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Bush meets Putin over Georgia fighting (CNN) -- The U.S., European Union and international security organizations Friday called for an end to fighting between Georgia and militant separatists that has dragged in Russian forces. 美國、歐盟、與各個國際安全組織於禮拜五呼籲喬治亞、武裝分離份子、以及俄國部隊 停止衝突。 President George Bush and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin discussed the conflict in Georgia, the White House confirmed. 白宮證實美國總統布希與俄國總理普丁已經針對喬治亞衝突進行對話。 Both men were attending the opening of the Summer Olympics in the Chinese capital and spoke during a luncheon hosted by Chinese President Hu Jintao. 兩人都參加了北京奧運,並在胡錦濤主持的午宴上交談過。 White House spokesman Tony Fratto did not provide any additional details. 白宮發言人Tony Fratto沒有提供更多細節。 But Putin, according to his spokesman, said: "There are lots of volunteers being gathered in the region, and it's very hard to withhold them from taking part. A real war is going on." 但普丁,根據他的發言人,說:「在當地有許多自願者已經被聚集,要阻止他們參與 非常困難。一場真實的戰爭正在進行。」 Washington is sending an envoy to the region, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with other senior officials, are working to end to hostilities. 華盛頓正在派遣一組外交使團前往當地,國務卿萊斯與其他資深官員正在試圖中止衝突。 White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said: "I want to reiterate on [President Bush's] behalf that the United States supports Georgia's territorial integrity and we call for an immediate cease fire. 白宮女發言人Dana Perino說,「我要幫布希總統重申,美國支持喬治亞領土之完整, 並且我們呼籲立即停火。」 "We urge all parties, Georgians, South Ossetians and Russians to de-escalate the tension and avoid conflict. We are working on mediation efforts to secure a cease fire and we are urging the parties to restart their dialogue." 「我們呼籲各方,喬治亞、南奧賽梯、以及俄國降低緊張情勢並避免衝突。我們正在 致力於調解工作,協調停火協議,並且我們要求各方重啟談話機制。」 The U.S. military was also reviewing plans for the possible evacuation of the more than 2,000 of its citizens in the Republic of Georgia, two military officials said Friday. 美國軍方也在檢視當地約2000名公民的撤離計畫,兩位軍方人士說。 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told his counterparts in the United States and Germany and the European Union's foreign policy chief that Georgia was the aggressor and should immediately withdraw its troops from South Ossetia. 俄國外長Sergei Lavrov告知美國外長、德國外長、以及歐盟外交政策代表,宣稱 喬治亞是衝突發起者,並且應該立即由南奧賽梯撤離其部隊。 The European Union said it was working with other parties "towards a ceasefire in order to prevent further escalation of this conflict." 歐盟說該組織正在與其他團體努力「促成停火協議來避免衝突進一步加劇。」 The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said it was sending an envoy to the region immediately. 歐洲安全暨合作組織說該組織正在派遣使團前往當地。 NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer issued a statement Friday saying he was seriously concerned about the recent events in the region, and he called on all sides to end armed clashes and begin direct talks. NATO秘書長Jaap de Hoop Scheffer禮拜五發佈聲明,說他對於當地近期發生的事件 十分憂心,並且呼籲各方停止武裝衝突並開始談話。 Carmen Romero, a NATO spokeswoman speaking to CNN from Brussels, reiterated Scheffer's statement. NATO女發言人Carmen Romero於Brussels的CNN訪問中重申Scheffer的聲明。 She said NATO was in regular contact with Georgia's president and was talking to the Russian side. 她說NATO定期與喬治亞總統接觸,並且有與俄國對話。 Britain also urged all sides to bring an immediate end to the violence. "We are monitoring developments. We urge an immediate cease-fire in the fighting in South Ossetia and for a resumption of direct dialogue between all parties." 英國也呼籲各方立即停止武裝衝突。「我們正在監視局勢發展。我們呼籲南奧賽梯區域 衝突立即停火,以利各方進行直接對話。」 Georgia, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is now looking west and has ambitions of joining NATO. 喬治亞曾是蘇聯的一部份,現在往西方世界靠攏,並希望能加入NATO。 South Ossetia has longed for and sometimes fought for independence since the 1920s when the Soviet Government made it an autonomous region within Georgia. 南奧賽梯於1920年蘇聯政府將其設置為喬治亞境內的自治區後,就一直希望並且偶爾以 武力爭取獨立。 After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia broke away from Moscow in 1991 and South Ossetia voted overwhelmingly for its own independence. 蘇聯解體後,喬治亞於1991年與莫斯科決裂,同時南奧賽梯以壓倒性票數爭取獨立。 Violence has been mounting in the region in recent days, with sporadic clashes between Georgian forces and South Ossetian separatists. 近期該區域總有衝突事件,且喬治亞部隊與南奧賽梯分離份子偶有零星衝突。 Georgian troops launched new attacks in South Ossetia late Thursday after a top government official said a unilateral cease-fire offer was met with separatist artillery fire. 喬治亞部隊禮拜四發動針對南奧賽梯的新攻勢,就當一位政府高層宣稱喬治亞提出的 單方面停火被分離份子以砲火回應。 An emergency session of the U.N. Security Council on Friday discussed the dramatic escalation of violence. The session ended Friday morning without a statement about the fighting. 聯合國安理會於禮拜五召開緊急會議討論戲劇性的昇華衝突。該會議於禮拜五早晨結束, 並沒有提出任何關於衝突的聲明。 http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/europe/08/08/georgia.reax/index.html 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
undusted:人家在辦奧運,美國小弟在打架 08/09 04:00
goth:應該是美國小弟在被揍吧...XD 08/09 08:44