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標題:No more breakfast in Senegal 新聞來源: http://www.fin24.com/articles/default/display_article.aspx?Nav=ns&ArticleID= 1518-25_2333115 FIN24.com ,South Africa, AFP No more breakfast in Senegal 塞內加爾沒有早餐了 Jun 2 2008 11:43AM Tabi Fall, Senegal - "The rainy season was bad and we don't have anything to eat here anymore," said Cheikh Ngone Fall, head of a village in western Senegal where the drought is pushing young men and women to move. Tabi Fall, 塞內加爾-「雨季沒雨而且我們這邊沒有任何可以吃的。」Cheikh Ngone Fall說著,塞內加爾西方最大村落因為乾旱迫使年輕男女離開。 "There are 55 houses in this village. In each one of them, five to six youngsters have recently left for Dakar(the Senegalese capital) or Mbour (a fishing town in the west) because of the food troubles," Fall, who heads to village Tabi Fall in the west African nation, told AFP. 「村莊有五十五間房裏頭至少五六個年輕人最近都離開了,都去Dakar(塞內加爾首都) 或Mbour(西方漁村)因為糧食短缺。」秋天,Cheikh Ngnone帶著Tabi Fall人們離開 西非。他對AFP說著。 "We didn't harvest anything last year. If we had a well we could have grown things during the dry season and nobody would have left," the seventy-something chief said in his house made of zinc and straw. 「我們去年沒有任何莊稼收穫。如果狀況好的話,乾季會長些吃的,這樣就不會有人離 開了。」七十多歲的酋長在他以鋅(?)和稻草的房屋裡。 He looked at the cracked earth in his courtyard, the effect of the ongoing drought that had caused harvests to fail because there was not enough rain. 他看著庭院裡龜裂的大地。持續中的乾旱影響造成農作失敗,因為缺乏雨水。 In Senegal most of the agriculture depends on rain and only a minute part of arable land is irrigated. The poor west African nation has been hit hard by the rising food prices and the astronomical petrol prices. 塞內加爾大部分農作靠著雨水和微乎其微的灌溉。貧窮的西非國家被高漲的食物與天文 數字般的汽油價格重重的打擊。 In Tabi Fall, in the savannah zone, the countryside is arid. You can see the bones protruding from the skin of the cattle, goats and sheep scrounging in the dry bushes. 在Tabi Fall這個熱帶大草原,村莊是乾旱不毛的。你可以看到沒有皮的牛枯骨、羚和羊 安息在乾灌木叢裡。 "There is no cattle feed. We let them roam free in the bushes," Moussa Ndoye of the neighbouring village of Merine Dakhar said. 「這邊沒有牧草或飼料。我們讓它四處尋找草叢。」 Moussa Ndoye說著,他是Merine Dakhar旁邊村落的人。 The villagers themselves also make do with less. 村民自己也盡量少吃些。 "We have learned to skip breakfast. To the children we sometimes give 5 CFA francs (one US cent) to buy candy," Fatou Gueye said. 「我們學著避開早餐。對小孩,我們給他 5CFA francs (美金一分)來買糖果。」 Fatou Gueye說著。 "Lunch is basic, three times a week it's millet porridge with baobab fruit, without milk or sugar. Rice at 300 francs CFA a kilo, is expensive," she explained. 「午餐很基本,每周三次的小米稀飯配上Baobab水果,當然沒有牛奶或糖了。米價要 300 francs CFA每公斤,很貴。」她解釋。 In the nearby village of Ndiass, Modou Diop told AFP that he planted millet and groundnuts three times last year. Ndiass附近的村莊, Modou Diop告訴 AFP 他種植比去年多三倍的小米與花生(土豆)。 We are not eating enough 我們吃不飽 "But I didn't harvest anything because of the lack of rain," he lamented. "We were forced to cut our daily intake in half. We are not eating enough," Khadim Diop said. 「但我因為缺雨水而無法耕作。」他哀悼著。「!!!我們被迫減去一半的必須食物, 我們沒得吃!!!」Khadim Diop如是說。 "The price of rice is very high and often there is no millet. For breakfast we sometimes only have cafe Touba (a home-brewed spiced coffee) when there is not enough bread," said Mbouba Diop, in the village Ndiaye Damba Niane, three kilometres down the road. 「米價非常高而且常常沒有穀子。早餐常常是Touba咖啡(家庭土製烘培),也沒有 麵包。」Mbouba Diop在Ndiaye Damba Niane村,三公里路下來。 In Merine Dakhar in the Ndoye family home, the women spooned only sauce into a bowl after running out of rice. 在Merine Dakhar的Ndoye家庭,米吃完後,女人只靠一些醬油過活。 "Sometimes we have the money but there is no rice for us to buy," Moussa Ndoye said. 「有時我們掙了錢卻沒地方買米。」 Moussa Ndoye哭訴。 Still, according to the sous-prefect of the community of Merine-Dakhar, Cheikh Modou Wade, there is no famine. 不過,因為(?) 社區的sous-prefect的Merine-Dakhar,Cheikh Modou Wade(人),這裡 沒有饑荒(??) "We have food troubles. Three meals a day are no longer the norm but there is no famine here," he told AFP. 「我們有食物問題。一天三餐不再是正常,只要這邊持續饑荒。」他告訴AFP。 The Senegalese authorities have said they will send 3.48kg of rice for each of the over 26 000 inhabitants of the region. 塞內加爾相關單位已表示會送3.48kg的米給每個兩萬六千個居民。 Birima Diop, an old man from the Ndiass village, is not counting on the government. Birima Diop,一位Ndiass村的長者,不指望政府(!)。 "We give praise to Seringe Touba (founder of the Mourides Muslim brotherhood, a very influential movement in Senegal). Prayers are what will save us," he insisted. 「我們稱頌 Seringe Touba (Mourides Muslim兄弟會創始者,在塞國深具引響力) 祈禱可以拯救我們,他堅稱。 - AFP -- 非洲AFP所有 sinsun or cinson翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cinson 來自: (06/03 21:40)