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標題:US lacks options to act on tough rhetoric By Andrew Ward in Washington Published: August 15 2008 23:24 | Last updated: August 15 2008 23:24 Condoleezza Rice had to use an unfamiliar aircraft when she flew to Europe for emergency talks on the conflict in Georgia this week. 美國務卿萊斯這禮拜前往喬治亞進行緊急協商時必須搭乘一駕不甚熟悉的飛機。 The Boeing 757 usually made available to the secretary of state was being used by Dick Cheney, vice-president, for a political fundraising trip to Colorado, forcing Ms Rice to take a smaller C-40. 通常派給國務卿的波音757被副總統錢尼搭去參加科羅拉多週的募款行程,逼得萊斯 必須搭乘更小型的C─40。 To critics, the second-class transport symbolised the Bush administration’s second-rate response to the crisis. 對批評者而言,這二等運輸工具就是布希政府對於這次危機二等反應的象徵。 “Washington was caught by surprise – both by the Georgian action and the scale of the Russian reaction,” says Janusz Bugajski, an expert on the region at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 「華盛頓對於喬治亞的行動以及俄羅斯的反擊規模完全措手不及,」戰略暨國際研究 中心中亞專家Janusz Bugajski說道。 Stung by the criticism, the administration has adopted an increasingly muscular and high-profile approach in recent days, including the launch of a humanitarian mission to the war zone involving US military forces. 布希政府受到諸多批評刺激後,行動愈趨強硬與高調,包括進行使用美國軍事武力進行 赴戰區的人道救援任務。 President George W. Bush on Friday sharpened his rhetoric, warning that Russian “bullying and intimidation” would not be tolerated. 布希總統禮拜五使用更加尖銳的措辭,警告俄國的「欺侮與挑釁」是不會被容忍的。 “Only Russia can decide whether it will now put itself back on the path of responsible nations, or continue to pursue a policy that promises only confrontation and isolation,” he said. 只有俄國可以決定是否他願意回歸到原本願負責任的國家行列,或持續進行願景只有 對峙和孤立的政策,」他說。 But experts warn that Washington has few effective instruments to match its tough words. Military intervention has been ruled out, and European allies are resisting US pressure to expel Russia from the Group of Eight industrialised nations and bar it from the World Trade Organisation. 但專家警告,華盛頓僅存有限的工具來支持這些強硬措辭。軍事干預已經被排除了,而 歐洲同盟們都在抗拒美國希望將俄國剔除G8行列和世貿組織的壓力。 The most concrete US action so far has been its agreement on Thursday to base Patriot missiles in Poland as part of a long-awaited deal to place missile defence facilities in the country. The deal – fiercely opposed by Moscow – had been nearing completion for months. However, the crisis added urgency to negotiations, with Washington rushing to signal its commitment to US allies in the region. 美國目前最實在的反應就是在禮拜四與波蘭簽署部屬愛國者飛彈於該國的協定,作為 長久以來希望能在波蘭建立飛彈防禦設施的一大步。這個協定受到莫斯科猛烈的抨擊, 並數月前早就已經進入收尾階段。但這次衝突讓協商增加了急迫性,特別是華盛頓希望 藉此協定對該區域的盟邦展現堅定的承諾。 Experts say the biggest test of US resolve and transatlantic unity will come at the next meeting of Nato foreign ministers in December, when eastward expansion of the military alliance will again be up for discussion. 專家說,對美國決心和跨大西洋同盟最大的考驗是在十二月北約各外長集會的時候, 那時北約東擴的政策會再次被提出討論。 US efforts to put Georgia on a formal path towards Nato membership look dead for the foreseeable future, but the Bush administration could use the December meeting to press the case for Ukraine to be granted a membership action plan. 美方將喬治亞引介進入北約會員之列的努力在可見的未來看來是無望了,但布希政府 可以用十二月的集會來為烏克蘭加入北約會員的案子加強遊說。 Much may depend on who wins the US presidential election in November. 誰贏得十一月的美國大選會造成很大影響。 Victory for John McCain, the Republican candidate and staunch advocate of Nato expansion, might embolden the Bush administration on the issue in its final weeks in office, while a win for Barack Obama, who has taken a more cautious stance on Russia, could force Washington to ease off. 共和黨馬坎這堅決支持北約擴張的總統候選人若當選,就可能讓布希政府用所剩無幾 的歲月這個議題上採取大膽策略,而若是對俄展現謹慎態度的歐巴馬當選,就可能逼迫 華盛頓態度軟化。 Criticism of US handling of the crisis and events leading up to it divide into two camps: those who believe the Bush administration provoked Russia by aligning itself too closely with Georgia, and those who believe it did not stand up to Moscow strongly enough. 對於美方處理這次衝突的策略,以及衝突爆發的原因,大致可分成兩派批評的聲音: 一些人認為布希政府與喬治亞政府太過親暱,挑動俄國神經,另一些則人為布希政府 對莫斯科不夠強硬。 Both camps agree, however, that the US delivered mixed messages to Georgia by cautioning it against military action in private while championing its cause in public, and that Washington failed to pay sufficient attention to the brewing crisis. 但兩方都同意美國對喬治亞傳遞了模糊的訊息,一方面警告其私下採取軍事行動, 另一方面卻又公開為喬治亞在領土問題的正當性上表達支持,同時華盛頓完全沒有 對於逐漸加溫的危機投入足夠的關注。 “There has been no vision or strategy to bring together the different elements of policy towards the region and no common front with Europe,” says Mr Bugajski, blaming the administration’s preoccupation with the Middle East and terrorism. 「都沒有願景或策略來統合這地區不同元素的政策,沒有歐洲共同陣線,」Bugajski 說道,並指責布希政府對於中東以及反恐過度投入。 Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/9a5da0fc-6b16-11dd-b613-0000779fd18c.html 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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