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Indians Trapped by Debt as Easy Money Dries Up 印度人被債務所苦 Rising mortgage payments, soaring inflation and fuel prices were beginning to put the squeeze on the spending spree he'd taken for granted for the past four years. So after painstaking discussions with his wife, he drew up a list of expenses to cut. The family would stop buying famous-brand clothes. They would not window-shop if they did not need anything. They would use credit cards less and replace their gasoline-fueled car with a vehicle that uses cheaper natural gas. 印度當地的抵押貸款利息升高、通貨膨脹、高油價等等情勢開始壓榨印度人的開銷。他們 開始減少家庭開銷、不逛名牌服飾店、減少信用卡的使用並換開始用天然氣的交通工具。 The past four years have brought India economic growth of seemingly unstoppable momentum, often 9 percent a year, helped along by big inflows of foreign investment. Rising incomes and low interest rates enabled many middle-class Indians to realize the dream of owning a home, even while still in their 30s. 再過去的四年裡,印度的經濟大好,成長率高達9%,大量流入的外資和低利率讓他們在 30歲就有能力購買房子 But economists warned that the economy was overheating, producing inflation and speculative bubbles in real estate and the stock market. So government policymakers moved to cool things down by raising interest rates and tightening the rules for home loans. 但是經濟的過熱導致通貨膨脹、房地產泡沫化和股市的不穩定,所以印度政府祭出了提高 利率和改變房屋租貸法來冷卻過熱的經濟。 On Wednesday, the government projected the growth rate would fall this year to 7.7 percent, compared with nearly 9 percent last year. Industrial output slipped to its lowest in six years, growing 5.4 percent in June, compared with 8.9 percent in the same month last year. 今年印度的產值下滑到7.7%,比起去年的9%明顯短少了許多。另外今年六月的經濟成長率 也只有5.4%,一樣低於去年六月的8.9% Trapped in debt, many middle-class Indians are struggling to cope. Raina's monthly mortgage payment has gone up by 12 percent. "I have to cut corners now, or I may not be able to pay back my loan before retirement," he said. Payments on some loans have doubled since 2004, when interest rates were at a record low. 被房貸困住的中產階級窮於應付目前的情勢。Raina的月抵押貸款飆高到12%,"我必須要 縮衣節食才能在退休之前付清我的房貸"印度當地部分的房貸金額從2004年起已經升高到 兩倍之譜 A senior government economic official acknowledged that inflation, now at 12 percent, a 13-year high, has exceeded the tolerance level of many Indians. But he said that the government's moves are having the desired and ultimately positive effect. 印度政府經濟部表示目前的通貨膨脹率為12%,已經創下13年來的新高,也超過了大多數 印度人所能容忍的程度,不過同時也預期政府的這項措施將有助於減緩經濟過熱的潛在危 險 "The monetary policy actions that have been taken during the past 12 to 18 months, following the financial crises in the West, have dampened the overheated land markets," said Arvind Virmani, chief economic adviser in the government, in an e-mail. "Some effect on consumer credit and related purchases of durable goods is also to be expected. The 93 percent rise in oil prices has however made it extremely challenging to manage inflation and growth." 印度經濟總顧問Arvind Virmani在電子郵件中表示"利率政策已經實行了12到18個月,伴 隨者西方的經濟危機,已經減緩了過熱的經濟","消費者的信用借款和永久財的影響已 經慢慢浮現,加上上漲了93%油價更加重通貨膨脹管理的難度" Marketing and retail brand strategist Harish Bijoor says that Indians are now buying, vacationing and dining out less. In Mumbai, the country's unofficial commercial capital, the frequency of dining out has dropped by a third in the past three months. 行銷顧問Harish Bijoor表示"印度人現在減少了消費、度假和外食頻率。在孟買,外食 的頻率再過去的三個月裡減少了三分之一" "The Indian middle class is now deferring purchase decisions because they are locked in the rising mortgage trap from multiple loans. They did not anticipate this cash crunch. They thought India's growth story would only go up, up and up," Bijoor said. " "由於被不斷升高的房貸捆住,現在大部分的印度人延緩他們的購買計劃,他們完全沒有 預料到今天的金融問題,在他們的觀念中印度的經濟只會不斷的變好" In a bid to get rid of piling-up inventory, many stores are offering mega discounts with signs on their windows saying "Beat the Inflation." 為了消掉存貨,印度的商家開始打出了"對抗通膨"的口號 原文 http://myurl.com.tw/sbpq 因為原文過長,所以我只有抓重點翻譯,有錯誤敬請指教 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LOUISAOK 來自: (08/17 12:17) ※ 編輯: LOUISAOK 來自: (08/17 12:18)
pursuistmi:推 08/17 12:56
zizek:推 08/17 15:19