精華區beta IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part I Do you work or are you a student? Tell me about your major. Why did you choose your school? What do you want to do when you graduate? Natural places Do you often visit natural places? What do you think is the best way to learn about nature? Have you ever go camping in the mountains? Take a break Do you often take a break when you’re working or studying? What do you do during your break? How do you feel after taking a break? Part II Describe a old person that you respect. Please say— Who the person is? Something about this person’s younger life. What do you do together? And please explain why you respect this person. (Round off) 問了兩個問題但我忘記了... Part III What are the important qualities of a person that taking care of elder people? 我說pateince,說了一下為什麼然後舉了例子 本來還想說第二個quality但太緊張想不到只好說我一時想不出其他quality... Do we need to respect elder people when taking care of them? 我回答一定要,無論是不是長者, 我覺得我們應該要尊重跟我們對話的每個人。因為要保持禮貌。 So you think we should respect elder people even when sometimes they do things that are really rude or unreasonable? 我回答我還是會尊重, 因為有時長者他們有一些跟我們不同的生活經驗與記憶, 或者有時候他們會犯一些錯誤,做出一些無理的行為, 但他們可能都有自己的原因,不是故意的, 所以應該要always尊重並體諒他們。 Do you think it’s always good for elder people to live with their family members? 我說我覺得很好,但有時並不能如願, 我舉了一個自己的例子,因為太忙所以沒有辦法好好照顧家庭長者, 所以有時住在養老院可能會是比較好的選擇。 So you agree that elder people should always live with their family if they were able to provide enough support? 對。因為長者和他們的家庭成員關係最親近密切,所以住在一起比較好。 What do you think neighbor can do to help their elder neighbors? 可以幫忙照顧年長的鄰居,比如說在台灣有很多獨居老人, 有時他們會忘記關火或迷路,身為鄰居應該要隨時注意他們。 考官是白髮中壯年男子,應該是美國或加拿大人, 人非常nice,我覺得在part I我告訴他自己的major和生物相關後, 他就有故意選擇我可能比較擅長的自然環境問題讓我回答。 在partIII我想不出其他人格特質時, 他也會引導我問我相關的問題。 但我整個很緊張所以把他的名字和編號忘得一乾二淨了T____T Anyway,希望這次可以拿到想要的成績! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1418564196.A.E23.html
skyism: 謝謝分享 12/14 21:45
opt815: 推 12/14 22:20
irenemisea: 感謝分享 你的記性好好喔! 不像我 一考完全部都忘光 12/15 08:55
irenemisea: 光 只剩下幾個大標題 12/15 08:55
VertFeuille: 謝謝:) 我想起來有一題round off是問我那個人的 12/15 10:18
VertFeuille: personality怎樣?大概是我2分鐘都沒有講到這部分 12/15 10:18
VertFeuille: 考官真的蠻好的...round off的問題是給我機會補充 12/15 10:19
VertFeuille: 2分鐘裡不足的部分! 12/15 10:19