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全文引自 The Korean Times: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2009/02/123_39894.html 02-19-2009 18:13 Signs of 'Green Bubble' Emerging 浮現中的綠色泡沫 By Kim Tae-gyu Staff Reporter In the late 1990s, the Kim Dae-jung administration brought forth a pair of policies to overcome the Asian currency crisis ─ boosting consumption via credit cards and nurturing venture start-ups. 1990年代後期,金大中政府為了克服亞洲貨幣危機(指1997-98年的金融風暴), 推動兩個政策:信用卡消費擴張與扶植突然出現的投機事業。 Both appeared to work in the short run but they eventually ended up causing the IT bubble burst and the credit crisis in the early 2000s. 這兩個政策都展現立即效果,但最終導致西元 2000 年後的 IT 產業泡沫破滅、 以及信貸危機。 Will history repeat itself? The Lee Myung-bak administration's all-out efforts of promoting renewable energy businesses to fight the financial crisis is accused of inflating a ``green bubble.'' 歷史將會重演嗎?李明博政府全力促進再生能源產業以對抗金融危機,這個方式 遭質疑為吹起「綠色泡沫」。 According to the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Thursday, the number of Korean firms specializing in green energy has almost doubled in a year to some 3,100 this January from some 1,700 a year ago. 根據本週四韓國知識經濟部統計,韓國綠色能源相關企業數目已從一年前大約 1700 家成長幾乎兩倍,到達今年一月的 3100 家。 ``Many of the new ventures are too small to conduct eco-friendly business, which requires huge investments,'' said a source setting up a fund to invest in wind power. 一位正籌募資金投資風力發電的人士表示:「有許多這類企業規模太小,以致於 無法帶動生態產業的商務,這個產業需要大量資金的投入。」 ``What do you think they want, then? I suspect that some of them are just eyeing state subsidies without any substantive business plans, as the government is ready to support the industry,'' he said. 「你覺得他們下一步想要什麼?我懷疑有些人只是覬覦政府補助,沒有穩固的 計畫,而政府正準備要支持這個產業。」他說。 Asia's fourth-largest economy plans to channel 679.1 billion won in developing naturally-replenishing energy including sunlight, wind, geothermal and tidal this year alone. 單單今年,亞洲前四大經濟體就計畫投入相當於 6791 億韓圜的資金發展自然 再生能源,包括太陽能、風力、地熱與潮汐等。 In addition, the country is to invest 50 trillion won through 2012 in low-carbon infrastructure initiatives. 另外,到 2012 年以前,韓國還要再投資相當於 50 兆韓圜的資金到低排碳的 公共建設上。 The anonymous source, who works for one of the nation's biggest financial institutions, claimed the country needs to beef up the entry barrier for the emerging industry. 根據一位在韓國最大金融機構任職、不願具名的消息人士指稱,韓國需要 提高這個產業的資金門檻。 Currently, any entity with more than 200 million won in capital and two specialists can register as a renewable-energy outfit. The minimum capital criteria can be different in some areas. 依照現行法令,只要擁有 2 億韓圜以及 2 位專家,就可以設立再生能源公司, 最低資本額標準在特定領域還可以有所不同。 Kim Se-jung, an analyst at Shin Young Securities, concurs. He first raised the possibility of a green bubble last December when the Green New Deal stimulus policy was announced. 韓國信榮證券分析師金世中亦表贊同。他首先提出,在去年 12 月韓國發佈 綠色新政刺激景氣方案時,綠色泡沫可能就已吹起。 ``The investment in environmentally-friendly energy might benefit some interest groups posing as green-energy companies,'' Kim said. 他說:「投資在環境友善能源的資金,有利於一些假冒為利益團體的綠色能源 公司。」 ``That could threaten economic stability as the IT and venture bubbles did after the currency crisis wrapped up,'' he said. 金世中說,「這將威脅經濟穩定,就像 IT 產業與投機泡沫在貨幣危機發生後 所造成的結果一樣。」 However, Kim said the government would have no choice but to focus on pump-priming measures in green energy because the economy is struggling so badly. 然而,金世中認為政府別無選擇,只能把刺激景氣的措施全部聚焦在綠色能源上, 因為景氣實在有夠糟。 ``It's understandable that the government puts concerns about a green bubble on the back burner but it should not forget about it,'' he said. 他認為:「政府把綠色泡沫視為次要問題是可以理解的,但不應忘記它。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kaod:看到這個就想到前幾年修電業法的事 02/20 10:25
chenglap:油價繼續跌的話, 綠色想成泡沫都難. 02/20 10:47
OmegaWind:這年頭三不五時就有泡沫 02/20 12:07
chenglap:那些泡沫太沒說服力了吧. 我寧可賭東北亞大戰. 02/20 12:10
cd81:轉錄至看板 Ecophilia 02/23 22:08