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※ 引述《pursuistmi (common people)》之銘言: : 標題:SPIEGEL INTERVIEW WITH US COMMERCE SECRETARY GUTIERREZ : 'Isolationist Policies Would Be a Big Mistake' : Should Russia face economic repercussions from the Georgia war? US Commerce : Secretary Carlos Gutierrez told SPIEGEL how the West should respond, : discussed the state of free trade in the world and talked about US : presidential candidate John McCain. 俄羅斯該因喬治亞戰事而面臨經濟上的反彈嗎?美國商務部長Carlos Gutierrez 在接受德國新聞雜誌SPIEGEL訪問時談及西方該如何應對。他也提到了世界自由 貿易的問題,以及美國總統參選人McCain。 : Part I : SPIEGEL: Mr. Secretary, Russian troops are still in Georgia. NATO just : decided to freeze its relationship with Moscow. Should the West limit its : economic dealings with Russia as well? SPIEGEL: 部長先生,俄羅斯部隊還停留在喬治亞境內。北約剛決定要凍結與莫斯科的 關係。西方國家是否也該跟進,限制其與俄羅斯的經濟往來? : Carlos Gutierrez: Russia is putting itself into a very difficult situation. : President Bush has been very clear on this: We have worked with Russia and we : have been an advocate for Russia's entry into the world community. We have : welcomed them into the group of the leading industrial nations. We welcomed : Russia's desire to join the World Trade Organisation. They are putting all : that at risk. Carlos Gutierrez: 俄羅斯正將自己陷入困境。布希總統說得很清楚:我們曾與俄國 合作過,我們也想幫助俄國融入國際社群。我們歡迎俄國加入先進工業國集團和WTO 俄國的作為卻有可能讓他們失去所有的這些機會。 : SPIEGEL: That means: Russia should be kicked out of the G-8 and should not be : allowed to join the WTO? SPIEGEL: 也就是說俄國會被踢出G8,也不應獲准加入WTO? : Gutierrez: We should always keep our options open and not start negotiating : with ourselves. The Russians have to reconsider their own interests. Gutierrez: 我們應該對所有選項持開放的態度,不應閉門造車。俄國也應該重新思考 他們自身的利益。 : SPIEGEL: What options are you referring to exactly? SPIEGEL:所以到底有哪些選項呢? : Gutierrez: That we stop being an advocate for Russia's entry into the world : community. They need to abide to the six-point agreement in Georgia that was : signed. And I believe that President Bush acted wisely when he did not rule : out any further options. Other nations should follow up. GUtierrez: 我們可能不會再支持俄國加入國際社群。俄國必須遵循在喬治亞簽訂的 六點協定。我認為布希總統不排除任何選項的態度是很明智的。其他國也應該跟進。 : SPIEGEL: Punitive measures are tricky for Europeans -- perhaps given the : dependence of many countries in Europe on Russian oil and gas. How dangerous : is this dependence? SPIEGEL: 採行懲罰手段對歐洲來說是很棘手的一件事,因為許多歐洲國家都仰賴俄國 的石油和天然氣供應。這種依賴會造成什麼程度的危機呢? : Gutierrez: We are all too dependent on oil and gas from countries that don’t : necessarily share our interests. Americans and Europeans should work together : to reduce this dependency. Oil can be used as a political tool. Gutierrez: 我們全都仰賴某些國家的石油和天然氣供應,而這些國家的利益不一定和 我們的利益一致。美國和歐洲應該同心協力減少這樣的依賴,因為石油也是一種政治 工具。 : SPIEGEL: You mean as a political weapon? SPIEGEL: 你的意思是石油也可作為一種政治武器嗎? : Gutierrez: As something to impact our national well-being and our national : security. Gutierrez: 石油可作為一種手段來影響我們的國家福祉和國家安全。 : SPIEGEL: Many talk about energy independence. How to achieve it, though, is : much more controversial. SPIEGEL:關於能源獨立性的討論很多,但是如何達到能源獨立卻是一個頗具爭議的問 題。 : Gutierrez: The president said we have to produce more of our oil. We also : should be willing to do what many countries in Europe have done -- using more : nuclear power, for instance. We think it is a smart policy not to exclude any : national source of energy. We can learn from each other. Gutierrez: 總統曾說過:我們自己需要生產更多石油。我們也必需提振意願,效法 很多歐洲國家的作法,也就是提高核能的使用量。我們認為,不排除任何一種國家能源 來源是一明智的政策,我們也可以互相學習。 : SPIEGEL: There are indications, though, that we are entering a new era in : which countries focus more on their own national interests. The Doha Round -- : which aimed to lower trade barriers and increase global trade -- just failed. : Who is to blame? SPIEGEL: 然而有些跡象顯示,在即將來臨的這個世代中,每個國家都會偏重自身的利 益。多哈回合談判的目標是要降低貿易壁壘,促進全球貿易,然而談判卻觸礁了。 誰該為此負責? : Gutierrez: I have not given up hope that we can one day achieve a : multilateral agreement. And the reason for that is because there is too much : to be gained by free trade. That’s one of the really great ideas. You have : probably seen the projections for the hundreds of millions of people that : could be lifted out of poverty and helped with an agreement. But we couldn't : achieve a worldwide consensus at this moment. Gutierrez: 我對達成多邊協議的這個目標還沒放棄希望,因為自由貿易能帶來的好處 真的很多,這也真的是一個很好的想法。你可能有看過一些數據預測,說建立協議能夠 使上億人脫貧,使他們獲得幫助,但是我們目前還無法達成全球共識。 : SPIEGEL: Why? SPIEGEL: 為什麼? : Gutierrez: Well, getting 153 WTO member nations to come to an agreement is a : challenge. That’s why the US for years has created a trade policy based on : bilateral agreement. We should continue to be very aggressive with these : bilateral free trade agreements. We have done it already with Mexico, Canada : und countries in Latin America. It has been good for our exports. Gutierrez: 要讓WTO的153個成員達成共識是一項挑戰。這也就是為什麼長久以來美國 創建的貿易政策都是奠基於雙邊協議。我們應該要持續積極推動這些雙邊自由貿易協定 我們已和墨西哥,加拿大,還有拉丁美洲國家訂立協定。這對我們的出口有益。 : SPIEGEL: But not necessarily for American jobs. There is a heated debate in : the US on the benefits of free trade. Workers in Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania : and Illinois -- once the industrial heartland of the country -- see : themselves as being the losers of free trade policies. SPIEGEL:但是對美國的工作機會不一定有益。針對自由貿易的利益這個題目,在美國國 內有非常激烈的論辯。俄亥俄州,密西根州,賓州,伊利諾州以前都是美國的工業重心 但是這些地方的工作者卻認為自己是自由貿易政策下的輸家。 : Gutierrez: If there is an individual that has been impacted by trade and lost : his job, there is nothing I can tell him that would justify what happened. : The problem is that too often people use trade as an excuse. And in the world : of sound bites and quick statements, that is what people hear. They blame : free trade but it is technical progress that’s responsible. Gutierrez: 如果有人受到貿易的影響而丟了飯碗,我怎麼跟他解釋都沒用。現在的問 題是大家經常把問題都歸咎於貿易。在媒體發達,資訊爆炸的時代,大家所聽所聞都是 這樣的說法。有些人怪罪貿易,但是技術上有無進步才是問題的原因。 : SPIEGEL: Millions of Americans want trade that isn't just free, but is also : fair. SPIEGEL: 很多美國人想要的不只是自由貿易,他們更想要「公平」的貿易。 : Gutierrez: I agree in fair and free trade -- as long as the word "fair" is : not a code word for isolationism. Gutierrez: 我贊同公平自由貿易,但是所謂「公平」的意涵指的不應該是孤立主義。 : SPIEGEL: In the US, a number of politicians have suggested that they would : like to renegotiate NAFTA -- the free trade agreement between Mexico, Canada : and the US. SPIEGEL:有些美國政治人物表示他們想要針對北美自由貿易協定,也就是墨西哥,加拿 大,美國三國間的自由貿易協定,進行重新談判。 : Gutierrez: I find it, frankly, almost embarrassing that the $14 trillion : dollar economy wants to renegotiate with the $800 million dollar economy. Gutierrez: 老實說,我覺得一個規模14兆美元的經濟體要和規模8億美元的經濟體重新 談判,真是讓人覺得有點丟臉。 : SPIEGEL: Would you go so far as to say that free trade in the US is at risk : if a Democrat gets elected in November? SPIEGEL: 如果11月大選當選的是民主黨人,你覺得美國的自由貿易會受影響嗎? : Gutierrez: I would say that if we were to adopt isolationist policies, that : would be a big mistake. Gutierrez: 我覺得,如果我們採取孤立主義政策,那會是個很大的錯誤。 : SPIEGEL: Aren't you concerned at all about the enormous trade deficit in the : US? America was once the biggest exporter in the world, but now, the country : is the biggest importer in the world. SPIEGEL: 你難道不會擔心美國巨大的貿易赤字嗎?美國曾是世界上最大的出口國,但 是現在卻成了世界上最大的進口國。 : Gutierrez: There are also other more significant numbers to show if an : economy is succeeding: the growth rate, the unemployment rate, or inflation. : We could tackle the trade deficit pretty aggressively if we wanted to, but : the question is, what would it do to those three numbers? There are countries : in Europe that have trade surpluses, but their unemployment rate is much : higher and their growth rate has not been as fast as in our country. Gutierrez: 一個經濟體是否成功,還有其他更重要的數據可以參考。例如成長率,失 業率或是通膨。我們的確可以採取很積極的作法來處理貿易赤字,但問題是,這會對其 他三項數據造成什麼影響?歐洲一些國家有貿易順差,但是他們的失業率高很多,他們 的經濟成長也不如我們快。 : SPIEGEL: Are you talking about export-success-story Germany? SPIEGEL: 你指的是在出口方面相當成功的德國嗎? : Gutierrez: I just want to say in general: There are countries in Europe with : a trade surplus but a growth rate of 1.5 percent compared with our 2.5 to 3.0 : percent growth over the past six years. Their unemployment rate is not 5.7 : percent as in the US, but rather 8 percent. Gutierrez: 總的來看,有的歐洲國家有貿易順差,但經濟成長率只有1.5%. 我們在過去6年卻有2.5到3.0的成長率。我們的失業率是5.7%,他們卻是8%. : SPIEGEL: Early last year, Chancellor Angela Merkel promoted a trans-Atlantic : free trade pact with the US. Initially, President Bush seemed supportive of : the idea, but not much has happened since. SPIEGEL: 去年初,梅克爾總理推行一項與美國的跨大西洋自由貿易協定。一開始布希 總統好像支持這項提議,但是後來卻沒有下文。 : Gutierrez: We had one or two meetings. That is obviously not enough, but we : are getting started. These are issues that require consistency and patience : and it is going to require a lot of work. We need to be closer together and : with our eyes open in terms of what is happening in the world economy. We : should take a stand on the importance and the value of intellectual property : -- in defense against those abusing our brands and licenses. Gutierrez: 我們舉行過一兩次會議,當然這還是很不夠,但是我們已經起步了。 處理這些議題時步調要一致,也需要耐性,因為過程中需要很多努力。我們彼此的關係 要更加緊密,同時也要注意世界經濟體系的狀況。我們應該要對智慧財產的重要性和價 值表明立場,來對抗那些濫用我們品牌和證照的人。 : SPIEGEL: Are you referring to China? SPIEGEL: 你是指中國嗎? : Gutierrez: Our brands or patents or trademarks are very important for our : economies. Americans and Europeans need to collaborate on this shared : interest. Is a BMW produced in South Carolina more of an American car than a : Ford produced in Germany? There is a lot of shared interest in intellectual : property on both sides of the Atlantic. Gutierrez: 我們的品牌,專利,或是商標對我們的經濟非常重要。美國和歐洲國家 要在這項共同利益上合作。在南卡羅萊納州製造的一輛BMW比起一輛在德國製的福特 車,哪一部比較夠資格稱美國車?在美國和歐洲,智慧財產的共同利益非常大。 : : http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,574126,00.html : 新聞來源: (需有正確連結) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
going90:感謝編譯 標題 我代為修正 08/27 11:55
undusted:美國還是沒擺脫"歐美=世界",與歐美不同調=孤立主義的邏輯 08/27 18:34
thigefe:他應該是針對民主黨總統候選人,才反對貿易上的孤立主義 08/27 23:22
thigefe:而針對俄羅斯,想參與歐美制定出來的世界貿易體系 08/27 23:26
thigefe:那就要坐下來談歐美能懂的玩法,還得照規定走 08/27 23:27
thigefe:世界這個詞彙具有多元內容,共產國際,聽且來也很"世界" 08/27 23:28
thigefe:一個世界,各自表述,就差在誰想回應你而已 08/27 23:31