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Chinese quake lake still rising http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7443461.stm 煩請注意附上原稿來源 這間就簡單講幾個重點吧 1.堰塞湖水位依舊持續高漲 The water level in an earthquake-formed lake in China is still rising, despite the creation of a drainage channel. 在疏洪道設立之後 堰塞湖內的水位依舊持續上漲中 By early Monday, the water level was more than 6 feet (2m) higher than the man-made channel created to ease the problem, Xinhua news agency said. 星期一稍早,新華社報導 堰塞湖內水位已經超過6呎(相當於2公尺) 比人造的疏洪道還要高 Soldiers are using anti-tank weapons to blast away rocks and mud preventing the water from getting to the channel. 解放軍利用反坦克武器 對疏洪道內的土石進行爆破,確保疏洪道的安全 在唐家山堰塞湖成形後,已經有大約25萬人被撤離 (網頁中可以透過CCTV的畫面查看相關影片) 2.最新相關統計 Latest government figures put the quake death toll at 69,136 with another 17,686 people missing. 最新數據顯示 死亡人數已經到達69136人 目前還有17686人失蹤 3.所有相關措施的兩難 Zhang Ting, head of the Sichuan provincial hydro-meteorological bureau, told state media "the drainage plus natural leakage from the lake is about 25 cubic metres per second, while the inflow is 4.6 times greater". "Increasing the outflow of water is critical for the dam's safety," Mr Zhang told the China Daily. 以上由四川水文氣象局長對中國日報的發言 強調洩洪的重要性 及至今為止洩洪的成效 "If the water flows too slowly, the inflow will increase the pressure on the dam. But again, too voluminous an outflow can erode the diversion channel and cause the dam to collapse." 但是這位局長也提出 過與不及的難處 洩洪太慢,水位的增加將增加水壩的壓力 洩洪太快則會造成分洪道的損毀,進而讓水壩崩潰 --- 來不及參與測驗的出題 所以就貼這篇有關四川地震的近況做點補償吧 :) 另外,現在四川地區的災情應該有所控制 所以以後相關議題,就跟這篇一樣,看重點報導囉~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: