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標題:Russia 'ends Georgia operation' Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered an end to military operations against Georgia, the Kremlin says. 俄國總統Medvedev已經下令結束對喬治亞的軍事行動,克里姆林宮說。 He told officials he had taken the decision to end the campaign after restoring security for civilians and peacekeepers in South Ossetia. 他告訴俄國官員他已決定在確保南奧賽梯的平民以及維和人員安全後結束軍事行動。 However, Russia has been highly critical of Georgia's leadership, and there were no signs of imminent talks. 但俄國對於喬治亞領導十分不滿,並至目前沒有雙方進行談判跡象。 Before the announcement, there were fresh reports of Russian warplanes bombing the Georgian town of Gori. 聲明公布前,才剛有關於俄國轟炸喬治亞城市Gori的新報導。 Witnesses told the BBC that several people were killed when a bomb hit a hospital in the town, which is 10 miles (15km) from the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinvali. 目擊者告訴BBC多人被落在一間醫院附近的炸彈所殺,地點約在距離南奧賽梯首都 Tskhinvali十英里左右的地方。 A reporter for Reuters news agency said several bombs exploded in front of his vehicle, while a Reuters photographer spoke of seeing dead and injured people lying in the streets. 一名路透社記者說有數枚炸彈在他的座車前爆炸,同時一名路透社攝影師表示看見 死亡與受傷的平民倒在街上。 Officials in the Netherlands, meanwhile, confirmed that a Dutch TV cameraman was among those killed in Gori and a journalist was wounded. 荷蘭官員則證實,一名荷蘭攝影師在Gori身亡,同時還有一名記者受傷。 The BBC's Gabriel Gatehouse, near Gori, reported seeing sporadic artillery fire around the town right up until shortly before the Russian announcement. 在Gori附近的BBC記者Gabriel Gatehouse報導,說他看見零星砲火在城市附近爆炸, 且就是在俄國宣布停戰消息之後不久。 Our correspondent said there was no sign of Russian troops south of Gori, but said there were a number of Georgian military vehicles abandoned or burnt on the road outside the town. 我們的特約記者說,Gori城南沒有俄軍蹤影,但有多輛喬治亞軍車被擊毀或棄置在 城外路上。 After Mr Medvedev's statement, Georgia's foreign ministry released a statement insisting that Russian bombing raids were continuing against villages outside South Ossetia, although these reports could not be immediately confirmed. 俄國總統發佈聲明後,喬治亞的外交部發佈聲明,堅持俄國的針對南奧賽梯外的村落 之轟炸行動並未停止,雖然這些報導無法立即被證實。 In Georgia's other breakaway region, Abkhazia, separatist rebels continued an offensive against Georgian troops in the Kodori Gorge region - the only area of Abkhazia still under Georgian military control. 在另一個喬治亞分離區域Abkhazia,分離份子持續對駐防在科多里河谷地帶的喬治亞 部隊發動攻勢──這是喬治亞在Abkhazia僅存的控制區域。 'Safety restored' According to a statement, Mr Medvedev told his defence minister and chief of staff that "the goal has been attained". 根據聲明,俄國總統告知其國防部長與參謀總長說「目標已經達成」。 "I've decided to finish the operation to force the Georgian authorities to peace. The safety of our peacekeeping forces and civilian population has been restored," he said. 我已經決定停止逼迫喬治亞當局媾和的公式。我們維和部隊和平民的安全已經確立了,」 他說。 "The aggressor has been punished, having sustained considerable losses. Its armed forces have been disorganised." 「入侵者已被懲罰,並承受了可觀的損失。其武裝力量已經被擊潰。」 The BBC's James Rodgers, in Moscow, said there is no sign yet that Russia is willing to engage in talks with the government in Tbilisi. BBC記者James Rodgers於莫斯科報導說,仍沒有俄國欲與喬治亞當局進行協商的跡象。 Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, has insisted that Georgia must sign a legally binding document on the non-use of force. 惡國外長Lavrov堅持說,喬治亞必須簽署有法律效力的文件保證其不使用武力的承諾。 And Mr Medvedev warned that Russia would not tolerate any further Georgian military activity in South Ossetia, saying: "Should centres of resistance or other aggressive attempts arise, you must take the decision to destroy them." Medvedev警告說,俄國不會再容忍任何喬治亞軍方在南奧塞梯的軍事行動,並說,「若 有反抗核心或有任何激烈舉動,你必須決定摧毀他們。」 Georgia also remained sceptical, the country's prime minister telling Reuters that troops would remain "mobilised... ready for anything" until a binding agreement was signed between the two countries. 喬治亞仍然存疑,其國家總理告知路透社說,該國軍隊會仍然「保持動員狀態...隨時 應付任何情況」直到兩國都簽署了有法律效力的協定。 Foreign influence 外國影響 News of Mr Medvedev's decision emerged as French President Nicolas Sarkozy arrived in Moscow expecting to press Russia on the need for a ceasefire. Medvedev的決定是在法國總統Sarkozy到達莫斯科時定下的。預期中,Sarkozy會要求 俄國停火。 Mr Sarkozy said the Russian announcement was "good news" and called for an immediate implementation of the ceasefire. Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people Sarkozy說俄國的聲明是「好消息」,並呼籲立刻落實停火決策。俄國侵犯了一個主權 鄰近國家,並威脅了其人民選出的民主政府。 The BBC's diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall says the timing of the Russian president's announcement is important. BBC外交特派記者Bridget Kendall說,俄國總統發出聲明的時機很重要。 Mr Sarkozy is currently serving as president of the European Union, our correspondent notes, and arrived in Moscow to speak on behalf of the entire bloc. 我們的特派記者說Sarkozy目前是歐盟主席,並代表歐盟前往莫斯科協商。 The Russian move also followed strong comments from US President George W Bush, in which he spoke directly of concerns that Russia was planning to topple Georgia's pro-Western president. 俄國的動作也是在美國總統布希的強烈聲明之後產生,其中布希很直接地表達對於俄國 計畫推翻喬治亞西傾的總統的憂慮。 "Russia has invaded a sovereign neighbouring state and threatens a democratic government elected by its people," he said. 「俄國侵犯了一個主權鄰邦,並威脅了其人民選出的民主政府,」他說。 "Such an action is unacceptable in the 21st Century." 「這個舉動在21世紀是不被允許的。」 Our correspondent says she listened in amazement to Mr Bush's strongly-worded statement, adding that Mr Medvedev's announcement must be seen in the light of the US president's words. 我們的特派記者說,她對於布希強硬的聲明感到訝異,並表示Medvedev的發言必定是 有仔細思考過美國總統的聲明。 The five-day-old conflict began late on 7 August when Georgian forces bombarded the breakaway province of South Ossetia, where a majority of people hold Russian passports. 這個持續五天的衝突是從八月七號晚間發生,當時俄國部隊針對南奧賽梯進行砲轟, 該地區多數人持有俄國護照。 Russia quickly became involved, bombing targets throughout Georgia and sending troops in to recapture South Ossetia. 俄國立刻干預,轟炸喬治亞目標,同時派遣部隊重新奪回南奧賽梯。 Some 100,000 people are estimated to have been displaced by the conflict. 約有十萬人因為這次衝突流離失所。 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7555858.stm 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/12 20:21) ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/12 21:12)