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標題:Fatal blasts hit Chinese province At least two people have been killed and several hurt after a series of blasts hit the western Chinese province of Xinjiang, state media has reported. 至少兩人在中國新疆省的一系列爆炸中喪生,中國官方媒體說。 It said gunfire was also heard in the early hours in southern Kuqa county. 南部庫車縣數小時前也傳出槍聲。 The attacks happened at offices belonging to the local government and security forces, a spokesman for the World Uighur Congress told the BBC. 攻擊發生地點是在地方政府和維安部隊辦公室,一名世界維吾爾代表大會發言人告訴BBC。 Earlier this week, China said 16 policemen were killed in an attack by Islamist separatists in Xinjiang. 這禮拜稍早前,中國說十六名警察在一起新疆伊斯蘭分離主義份子攻擊中喪生。 "There were several explosions in several places in Kuqa this morning," said a woman who was on duty at the Kuqa People's Hospital, quoted by the Associated Press news agency. 「早晨在庫車有幾起爆炸事件,」一名在庫車人民醫院工作的女士被AP引述說道。 She said several people were in critical condition. 她說有數人情況危急。 Olympics threat 奧林匹克威脅 World Uighur Congress spokesman Dilxat Raxit told the BBC that the Chinese government was responsible for the latest blasts because of what he called repressive policies in Xinjiang. 世界維吾爾代表大會發言人Dilxat Raxit告訴BBC,中國政府要為近期幾件爆炸負責, 因為中國在新疆實行壓制性警察任務。 "In order to stop the East Turkestan situation getting worse, I urge the international community to exert pressure on China to immediately stop its systematic repressive government policies," he said. 要制止東土耳其斯坦的情勢越趨嚴重,我呼籲國際社會對中國施加壓力,來立即制止 政府系統化的壓制政策,」她說。 Xinjiang is home to many Muslim Uighur people. 新疆是許多回教維吾爾人的故鄉。 Kuqa county itself is almost exclusively populated by Uighurs. 庫車縣本身幾乎都是維吾爾人口。 Uighur separatists in Xinjiang have waged a low-level campaign against Chinese rule for decades. 新疆的維吾爾分離份子數十年來對中國統治發起了低強度的抗爭。 The incident comes a day after the Olympic Games opened in Beijing, with a spectacular display of fireworks, music and dancing. 此次事件發生於北京奧運的煙火秀以及歌舞表演開幕之後。 Human rights groups say Beijing is suppressing the rights of Uighurs. 人權團體說北京在壓迫維吾爾人的權利。 Correspondents say China has spoken in the past of what it calls a terrorist threat from Muslim militants in Xinjiang, but it has provided little evidence to back up its claims. 特約記者說,中國在過去提到所謂的新疆回教好戰份子造成的恐怖份子威脅,但沒有 舉出例子來支持他們的說法。 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7551954.stm -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/10 11:14) ※ 編輯: pursuistmi 來自: (08/10 11:34)
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undusted:土耳其最後只會逼的中國捐錢給庫德族來制衡而已 08/11 02:02
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undusted:話都是他們在講 08/11 02:04
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