精華區beta IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part1 1.your full name 2.are you a student or working now 3.why you study there 4.do you use map? 5.paper map or electric map 6.why you use more often? 7.do you cook? (But I told him that I bake more often) 8.why do you want to bake by your self? Part2 When do you have your first phone/cell phone? How do you have it?(who gave it to you) What's different after you have phone? Part3 Cuz I talked about the smart phone He asked be about what's smart phone change my life (or something like that haha) And why people in nowadays use app to communicate ? (Cuz I said that I use app to communicate with my friends) 其實我有些忘記了 但是跟考古題真的很相似啊XD 地圖跟手機跟煮飯 我記得他題目很多但是不是都是在part1 問完的....我也有點忘了 但是就記得有這些題目 哈哈 真的很感謝版上的大大無私分享 讓我在考試前不停review大家的考訊文 把這些考古題都先想過了一次~ 口說從12:30開始我是15:05考的.... 就這樣看著ptt文不停自問自答到考試前...... 希望這次能考到想要的成績摟~ 也希望能幫到大家 ^_^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1411224979.A.9DB.html
HUSKIES06: 推 09/21 13:23
niicorobin: 推 09/22 19:23