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Georgia calls for ceasefire after Russian invasion Georgia’s president Mikail Saakashvili has called for an immediate cease fire claiming that Russia has launched a full-scale military invasion on his country. 喬治亞總統希望達成立即停火協議,宣稱俄國對他的國家發動全面軍事侵略。 The fighting between Russian and Georgian forces intensified today in the separatist region of South Ossetia. 俄國和喬治亞軍隊於南奧賽梯區域的交火今天加劇。 Russia claimed it had driven Georgian forces from Tskhinvali, the capital of the breakaway region, and was now in control of the area. Georgian officials have dismissed the claims. 俄國宣成其部隊已經將喬治亞軍隊自Tskhinvali逐出,並現在已經控制該區。喬治亞 當局駁斥該項聲明。 Georgia's parliament today approved a state of war across the ex-Soviet country, which Saakashvili decreed would be valid for 15 days. 喬治亞國會今天通過全面進入戰爭狀態,持續15天。 ... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4491738.ece 煩請注意附上原稿來源 Georgia calls for ceasefire in S. Ossetia By Matt Robinson GORI, Georgia (Reuters) - Georgia called for a ceasefire on Saturday after Russian bombers widened an offensive to force back Georgian troops seeking control over the breakaway region of South Ossetia. 喬治亞當局要求停火:該國面臨俄國轟炸機擴大的攻勢,以驅逐企圖控制南奧賽梯的 喬治亞部隊。 ... Abkhazia, another pro-Russian enclave in Georgia, said its forces had begun an operation to drive out Georgian forces. One report from a pro-Georgian spokesman said Russian planes had carried out bombing raids, but the Abkhaz separatists said it was their aircraft that were involved. Abkhazia,另一個傾俄的喬治亞國中國,說他的武裝力量已經開始驅逐喬治亞軍隊。 一名傾喬治亞的發言人說是俄國戰機執行的轟炸,但Abkhaz的分離派宣稱是他們自己 的戰機執行的轟炸。 ... The Russian military said more reinforcements were on their way but Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow was not seeking all-out war with Georgia. 俄軍說,更多援軍正在前往衝突地點,但俄國外長說莫斯科不欲對喬治亞全面開戰。 Georgia was planning to bring its entire Iraq contingent of 2,000 soldiers home as soon as the United States can provide transport, the commander of the unit said on Saturday. 喬治亞計畫把在伊拉克的2000名部隊抽調回國,並說美國可以提供運輸工具,喬治亞 駐伊部隊長官禮拜六表示。 http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSL768040420080809?pageNumber= 2&virtualBrandChannel=0&sp=true -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
koukai2:剛剛還在看喬治亞對巴西的沙灘排球... 08/09 21:47
witte1227:感覺和改編湯姆克蘭西的遊戲"火線獵殺"的劇情好像... 08/09 21:53
witte1227:而且時間設定也是在2008年!(指遊戲的1代) 08/09 21:54
※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/09 22:18)
SpetznazX:真的耶 湯姆大叔難道會預言?! 08/10 00:02