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Russian anger at US missile deal 俄國對美波飛彈協定震怒 The missiles would be similar to those based in Alaska and California 這些飛彈非常類似常備於阿拉斯加和加州基地的飛彈 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has said that a preliminary deal allowing the US to site missiles in Poland is aimed against Russia. 俄羅斯總統Dmitry Medvedev表示美國初步的飛彈協定居然是將飛彈安置於波蘭,並且瞄 準俄羅斯 Poland will host the missiles as part of a defence shield the US says it needs against "rogue states" like Iran. 美國則表示這是要幫助波蘭對付依些流氓國家像是伊朗等等 But Mr Medvedev said it demonstrated that Russia's concerns about new systems in eastern Europe were valid. 不過俄羅斯總統Dmitry Medvedev也表示此舉是對於俄羅斯新的東歐飛彈防禦系統產生 懼怕 "The deployment of new anti-missile forces has as its aim the Russian Federation," he said. "新式反飛彈火力部屬的範圍嚴重威脅到俄羅斯聯邦" Under the deal signed on Thursday, the US will install 10 interceptor missiles at a base on the Baltic coast in return for help strengthening Polish air defences. 美國在停戰協定簽訂後隨即在波蘭沿海設置了10枚攔截飛彈 A top general in Moscow said the move would worsen ties with the West already strained by the Georgian conflict. 俄羅斯的一位將軍表示這樣的舉動只會讓西方對於喬治亞的情勢更加緊張 'Worsen ties' (俄羅斯抗議) Russia's envoy to Nato has meanwhile been quoted as saying the timing of the deal shows its true purpose is to counter Russia's "strategic potential". 俄羅斯外交部對北約提出質疑,認為美國的飛彈部屬的真正目的是要對抗俄羅斯的"戰略 力量" At a press conference in Moscow on Friday, Russia's deputy chief of general staff, Gen Anatoly Nogovitsyn, said the US move "cannot go unpunished". 俄羅斯參謀總部的Gen Anatoly Nogovitsyn禮拜五表示美國的舉動無疑"無法原諒" "It's a cause for regret that at a time when we are already in a difficult situation, the American side further exacerbates the situation in relations between the United States and Russia," Gen Nogovitsyn said. "我們和美國已經處於不同的體制,美國的舉動只會使的兩國關係更加惡化" Russia's envoy to Nato, Dmitry Rogozin, meanwhile reportedly criticised the decision to sign the deal during a "very difficult crisis in the relations between Russia and the UnitedStates over the situation in Georgia". 俄羅斯外交部Dmitry Rogozin向北約表示,這個條約是趁俄羅斯與喬治亞開戰的混亂期間 所簽訂的 Mr Rogozin told Reuters news agency the timing showed "the missile defence system will be deployed not against Iran but against the strategic potential of Russia". 他也向路透社表示這個飛彈防禦系統的最終目的並不是伊朗或其他國家,正是俄羅斯聯邦 Moscow has long argued the project will upset the military balance in Europe and has warned it will be forced to redirect its missiles at Poland. 莫斯科長期對於這項計畫提出抗議,並表示這樣的情勢會破壞此區域的武力平衡,並迫使 俄羅斯對於波蘭的飛彈部屬做出重置的動作 'New proposals' (美軍辯詞) The US has urged Russia to withdraw troops that have fought with Georgian forces after Tbilisi attempted to retake the separatist region of South Ossetia late last week. 美國要求俄羅斯從South Ossetia撤軍 "I consider that the United States is not acting in a cautious manner in this situation," Mr Rogozin said, when asked about US-Russian relations and the situation in Georgia. 俄羅斯外交部Dmitry Rogozin在接受訪問時表示"我認為美軍在此舉並不十分謹慎" Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told the BBC's World Tonight programme on Thursday that the timing of the missile deal had nothing to do with hostilities in Georgia. 波蘭外交官 Minister Radoslaw Sikorski則向BBC表示"這個飛彈協定跟喬治亞戰爭 情勢完全沒有關聯性" "We agreed this negotiating phase a week ago, which was... before the events in Georgia, and because of the US calendar there was some urgency," he said. "我們在一周前就同意了這項飛彈協定,時間遠早於喬治亞戰爭爆發前,美國也清楚了解 此舉的必要性" "But, what is crucial, and what decided the success of the talks over the last couple of days, was that the US offered us new proposals." "但是最重要的關鍵是美國對波蘭提出的新計畫" Unlike the US, Poland sees Russia as a bigger threat to its security than so-called rogue states such as Iran, the BBC's Adam Easton in Warsaw says. BBC的 Adam Easton 表示波蘭認為俄羅斯是一個比起那些被視為流氓的伊朗等等的國 家,更具威脅性 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is reported to have cancelled a scheduled visit to Poland shortly after the deal was announced 俄羅斯外交部在悉知這項飛彈協定之後立即取消了波蘭的訪問計畫 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7563182.stm 來源 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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