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※ 引述《pursuistmi (common people)》之銘言: 標題:Texas school district to let teachers carry guns 德州學區准許教師攜帶槍械 HOUSTON (Reuters) - A Texas school district will let teachers bring guns to class this fall, the district's superintendent said on Friday, in what experts said appeared to be a first in the United States. 路透社休士頓電 德州一個學區的總管週五表示,將自今年秋天起准許該學區的教師帶槍上課。 專家表示,這似乎是全美首例。 The board of the small rural Harrold Independent School District unanimously approved the plan and parents have not objected, said the district's superintendent, David Thweatt. 哈洛德獨立學區是一個位於鄉村的小型學區。學區總管大衛‧司衛特表示, 該學區委員會無異議通過此計畫,且家長們沒有反對。 School experts backed Thweatt's claim that Harrold, a system of about 110 students 150 miles northwest of Fort Worth, may be the first to let teachers bring guns to the classroom. 學校專家也支持司衛特的主張,即是讓此學區成為第一個讓教師帶槍進教室的學區。 此學區約有一百一十名學生,位於渥爾斯堡西北方一百五十英里處。 Thweatt said it is a matter of safety. 司衛特說,這是為了安全起見。 "We have a lock-down situation, we have cameras, but the question we had to answer is, 'What if somebody gets in? What are we going to do?" he said. "It's just common sense." 「我們有緊急鎖門設備、也有攝影機,但必須回答的問題是,『如果有人闖進來, 怎麼辦?我們該做什麼?』」他說。「這是常理。」 Teachers who wish to bring guns will have to be certified to carry a concealed handgun in Texas and get crisis training and permission from school officials, he said. 他表示,有意持槍的教師,必須在德州取得攜帶隱藏手槍的許可, 並接受危機處理訓練、取得學校行政人員的許可。 Recent school shootings in the United States have prompted some calls for school officials to allow students and teachers to carry legally concealed weapons into classrooms. 美國近年的校園槍擊案,促使一些人建議學校行政人員讓師生攜帶合法的 隱藏性武器進入教室。(譯註:所以也許不只是手槍,還包括某些刀械。) The U.S. Congress once barred guns at schools nationwide, but the U.S. Supreme Court struck the law down, although state and local communities could adopt their own laws. Texas bars guns at schools without the school's permission. 國會曾通過法令,全國所有校園一律禁槍;最高法院打了回票(譯註:即是 判決違憲),但各個州和地方團體仍得自訂相關法律。在德州,非經學校許可, 不得帶槍到校。 (Reporting by Jim Forsyth in San Antonio; writing by Bruce Nichols in Houston, editing by Vicki Allen) c Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- 譯後感: 我曾在相關新聞上看到一些細節: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/US/08/15/gun.toting.teachers.ap/index.html? section=cnn_latest 1.哈洛德到最近的警察局要開半個小時的車, 而且附近有重要的高速公路,所以有一定的安全顧慮。 2.不少人覺得,正是因為國會通過了「全國校園一律禁槍」法令、 導致學校沒有足夠的自衛能力,校園槍擊案才會頻頻發生。 這情形在國內是難以想像的,因為國內槍枝管制非常嚴格。 甚至我也覺得,為什麼不乾脆在那邊派駐一個小隊的員警? 同時,如果第二點所述就是運用「恐怖平衡」, 那我國為何不以放寬合法持槍的範圍因應黑槍氾濫造成的恐懼? 大概也有文化的因素在內吧。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ncyc:如果每個校區都要求比照辦理,員警會不夠吧 08/18 00:35
ncyc:不過德州不愧是美國鄉民州 08/18 00:35