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ASEAN sets summit, welcomes charter (CNN) -- An Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit will take place late February in Thailand, its government announced Tuesday, a day after Abhisit Vejjajiva was picked as Thai prime minister and ASEAN's charter came into force. 本週二,在Abhisit Vejjajiva獲選為泰國新任總理,以及東協憲章正式生效的一天之後 ,泰國政府宣布東協高峰會將在二月下旬於泰國召開。 The summit had been scheduled to take place this week in the northern city of Chiang Mai but was postponed because protests by opposition parties shut down Bangkok's airports. 這次高峰會原本規劃在本週於泰北大城清邁舉行,後因反對派示威關閉曼谷機場影響而被 延期。 On Monday ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia, marked the enactment of a new charter setting free trade and political liberalization standards for the 10 members. 本週一,東協各國外長在印尼雅加達開會制定新憲章,規定東協十個成員國的自 由貿易與政治自由化標準。 "From now on, ASEAN shall operate under the new legal framework laid down in the ASEAN Charter," ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan said. 東協秘書長Surin Pitsuwan表示:「現在起,東協將要在東協憲章底下的 新法律架構中運作。 The charter sets a 2015 goal for establishing a free-trade zone among its members and lays out a set of political, economic and "people-oriented" commitments -- including respect for democratic principles and human rights, a "nuclear weapon-free Southeast Asia" and progress toward regional economic integration. 東協憲章設定,在2015年建立自由貿易區,並規劃一系列政治、經濟,與 「以人民為主」的承諾──包括尊重民主原則與人權,東南亞非核區,並朝向 區域經濟整合邁進。 In August, ASEAN ministers agreed to expand those integration efforts, particularly with the slowdown in global demand in sight. 東協外長在八月時同意擴大經濟整合,特別是在眼前的全球需求趨緩情勢下。 "What they're trying to do is take just a first step towards building that kind of community that's based on rules that has a more common set of understanding of how these nations should behave," Asia observer Jamie Metzl told CNN. 觀察家Jamie Metzl向CNN記者表示:「東協國家共同認識到應該如何作為,並衍生 出一些規則,而東協正在做的只是在這些規則之上,朝向建立共同體所跨出的第一 步。」 However, he said, the treaty has only weak tools to address members that violate those standards -- a situation that is likely to arise in the case of Myanmar, formerly Burma, where the ruling military junta violently suppressed protests led by Buddhist monks in 2007. 然而Metzl表示,東協憲章只有一些無力的工具來對付破壞標準的成員國,如同東協在 2007年緬甸軍政府武力鎮壓僧侶示威時所面臨的狀況一樣。 In addition to Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar, ASEAN's members include Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines. 除了泰國、印尼與緬甸,東協成員包括新加坡、汶萊、馬來西亞、寮國、越南、柬埔寨與 菲律賓。 In May, Myanmar agreed to allow ASEAN members to send medical personnel and an assessment team following the devastation of Cyclone Nargis. This summer, ASEAN foreign ministers met in Singapore to seek a resolution to the military standoff between Cambodia and Thailand. 今年五月納吉斯風災後,緬甸同意讓其他東協成員國派遣醫療人員與評估團隊入境。夏季 ,東協各國外長在新加坡開會討論如何解決柬埔寨與泰國間的軍事對峙局面。 原文引自 CNN 新聞網: http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/12/16/thailand.asean/index.html -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: