年,在喬治亞國境外囤兵數月。 "They made no secret. The are unhappy with our closeness with the United States, with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, with the West in general," he said. 他們沒把這當秘密。他們對於我們與美國以及NATO的緊密關係非常不高興,對於我們和 西方世界的關係非常不高興,」他說。 The president said Russian artillery had been shelling Georgian positions for weeks, but he ordered a response only after Russian tanks moved in. Saakashvili說俄國砲兵數週來已經持續砲轟喬治亞地區和設施,但他直到俄國坦克 入侵時才下命令回擊。 Saakashvili rejected Russian assertions that the fighting was sparked by events in South Ossetia, where Moscow accuses Georgian forces of aggressive action against Russian peacekeepers and others. Saakashvili反駁俄國所說衝突是起於南奧賽梯內事件的說法,而莫斯科指責喬治亞部隊 對俄國維和人員和其他人員進行侵犯行為。 He compared the situation to the Soviet invasions of Afghanistan in 1979 and Czechoslovakia in 1968. Georgia and Russia were both part of the Soviet Union until its breakup in 1991. 他把這次衝突比喻為蘇聯1979年入侵阿富汗和1968年入侵捷克斯拉夫的事件。喬治亞和 俄國一直都是蘇聯的一員,直到1991年。 "We are in this situation of self-defense against a big and mighty neighbor. We are a country of less than 5 million people and certainly our forces are not comparable," the president said. 我們現在是防衛自己,對抗一個強大的鄰邦。我們是個人口少於500萬的國家,我們 的部隊明顯處於劣勢,」Saakashvili說道。 "It would be suicidal for us to provoke Russia." 「挑釁蘇聯對我們來說是直如自殺。」 Saakashvili said Georgian forces had shot down two Russian aircraft. "One of the aircraft was specifically attacking a civilian hospital wounding doctors and patients with no real purpose," he said. Saakashvili說,喬治亞部隊已經擊落兩假俄國飛機。「其中一架正在襲擊一間醫院, 無故殺傷醫護人員和病患,」他說。 Saakashvili said he witnessed a Russian air attack -- two jets flying low, looking for "a marketplace in a very busy afternoon, and hitting it, hitting the crowd of people." Saakashvili說他親眼見到俄國空襲─兩架戰機低空飛行,找尋「一座市場,在一個 非常繁忙的下午,攻擊那座市場,攻擊人群。」 c Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved 新聞來源: http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN08472548 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/09 02:05)
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