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U.S.: Russia trying to topple Georgian government UNITED NATIONS (CNN) -- The United States on Sunday accused Russia of trying to overthrow the government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia, where Russian troops have been battling Georgian forces over the breakaway territory of South Ossetia. 美國禮拜天指控俄國試圖推翻喬治亞,前蘇維埃共和國成員。俄國部隊在喬治亞與喬治亞 部隊為了希望與喬治亞分離的南奧賽梯區域交戰。 At an emergency session of the United Nations' Security Council, the U.S. alleged Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili "must go." 在聯合國安理會緊急會議裡,美國宣稱,俄國外長Lavrov告知美國國務卿萊斯說, 喬治亞總統Saakashvili「必須下台」。 "This is completely unacceptable and crosses a line," said the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Zalmay Khalilzad, who made the allegation. 「這是完全無法接受的,逾舉的行為,」提出指控的美國駐聯合國大使Khalilzad說。 In a crackling exchange of a type rarely seen since the end of the Cold War, Khalilzad asked Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin whether the Russians were seeking "regime change" in Georgia with the military operation they launched Friday. 在一系列冷戰後罕見的唇槍舌戰中,Khalilzad問俄國駐聯合國大使Churkin,是否俄國人 希望利用他們於禮拜五發動的軍事行動促成喬治亞出現「政權交替」。 In response, Churkin objected to the disclosure of a confidential phone call between top diplomats and said "regime change" was "an American expression." Churkin反駁了美國披露的美俄外交高層之機密電話內容,並說「政權交替」是 「美方用詞」。 The term was one the Bush administration used to describe its goals in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which Russia opposed. But Churkin said some leaders "become an obstacle" to their own people, and "some situations take courageous decisions with regard to the political future." 布希政府就是用這個詞彙形容2003年美國對伊拉克採取俄國反對的軍事行動時要達成 的目的。但Churkin說,一些領袖已成為他們自己的人民「絆腳石」,同時「一些狀況 需要勇敢的決定來面對政治未來。」 "Sometimes there are democratically elected or semi-democratically elected leaders who do things which create grave problems for their countries," Churkin told reporters after the meeting. "So sometimes, those leaders should contemplate how useful they have become to their people." 「有時候,民主選舉或半民主選舉的領袖會為自己的國家造成一些嚴重的問題,」 Churkin會後告知記者。「所以有時候,那些領袖應該思考,他們要如何才能讓自己 對人民有利。」 The pro-Western Saakashvili came to power in Georgia's "Rose Revolution" in 2003 and was elected president in 2004 and 2008. His government has strong U.S. backing, has contributed troops to the American-led war in Iraq and applied for membership in NATO. 西傾的Saakashvili於2003年靠著喬治亞的「玫瑰革命」上台,並於2004年和2008年 被選為總統。他的政府有美國的強力後盾,不僅也貢獻部隊投入美國主導的伊拉克戰爭, 同時還申請要成為北約會員國。 Georgia's ambassador, Irakli Alasania, said Churkin's meaning was clear enough. 喬治亞駐聯合國大使Alasania說,Churkin的意圖太明顯不過了。 "For me, it confirms that what the Russian Federation is seeking through this military aggression and invasion is to change the democratically elected Georgian government," Alasania said. 「對我來說,這證實了俄羅斯聯邦希望透過軍事恫嚇和侵略來改變民主程序選出來的 喬治亞政府,」Alasania說道。 Khalilzad said the United States plans to offer a draft resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in Georgia, accusing Russian forces of impeding the withdrawal of Georgian troops from the territory. Though Russia could veto the measure in the Security Council, he said Moscow "is on the wrong side here" and risked damaging its ties with Washington and the West. Khalilzad說,美國計畫提出一份決議草案,呼籲喬治亞區域立即停火,指控俄國 武力阻撓喬治亞部隊自該區撤離。雖然俄國可於安理會否決這項草案,她說莫斯科 「此事站錯邊」,並可能冒著損害俄國與華盛頓和西方的關係。 "The days of overthrowing leaders by military means in Europe -- those days are gone," Khalilzad said. 「在歐洲用武力推翻領導人的時代已經過了,」Khalilzad說。 The situation in South Ossetia escalated rapidly from Thursday night, when Georgia said it launched an operation into the region after artillery fire from separatists killed 10 people. It accused Russia of backing the separatists. 禮拜四開始,當喬治亞表示已發動軍事攻擊以回應分離份子在當地開砲造成十人傷亡後, 南奧賽梯的情勢急速惡化。喬治亞當局指控俄國支持分離主義份子。 Russia sent tanks to South Ossetia on Friday, saying it wanted to protect its peacekeepers posted there following cease-fires in years past. By Sunday the conflict was raging in other parts of Georgia as well, including another breakaway area, Abkhazia, located in northwestern Georgia. 俄國於禮拜五派遣坦克部隊前往南奧賽梯,宣稱要保衛數年以來駐紮當地的維和人員。 星期天,衝突已經在喬治亞其他地方蔓延開來,如西北方的Abkhazia,另一個希望 分離的區域。 Each side accused the other of killing large numbers of civilians. Russia said at least 2,000 people have been killed in South Ossetia's capital, Tskhinvali. 雙方都指責對方殺傷大量的平民。俄國說,至少有兩千人在南奧賽梯首都Tskhinvali 被殺死。 Churkin repeated Russia's position that it is responding to Thursday's Georgian attack on South Ossetia, which, although inside Georgia, has an autonomous government that is backed by Moscow. Churkin再次重申俄國的立場,說俄國的行動釋回映喬治亞對南奧賽梯的攻擊;南奧賽梯 雖然在喬治亞境內,確有個莫斯科支持的自治政府。 Churkin said Russia's military action is a humanitarian campaign aimed at blocking the "ethnic cleansing" of Ossetians by ethnic Georgians. Churkin說,俄國的軍事行動是個人道主義行動,目的是要阻止喬治亞裔對奧賽提裔的 「種族淨化」。 He also challenged Khalilzad's argument that Russian forces were waging a "campaign of terror" there, essentially telling council members to consider the source. 他同時質疑Khalilzad認為俄國部隊是在當地發動「恐怖的行動」的說法,簡單地提醒 各會員國思考美方的消息來源。 "This statement, ambassador, is absolutely unacceptable -- particularly from the lips of the permanent representative of a country whose actions we are aware of, including with regard to civilian populations in Iraq and Afghanistan and Serbia," Churkin said. 「這個說法,美方大使,是無法被接受的──特別是,這是出自一個我們非常瞭解其舉動 的國家代表口中,包括其對於伊拉克、阿富汗、以及塞爾維亞平民所作所為,」Churkin 說道。 But Churkin drew a rebuke from other Security Council members, including its current president, after he questioned the objectivity of a top U.N. official who briefed ambassadors on the conflict in Georgia. 但Churkin的說法也被其他安理會成員攻擊:一位聯合國高級官員為各大使做喬治亞衝突 事件簡報後,churkin質疑他的客觀性;包括安理會目前的主席對Churkin提出異議。 The Security Council's president, Belgium's Jan Grauls, said he was "surprised and dismayed" by Churkin's swipe at Lynn Pascoe, the U.N. undersecretary for political affairs. 比利時籍的安理會主席說他對於Churkin攻訐聯合國政治事物次長Lynn Pascoe的舉動 感到「訝異和不解」。 Churkin said Pascoe's briefing, which included a statement from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, "shows that the Secretariat of the United Nations and its leadership was not able to adopt that objective position that is required by the substance of this conflict." Churkin認為Pascoe的簡報(其中包括一個來自聯合國秘書長潘基文的聲明) 「展現出聯合國秘書長以及其領導能力無法站在解決這次衝突必備的客觀立場上。」 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/08/10/un.georgia/ 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: