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標題:U.N.: 50 percent more food needed by 2030 新聞來源:http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24942035/ U.N.: 50 percent more food needed by 2030 Summit comes as soaring prices push 100 million people into hunger 聯合國:2030年糧食需求增加百分之五十 MSNBC News Services updated 5:21 a.m. ET June 3, 2008 MSNBC, ROME - The U.N. secretary-general told world leaders on Tuesday that food production must rise by 50 percent by 2030 to meet increasing demand. 羅馬-聯合國祕書處長于星期二告訴各領導人,2030年將面對糧食需求增加百分之五十 Speaking at a food summit in Rome, Ban Ki-moon said that nations must minimize export restrictions and import tariffs during the crisis that has caused hunger and riots across the globe. 羅馬糧食首長,Ban Ki-moon提出國家應減低出口限額與進口關稅,于現在的飢荒與國際 間的衝突。 Participants at the U.N. summit are trying to figure out how to head off skyrocketing food prices before millions more join the multitudes across the globe who already lack enough to eat. 聯合國參予會員首長試著搞定如飛沖天的糧食需求,在數百萬會員國已經餓肚子的關鍵 時刻。 Human rights activists and the World Bank demanding action to curb soaring prices that are pushing an estimated 100 million people into hunger. 人權活動分子與世界銀行要求此取行動遏止飆升的價格,這刺激使得上億人飢餓。 The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization initially called the summit at the end of last year to discuss the risks posed to food security by climate change. 聯合國的「糧食與農業組織」在去年底的第一次會議談論到氣候改變的糧食危機。 But soaring food prices have shifted the focus of the gathering. 但高漲的食物改變了焦點到採購。 The cost of major food commodities has doubled over the last couple of years, with rice, corn and wheat at record highs. Some prices have hit their highest levels in 30 years in real terms — provoking protests and riots in some developing countries, where people may spend more than half their income on food. 相對幾年前,主食商品的花費以增加為雙倍。如米、玉米、小麥,都是破紀錄的。一些價 格達到三十年來最高價。發展國家中由於食物需要花費所得的一半,造成一些暴動與示威 者。 Biofuels the prime culprit? Delegates will discuss a range of issues such as aid, trade and technology to improve farm yields, but hunger campaigners have singled out biofuels — often made by converting food crops into fuel — as a prime culprit. 生質燃料是元凶? 會員代表討論範圍有:救援、交易與增進農業科技,但是飢餓的抗議者已經瞄準生質燃料 ,把食物變成有錢人的汽油是最大元凶。 “Countries are justifying the pursuit of biofuels on the grounds that they offer a means to reduce emissions from transport and improve energy security, ” the campaign group Oxfam said in a report issued Tuesday. Oxfam組織於星期二指出:許多國家辯解尋求生質燃料使得交通排放量減少,但是會造成 能源危機! “But there is mounting scientific evidence that biofuel mandates (policy support) are actually accelerating climate change by driving the expansion of agriculture into critical habitats such as forests and wetlands,” Oxfam said. 愈多的科學證據指出生質燃料政策確確實實加劇氣候變遷。迫使農業摧毀原始林地與沼地 Even though the United States is channeling about a quarter of its corn crop into ethanol production by 2022, and the European Unions plans to get 10 percent of auto fuel from bio-energy by 2020, biofuel supporters say the effect on global food prices is small. 雖然美國挑戰他們四分之一的穀物公司在2022生產乙醇。歐盟計畫2020使用百分之十的 生化燃料。生質燃料的支持者說對全球食物的價格影響很小(騙白癡)。 U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ed Shafer said biofuels accounted for only around 3 percent of the total food price rise. Oxfam says the real impact is about 30 percent. 美國農業安全部 Ed Shafer 說生質燃料只佔全球食物帳價 3% 左右(夠浪費了好不好) 。Oxfam說真正的衝擊大概有百分之三十! World Bank chief Robert Zoellick said the issue should not be allowed to dominate the summit, although biofuels clearly competed with food production. However, he said Africa could benefit from sugar-based biofuel production, as Brazil has. 世界銀行總裁 Robert Zoellick 說這問題不應該影響會議(不然咧),雖然生質燃料完 全產生於人類生存的食物。然而,她說非洲可以醣類生質燃料獲利,如同巴西(就是你 們這些沒種過田的害的)。 The World Bank estimates that higher food prices are pushing 30 million Africans into poverty. Zoellick said African leaders wanted action, not words. 世界銀行刺激更高的食物價格逼迫三千萬非洲人飢餓(該死的最優越白人噁)。 Zoellick說非洲嶺等應該行動別說話(你就可以說話,你就別吃飯,看) “It would be unfortunate if (bio-energy) becomes the sole point of debate, because then we would not meet what poor countries tell me they want, which is resources for safety net programs, seeds and fertilizers, and export bans lifted,” he told Reuters. 如果不幸生質燃料成為唯一焦點,(因為我們白人不屑窮人)那我們要邀請他們告訴我們 (有錢王八資本主義)他們需要甚麼。包括安全網(你又要賣武器呀),種子與肥料(我 們優越白人的種子與肥料)以及解除出口禁令(讓我們白人統治你們吧)。路透社說的。 Brazil, a pioneer in sugar-cane based biofuels, is set to defend them at the summit. Its foreign minister, Celso Amorim, said fair trade and the abolition of rich countries’ subsidies to farmers were crucial issues for the summit. 巴西,醣類燃料的先鋒(被騙去燒掉自己的亞馬遜森林),已在會議設下防線。(你們浪 費食物不知感恩的美國人)巴西外交部長 Celso Amorim 說道取消所謂對富有國的公平交 易(不平等條約)。補給農民已是首要焦點。 World prices for food are expected to fall from current peaks in the coming years but will remain “substantially above” average levels from the past decade, according to a joint agricultural report issued by the U.N.’s FAO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. 世界食物價位可預料在最高峰降下來(看,誰搞的)。但仍然大幅度的高於過去數十年。 基於聯合國的FAO與Organization for Econnomic Cooperation and Development。 Food prices have been skyrocketing worldwide due to high oil prices, changing diets, urbanization, expanding populations, flawed trade policies, extreme weather, growth in biofuels production and speculation. They have sparked riots and protests from Africa to Asia and raised fears that millions more will suffer from malnutrition. 食物價格在世界各地由於高油價飆漲、飲食習慣的改變、都市化、人口增加與錯誤的交易 政策、氣候變遷、生質燃料的增產(我還可以罵)與投機客。他們已經讓非洲到亞洲產生 暴民與示威者。提高了百萬人對飢餓的恐懼。 -- 糧食問題將會越來越明顯 有人說翻譯會給我錢,於是我罵人了 哪有? ※ 編輯: cinson 來自: (06/03 18:03) ※ 編輯: cinson 來自: (06/03 19:15)
cinson:我他媽火了! 06/03 19:43