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Russia hints at long stay in South Ossetia 俄國暗示將在南奧賽梯常駐 TBILISI, Georgia (CNN) -- It is unclear when Russian forces will withdraw from Georgia's breakaway South Ossetia region, Russia's deputy chief of general staff says. 俄國副參謀總長說,俄軍何時將從南奧賽梯撤出還不清楚。 Col. Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn said Thursday a withdrawal plan had to be approved by Russia's defense ministry, before it was signed by President Dmitry Medvedev. Nogovitsyn上將禮拜四說,撤軍計畫要經過俄國國防部同意,並由總統Medvedev簽署。 "It is not easy to turn around the existing [forces] by 180 degrees," Nogovitsyn said. 「把線有部隊轉個180度不是很簡單,」Nogovitsyn說。 His comments followed a report from CNN Correspondent Michael Ware that Russian forces had returned to the Georgian city Gori despite an agreement to hand over control. 他的發言後,CNN記者Michael Ware報導說,俄軍已經重返Gori,雖然已經有同意要把 該城的控制權交出。 However, Georgia's Interior Ministry said the tanks had returned to aid Russia's withdrawal. 但喬治亞內政部說,坦克回去是要幫忙撤軍。 Explosions heard in the city were the result of Russian troops clearing unexploded ordnance, the Interior Ministry said. 城市內的爆炸聲是俄軍在清理未爆彈,內政部表示。 It said Georgian police had begun returning to Gori as Russian forces moved out. Once they were established the Russian troops would fully withdraw. 據報,喬治亞警察已經開始返回Gori,俄軍並開始撤出。一旦警察進駐後,俄軍就會 完全撤出。 However, just how far Russia's forces would move remained unclear. 但俄軍會撤離多遠還不清楚。 During a Moscow visit by the leaders of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Georgia's current borders were "limited" -- an indication that the two breakaway regions may never agree to rejoin it. 俄國外長Lavrov在南奧賽梯和Abkhazia領袖參訪莫斯科時表示,喬治亞目前的界線 已「有限制」──代表兩個分離區域可能不會願意重新回歸喬治亞。 South Ossetia and Abkhazia leaders were in Moscow to meet Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to discuss the future status of their previously autonomous regions within Georgia. 南奧賽梯與Abkhazia的領袖們在莫斯科會見俄國總統,討論他們作為前喬治亞自治區域 的未來。 Their meeting, and Lavrov's comments, raised questions about the complicated and sensitive issue of Georgia's borders after the fighting. 他們的會面,以及Lavrov的發言,讓關於衝突後喬治亞疆界這敏感而複雜的問題開始 受到關注。 "De facto territorial integrity of Georgia is limited because of the conflict, and this problem can be solved only through [the] search for mutual solutions," Lavrov said in an interview with the radio station Echo of Moscow. 「喬治亞領土完整之現況因為衝突受限,而此問題只能透過雙方提出的解決方案處理,」 Lavrov在莫斯科廣播台Echo的訪問中說。 Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili suggested Russia invaded his country to establish control over the former Soviet republic, where a major oil pipeline passes through. 喬治亞總統Saakashvili談到俄國的侵略行為是為了要控制喬治亞這個前蘇維埃共和國; 有條主要油管貫穿喬治亞。 "The fact that the biggest number of bombs fell on purely economic and civilian targets clearly indicated that was a premeditated thing and it had nothing to do only with Abkhazia or South Ossetia," Saakashvili said at a joint news conference with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 「最大量的炸彈調落在純經濟與平民目標上這個適時清楚顯示俄國行動是預謀的,並且與 Abkhazia或南奧賽梯一點關係都沒有,」Saakashvili在一次與土耳其總理Erdogan的 共同記者會上說道。 He questioned why Russia attacked Georgia's oil pipelines which, Saakashvili said, "don't have any military significance." Saakashvili問,為什麼俄國攻擊喬治亞的油管,並認為油管「並無任何軍事意義。」 "Why would one attack them unless there is some other purpose?" 「誰會攻擊這些油管,除非那個人有其他目的?」 Erdogan's visit to Georgia is part of a flurry of diplomacy aimed at stemming the Georgia-Russia conflict, which erupted last week. Erdogan拜訪喬治亞是一系列的希望制止喬治亞與俄國衝突的外交舉動的一環。 U.S. President George W. Bush, who has expressed his deep concern about the situation, has sent Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to meet with European Union leaders in France Thursday. She will then head to Tbilisi. 美國總統布希曾對情勢表達深切地憂心,今以派遣國務卿萊斯與歐盟各領袖於法國會面。 萊斯接下來會前往喬治亞。 French President Nicolas Sarkozy, acting as the president of the European Union, negotiated Tuesday's cease-fire, which called for Russia and U.S. ally Georgia to return their forces to the positions they held August 6, before Georgia's crackdown on South Ossetia. 法國總統Sarkozy,現任歐盟主席,於禮拜四牽成了停火共識,其中要求俄國與喬治亞 將各自的部隊撤到各自於八月六號喬治亞總統對南奧賽梯採取行動之前的部署位置。 However, Georgia's Foreign Ministry said Thursday that Russian troops were moving back into the Black Sea port city of Poti, where the Russians had bombed targets including a military installation and ships. 但喬治亞外交部說俄國部隊撤回了黑海港城Poti。俄軍曾在當地轟炸軍事設施與船艦。 Russian peacekeeping troops were also in the western Georgian city of Zugdidi, just outside Abkhazia. Video showed the Russians -- clearly wearing the blue helmets which signify their peacekeeper status -- at the official government residence in the town. 俄國維和部隊也在喬治亞西部城市、Abkhazia附近的Zugdidi駐紮。影片顯示穿戴維和 人員藍色頭盔的俄軍部署在當地政府前。 Russian authorities have defended incursions around Gori, saying their troops had moved into the area to guard a large arsenal of weapons and other military hardware left unattended during the conflict. 俄國當局為俄軍在Gori附近活動辯護,宣稱他們的部隊入駐當地,是為了保護在衝突中 被棄置的武器庫與其他軍事硬體設備。 U.S. officials said it believed Russia may have 15,000 or more troops in the region, between 5,000 and 7,000 more than when the fighting began. 美國官方預測,俄國或許有一萬五千名以上的部隊在當地駐留,約比事件開始前多了 五千到七千名。 Lavrov said Russia's operations were about "peace-enforcement" in respect of Georgia, which "violates all of its obligations." Lavrov說俄軍的行動多是關於針對喬治亞來「維持和平」,宣稱該國「違反了自己所有 的義務。」 International agreements signed in the early 1990s allow Russian peacekeepers to maintain a presence in South Ossetia and Abkhazia as part of a force including Georgians and South Ossetians. 1990年代簽署的國際協議容許俄國維和部隊在南奧賽梯和Abkhazia駐守,作為包括 喬治亞和南奧賽梯等三方維和部隊的一部份。 Meanwhile, BP confirmed Thursday that it had resumed pumping gas into its South Caucaus pipeline. The line runs from Baku in Azerbijan, through Tblisi in Georgia to Erzurum in Turkey. The Western Route oil export pipeline, which runs from Baku to Supsa, Georgia, on the Black Sea, remained shut. 同時,英國石油禮拜四證實該公司已經重新啟動南高加索區的油管運輸。該油管從 亞賽拜然的Baku經由喬治亞的Tbilisi通道土耳其的Erzurum。從Baku到喬治亞的Supsa的 西路石油出口管線仍然維持停運。 BP shut down the two pipelines Tuesday morning as a "precaution" during the fighting. BP禮拜二早上關閉兩管以因應兩國衝突。 The conflict began late last week when Georgia launched a military incursion into South Ossetia in an effort to rout rebels. 衝突是上禮拜當喬治亞對南奧賽梯進行武裝入侵來擊潰反抗軍時爆發。 Russia -- which supports the separatists -- responded the next day, sending tanks across the border into South Ossetia. The conflict quickly spread to parts of Georgia and to Abkhazia. 支持反抗分離份子的俄國隔天反應,派遣坦克越過國界進入南奧賽梯。該衝突快速 擴張到喬治亞其他部分以及Abkhazia。 Copyright 2008 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/08/14/georgia.russia.war/index.html -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ncyc:維和維到Gori... 08/14 23:00
simmon989:史達林的家耶~ 08/14 23:01
※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/14 23:02)
simmon989:油管沒事 油價應該不會飆了吧 等明天降價囉:P 08/14 23:04
FranKang:史達林又怎樣?蘇聯老大哥自1970年代就開始清算史達林了 08/14 23:18
yeh67:兩千俄羅斯族的南奧塞梯人白死嗎? 08/14 23:28
yeh67:一旦戰爭 鮮血就不能白流 08/14 23:30
yeh67:要回到戰前狀態是不可能的事 08/14 23:31
Su22:在政客眼中,兩千只是個數字... 08/14 23:31
constantin:俄羅斯族的南奧賽梯人? 08/15 00:04
FranKang:就算是南奧塞梯亞全是俄羅斯族,南奧塞梯亞還是不是俄羅 08/15 00:31
FranKang:斯的領土。就像臺灣人大多是福建省武夷山以南人氏的後代 08/15 00:32
FranKang:能因此說臺灣是福建省甚至是中共政權的一部分嗎? 08/15 00:32
heronisolate:英美媒體這次沒趁機痛罵俄國... 08/15 01:56
Vicky1016:因為戰爭是喬治亞先發起的 08/15 02:05
Vicky1016:還有南奧賽梯跟阿布哈茲兩個地區 喬治亞從蘇聯解體以來 08/15 02:06
Vicky1016:就沒有統治過 南奧塞梯2006年辦過獨立公投 99%當地居民 08/15 02:06
Vicky1016:支持獨立 但不被歐美承認 08/15 02:06
heronisolate:歐美又認為投票過程有問題? 08/15 02:07
Vicky1016:因為當時喬治亞已經經過顏色革命 薩咖稀微力親西方 08/15 02:11
Vicky1016:所以歐美站在喬治亞這邊 否認公投效力 而且好玩地是 08/15 02:11
Vicky1016:當時公投歐盟有派觀察員去 08/15 02:11
overwhelming:說穿了就是只承認對自己有利的事情 哪個國家都一樣 08/15 04:22
seeback:看來這邊會出現停戰線,喬治亞失去天險保障 08/15 06:41