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全文引自 泰國 The Nation 新聞網: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2009/02/19/regional/regional_30096090.php Clinto visits Asean Secretariat (↑該網站標題誤植為 Clinto, 應為Clinton) 柯林頓訪問東協秘書處 Published on February 19, 2009 US State Secretary Hilary Rodham Clinton visited the Asean Secretariat yesterday to strengthen Asean-US relations and expressed the US readiness to accede to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. 美國務卿希拉蕊‧柯林頓於2月18日訪問東協秘書處,以強化東協與美國關係, 並表示美國已準備簽署《東南亞友好合作條約》。 Dr Surin and Clinton had a good discussion on ASEAN-US relations and ASEAN's community building efforts. "We welcome the US's renewed interest and re-engagement in the region as symbolized by her visit here," Dr Surin said. "We are also pleased with the Obama administration's announcement to launch its interagency process to pursue accession to the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation. It is a reaffirmation of the US's political and security commitment to the region." He added, "ASEAN, with its multi-cultural diversity, has been an anchor of stability, peace and harmony for this region and Secretary Clinton's visit emphasizes the importance of ASEAN in the regional architecture." 東協秘書長素林與柯林頓充分討論東協與美國關係,以及東協建立共同體的 努力。素林表示:「我們歡迎美國透過柯林頓來訪,宣示再度對東南亞感到 興趣,並重新涉足東南亞。」「我們也對歐巴馬政府宣佈啟動內 部程序準備簽署東南亞友好合作條約感到欣喜。這是美國對東南亞地區政治 與安全承諾的重申。」素林進一步表示:「擁有多元文化差異的東協,是東 南亞地區穩定、和平與和諧的臂膀,柯林頓的訪問強調東協在區域結構中的 重要性。」 She is the first US Secretary of State and the highest ranking US official to visit the ASEAN Secretariat. 希拉蕊‧柯林頓是首位訪問東協秘書處的美國務卿,也是曾訪問東協秘書處 的最高層級美國官員。 "We very much appreciate the Secretary's reiteration of her intention to attend the ASEAN Post Ministerial Meeting and the 16th ASEAN Regional Forum in Thailand in July this year." 「我們對於美國務卿重申要出席今年 7 月泰國主辦的東協部長會後會議,以及 第 16 屆東協區域論壇(ARF)的意願感到非常激賞。」行。 Economically, as a region, ASEAN and East Asia are exerting all efforts to help manage the impact of the global financial crisis. Dr Surin said, "We are ready, able and willing to work with the US in the search for solutions to the many global impasses and problems, from global financial system reforms to economic stability to food security to climate change to bridging the cultural divide." 經濟上,位處同一區域的東協與東亞正以全力協助解決全球金融危機的影響, 素林認為:「在許多全球僵局與問題上,我們已經準備好、有能力也有意願與 美國合作尋找解決方式,包括全球金融體系改革、經濟穩定、糧食安全、氣候 變遷,到縮短文化分岐等方面。 The Secretary-General hopes that the US market will remain open for world trade, noting that "that will be good for all of us". He wishes the US every success in the measures they have embarked upon to solve their economic woes. The success of the US will mean so much to the world facing similar financial and economic challenges, said the ASEAN chief. 東協秘書長希望美國市場能持續對世界貿易開放,提到「這會對所有人 都有益」。他期待美國所推動的每項政策都能解決美國的經濟災難。美國 的成功對面臨同樣金融與經濟挑戰的全世界而言意義深遠。 Dr Surin also registered his concern about the deteriorating situation in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip in particular. He encouraged the US Secretary of State to search for a just and lasting solution in cooperation with other relevant players in the international community and in that region. "Peace in Palestine is key to calming many anxieties in the Muslim world," the Secretary-General of ASEAN reminded the visiting US Secretary of State. 素林博士也對巴勒斯坦與加薩走廊的問題惡化表示關切。他鼓勵美國務卿 與其他在國際社會與該地區的相關行為者合作,勾勒公平與長遠的解決之道。 素林提醒美國務卿:「巴勒斯坦的和平是緩和穆斯林世界焦慮的金鑰。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: