精華區beta IELTS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part1 1. Home Please decribe the house or apartment you live in now? How long have you lived there? What's your favorite room in your apartment? 2. Friends When did you meet your first best friend? Do you think have many friends and have close friend, which is more important? what do you like to do with your friends? 3. Shoes How often do you buy shoes? Which one is your favorite? Do you prefer comfortable shoes or good-looking shoes? Part2 Describe a app that you find it's useful. you should say: -What the app is? -How long have you used it? -How you find the app is useful? Part3 Do you think the technology really makes our life easier? Do you think people rely on the technology too much nowdays? Why some people want to follow the latest technolnogy? Is there any job replaced by computer or machine now? (大意) Remarks: 1. 台大二活考場配合的口試地點是北科大集思會議中心,地點在忠孝東路跟 建國南路口的億光大樓3樓,樓下是Audi。地點並不在忠孝新生站附近,考生 需注意。 2. 考場是一間間的獨立教室,在場的僅有考官跟你,非常安靜。 3. 我遇到的是華裔正妹考官 4. 遇到的Part2考題是useful app,其實已經是2014的舊題。想看更完整的口說題庫, 建議考生參考對岸的雅思哥 http://goo.gl/VvX7l7 ,準備時間不夠的話,請直接看 2014與2015常考的Part2 (加起來約50題) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1424749035.A.EBE.html
dabiann: 我2/12考idp也是考app~ 02/24 18:05