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原文網址:http://kuso.cc/3OpC Holy sites Places apart Aug 28th 2008 From The Economist print edition A plan to turn sites of conflict into beacons of peace WHEN an army wants to dishearten a defeated foe, few things are more effective than desecrating his holiest shrines. And when a demagogue or warlord wants to make peaceful folk take up arms, nothing works better than telling them that their faith’s holiest site needs reclaiming. 一支軍隊如果要打垮挫敗敵人的士氣,最有效的方法之一便是褻瀆 敵方最神聖的聖堂。如果狂熱政客或軍事強人想煽動和平群眾拿起 武器,最好的方法就是告訴群眾:我們要奪回聖地! And in modern times, fighting over holy places—from India to Jerusalem to the Balkans—seems almost as common as it was in the Middle Ages. During the Bosnian war, over 3,000 religious buildings were destroyed or damaged, including Catholic and Orthodox churches, and above all mosques. In Kosovo, the minority Serbs say scores of Orthodox churches or monasteries have been wrecked by ethnic-Albanian nationalists. 在現代,為了聖地而起的戰爭,無論發生地點在印度、耶路撒冷、 巴爾幹半島,幾乎跟中世紀時一樣多。波士尼亞戰爭期間,有超過 3000座宗教建築被摧毀或損壞,包括了天主教與東正教的教堂。被 毀損最多的則是清真寺。在科索沃,少數族裔塞爾維亞人表示,有 數十座東正教教堂和修道院被阿爾巴尼亞民族主義份子摧毀。 But holy places, even those that are claimed by more than one religion, are not always a source of conflict; there are plenty of cases where a shared holy place has led to a bond between people of different faiths who have divergent beliefs about the site but still rub along. 然而,即便一個地方是超過一個以上宗教的聖地,這個聖地不一定 就會引發衝突。有很多例子顯示,一個聖地即便為不同信仰的人共 有,大家還是可以和平相處,建立起關係。 Hence a plan that was unveiled in Norway this summer to establish a code of conduct for holy sites on which all governments could agree. The code would protect the right of one or more communities to worship at a sacred site; the right of tourists to visit such sites as long as worship is respected; and the right of individuals and groups to manifest their faith at holy places. “We want to turn these locations into places of prayer and reconciliation,” says Kjell Magne Bondevik, a former Norwegian prime minister who is also a Lutheran minister and now heads the non-profit Oslo Centre for Peace and Human Rights. 因此,今年夏天在挪威揭櫫了一項計畫,目標是要建立起一套所有 政府都同意的聖地規範。這套規範會保障各個社群團體在聖地進行 祭祀禮拜的權利。此外,只要遊客尊重各宗教祭祀禮拜的話,他們 也享有參訪聖地的權利。個人和團體在聖地展現自身宗教信仰的權 利也獲得保障。「我們想把這些地方變成祈禱和和解的場所。」前 挪威首相Kjell Magne Bondevik表示,他也是路德教派的牧師,現 在負責領導非營利組織,和平與人權奧斯陸中心。 Partners in the sacred sites project include Muslims, Jews and Christians from the “holy land” as well as people from all over the Balkans. It may take a year to hammer out the details of the code—a twinkling of an eye when set against the centuries of war over places. 參加這項聖地計畫的成員包括了穆斯林、猶太人、基督徒,以及來 自巴爾幹半島各地的人。要明訂出規範的細節可能要花一年的時間 ,但其實一年對爭奪聖地而延續了數百年的戰爭來說,只是一眨眼 而已。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
going90:感謝你的再次分享 08/30 13:00
elelaw:這規範看起來不錯,很具有理想性 08/30 20:00