精華區beta IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Listening: Part1-保險理賠單的填寫 Customer No.: WX171435T D.O.B: April 30th Stloen: bike On a :seat Approximate value: 560 pounds Need a: report Part2-Folkfest 各event的time, activities & souvenir 這大題一開始就聽丟...請大家補充 Take part in _____ get a recent: CD(?) weaving:basket lesson:_______ cooking:fish souvenir:t-shirt part3 Suzanne & Adam討論鞋子相關的報告 題型有選擇跟配對兩種題型 選擇: Adam拆了舊鞋以了解鞋子構造 Suzanne要把foot movement的報告部分補完 Suzanne會寫大部分的report而Adam則做大部分的presentation Adam要了解去哪裡拿presentation需要的器材 配對: Summary: put to the last Results: simpler description Discussion: move to different section Conclusion: different layout part4 講人造纖維跟自然纖維的製法對環境的傷害比較 選擇: Formaldehyde is used to :creasing Wool take only 1/4 (A) of ...compared to crops 配合:A:講者完全認同 B:部分認同 C:完全不認同 C /C /A Reading: 在打這篇文章時才發現沒有記錄 現在已經記不得了.... Passage1: 珍古德研究猩猩及其他學者的研究方式及結果 Passage2: Passage3: 工作心理學? Writing: Task 1 4 bar charts show the percentage of male and female students getting top grades(A and B) in 1960 and 2000 in one country, by 5 subjects. (Arts, Sciences, Maths, Languages and Humanities) Task 2 Watching television is bad for children, while others argue that television has positive effects of children development on the way of growing up. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Speaking: Part 1 - student or work? - what kind of work? - the difficulties of your job - will you recommend this job to others? - your name - anyone in your family have same name? - meaning of your name? - how will you name your child? - Arts - what kind of arts do you like? - what do you feel about it? - how often do you go to the gallery? - do you think arts is important for us? Part 2 Describe a present you gave to someone recently. - what is the gift? - who did you give it to? - why do you choose this gift? - do you think your friend like it or not? Part 3 -Do you feel happier to receive a present when you were a child than an adult? why? -Why do you think some people show that they don;t like the gift when they get it? -Which one makes you feel happier? Giving present to someone or receiving it? -Which one do you think is better. A home-made gift or something bought from a shop? -Do you think commercialized industry may affetc people what to buy? ------------- 覺得今天的task 2 跟 speaking都算好發揮的 可惜我task 1時間又沒抓好,task 2只差一個字就寫完 希望不要被扣太多分數 speaking部分因為跟朋友有交換禮物 整個有實際例子讓我講 瞬間就想好要講的內容 一分鐘準備時間還沒到我就停筆了 希望不會因此讓考官覺得我是背答案哪~ 但經過part 1 & 3 應該是不至於 因為我講得飛快又講很多 大多是考官示意要我停下,他好繼續問 考官人感覺很nice 編號:XXX558 名字:Erwin 他都面帶笑容 還會對你所回答的內容做出表情回應 (比方說:我了解你的明白) 讓人感覺滿放鬆的 沒有特別去注意他的口音,但是問話速度有刻意放慢跟發音清楚 所以沒有需要請他重複問題的狀況 剛近去跟考完結束後 他也都很有朝氣的跟你問好 希望有好結果啦~ 至於考場-BC板橋地球村 今天到快九點半才開始考試 因為八點半才開始報到 所以結束時間也比較晚,約十二點半 對於下午第一個要口試的同學來講可能沒辦法好好吃個飯 筆試考場則是利用TOEFL-iBT的考場 所以大家是坐在一個個小隔間裡的 我個人比較喜歡大桌子,壓迫感會少點 音響部分,視聽時音量適中 正式播放就變得比較小聲 (好像其他場也有這個問題?) 建議大家之後也許可以請他們再調大聲一點點,以防萬一 祝大家都能考到理想的成績! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
twinkle:Reading 2: 非洲某個部落的農業及其他生產方式 02/03 00:45
twinkle:Reading 3: Psychology of innovation 02/03 00:45
mydreamcome:Speaking 很幸運唷 ^ ^b 02/03 03:00
puregolfman:看到妳寫的答案, 我真的很難過 , 看來我是要再重考了. 02/03 11:08
mydreamcome:拍拍 02/03 11:54
GoPhoebe:補充:題庫編號:13121 (還是348才是編號啊?) 02/03 13:41
GoPhoebe:to puregolfman:我不確定聽得對不對呀,大家一起討論吧 02/03 13:43
mydreamcome:希望大家一起討論唷~ 02/03 22:44
pj0607tw:listening我也是part2有幾格沒聽到!Speaking part2我是被 02/04 14:55
pj0607tw:問到describe an occasion that you helped someone. 02/04 14:55