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Georgian conflict widening beyond South Ossetia, UN official warns 9 August 2008 – The deadly conflict in Georgia seems to be spreading outside the South Ossetia region and into Abkhazia, a senior United Nations peacekeeping official told the Security Council today, warning that the number of casualties from the fighting is already substantial. 一名資深聯合國維和官員告知安理會,喬治亞戰火似乎已從南奧賽梯擴散到Abkhazia, 並警告這次事件已經造成顯著傷亡。 ... Mr. Mulet said the UN Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG), which has been in place since 1993 to monitor the ceasefire deal between Georgia and Abkhaz authorities in north-western Georgia, said it expects Abkhaz forces to launch a military operation in the Upper Kodori Valley as early as tomorrow morning. Mulet說聯合國派喬治亞觀察團(自1993年就進駐觀察喬治亞與Abkhaz當局在西北 喬治亞的停火協議)獲知Abkhaz部隊最早明天早上要在上科多里河谷發動攻勢。 He said UNOMIG withdrew its patrols from the valley today for safety and security reasons after Abkhaz authorities contacted the mission and asked it to do so, without giving any reasons for the request. He added that Abkhaz forces have already started shelling in the valley. 他說UNOMIG在Abkhaz當局無理由告知觀察團應撤離該地區之巡邏隊後,已因安全原因將 巡邏隊自該河谷撤離。他也說,Abkhaz部隊已經開始砲擊該河谷。 ... Mr. Alasania called on Russia to withdraw its forces, to stop the bombing campaign and to negotiate a ceasefire, adding that Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili was willing to take part in dialogue with Moscow. 喬治亞大使呼籲俄國抽離部隊,停止轟炸任務,並開始協商停火協定,並到喬治亞 總統Saakashvili願意與莫斯科進行對話。 ... http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=27652&Cr=Georgia&Cr1= 煩請注意附上原稿來源 -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: