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標題:Rice heads to Tbilisi as Russia questions US aid By Andrew Ward in Washington, Stanley Pignal in Brussels and Catherine Belton in Moscow Published: August 13 2008 19:12 | Last updated: August 14 2008 14:49 US military planes delivered aid to Georgia on Thursday after George W. Bush ordered a “vigorous” humanitarian mission and dispatched Condoleezza Rice to Tbilisi to convey America’s “unwavering support” for the democratically elected government. 美國總統布希下令進行「積極」的人道救援行動後,美國軍用飛機將物資運往喬治亞, 同時萊斯或令前往提伯利希表達美國「堅定支持」喬治亞民主程序選出的政府。 The US president also said he expected Russia to ensure that “all lines of communication and transport” were open to humanitarian supplies, and to withdraw “all Russian forces that entered Georgia in recent days”. 美國總統說他期待俄國保證「所有溝通與運輸管道」都為人道物資保持倡通,並且能 撤離「所有近期內進入喬治亞的俄國部隊。」 The deputy chief of Russia’s armed forces, Anatoly Nogovitsyn, called on the US to disclose what was inside the cargoes Washington is shipping as humanitarian aid. ”Lets ask the American side so that you are convinced of whether the cargo is humanitarian or not,” he said. ”Why don’t they lift the curtain for us about what is being supplied? Russia is very concerned about this.” 俄國軍隊副長Nogovitsyn呼籲美國公布運輸的人道物資內容。「我們就問問美國吧,看 內容是不是你所謂的人道物資,」他說。「為什麼他們不把垂簾拉起,讓我們看看運得 什麼?俄國對此非常憂慮。」 Meanwhile, Russian troops and armour moved in or around at least three Georgian towns on Thursday, ignoring demands by Washington that Moscow respect Georgia’s territorial integrity. Reuters witnesses saw Russian troops in the key central Georgian town of Gori and outside the western town of Zugdidi. Residents in the Black Sea port of Poti saw a Russian incursion. 同時,俄國部隊和裝甲部隊在禮拜四至少三進三出喬治亞城鎮,不顧華盛頓要求莫斯科 尊重喬治亞領土完整性。路透社人員親眼看遮俄國部隊在喬治亞重要城市Gori以及西部 城市Zugdidi出現。黑海港城Poti的居民看見俄國軍隊進入該城。 Col-general Nogovitsyn told a news conference it was legitimate for Russian peacekeepers to be in the Georgian port town of Poti for intelligence operations. Nogovitsyn上將於記者會中解釋,俄國維和人員在喬治亞城Poti內出現是合法的進行 情資行動。 He also said Russia’s Black Sea fleet would take commands only from the Russian President after Ukraine’s president Viktor Yushchenko signed a decree requiring authorisation for Russian warships to return to their base in Sevastopol, a Crimean port which is part of Ukraine. 他也說,俄國的黑海艦隊只接受俄國總統的命令。此說法是在烏克蘭總統Yushcenko簽署 一份讓俄軍船艦返回Sevastopol的命令後。Sevastopol是烏克蘭的一個克里米亞港口。 While White House officials insisted the aid mission was purely humanitarian, the arrival of US forces marked an intensification of Washington’s response to the crisis after criticism of its relatively low-key role in previous days. 當白宮官員堅持救援行動純粹是人道主義行動,美軍的到達代表著白宮對於此次危機的 反應升級,幾天前美國的反應顯得低調許多。 On Wednesday, Georgia accused Russia of breaking the terms of Tuesday’s ceasefire, when Russian forces destroyed an abandoned military base in Gori, near the pro-Russian enclave of South Ossetia where the conflict erupted. 星期三,喬治亞指控俄國打破禮拜二的停火共識;當時俄軍摧毀了一個在Gori被棄置 的軍事基地,靠近衝突發生的傾俄南奧賽梯區域。 At an emergency meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, European Union foreign ministers endorsed Tuesday’s peace deal and expressed broad support for sending peacekeepers to South Ossetia, subject to United Nations approval. 禮拜三於布魯塞爾開的緊急會議後,歐盟各外長表達支持禮拜二的和平協議,並表達 廣泛支持派遣維和人員前往南奧賽梯,此案等待聯合國同意。 Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, said Moscow would not object to the addition of international peacekeepers to South Ossetia but insisted Russian forces would remain in the enclave. 俄國外長Lavrov說,莫斯科不會反對額外的國際維和人員派駐南奧賽梯,但堅持俄國 武力也能留駐當地。 The UK on Wednesday pulled its Royal Navy out of a planned Nato military exercise involving Russia, saying it would be “highly inappropriate” to continue in the “current circumstances”. 英國於禮拜三將皇家海軍撤離一起與俄軍聯合的北約軍事演習,說在「現在情勢下」 持續進行會是「非常不妥」。 Mr Bush also issued a veiled threat to expel Russia from the Group of Eight industrialised nations and block its accession to the World Trade Organisation, warning that its actions in Georgia were “inconsistent with the principles” of such institutions. 布希總統也發佈隱諱的威脅,要將俄國自G8驅逐出去,並阻擋其參與世貿組織, 提醒俄國於喬治亞的行為與這些機構組織「在原則上抵觸」。 “Russia's ongoing action raises serious questions about its intentions in Georgia and the region,” he said. “To begin restoring its place in the world, Russia must keep its word and act to end this crisis.” 「俄國正在進行的行動令人懷疑其對於喬治亞以及該區域的真正意圖,」他說。 「要重返世界舞台,俄國必須遵守承諾,結束危機。」 Mr Lavrov said the US must choose between supporting its “special project” in Georgia and forging a “real partnership” with Moscow. Lavrov說,美國必須在喬治亞的「特殊計畫」或與莫斯科建立「真正的友誼」之間 做出選擇。 Mr Saakashvili criticised western countries for not reacting strongly enough to Russian aggression, warning that Moscow was “fighting a proxy war with the west through us”. Saakashvili批評西方國家沒有對於俄國侵略強烈回應,並警告莫斯科在「用我們對西方 打一場代理戰爭。」 Additional reporting by George Parker in London Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/67ca36f6-6962-11dd-91bd-0000779fd18c.html ?nclick_check=1 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vicklin:逐出G8莫非要讓中國... 08/15 12:30