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※ 引述《pog0615 (百分百幸運草先生)》之銘言: : 我想請問一下 七月初 越南與吳哥窟那個地區的天氣如何?? : 還有到了那裡 有什麼需要特別注意的事情嗎? : 例如什麼東西少碰為妙 或是哪種攤販可以殺價 : 之前有版友提到可以帶生活用品去發給小孩 我之前也這樣想過 . 但是在網路上看到了這樣一篇文章 , 如同作者所言也許很刺耳 , 但也是一種觀點 . (我本身認同這種觀點) (附上拙劣的翻譯...) Q: I would like to bring some gifts for the children, what would be best? 我想帶些小禮物給那邊的小孩 , 什麼樣的禮物最好呢 ? A: Nothing. Bring nothing. Give nothing. Oh, that's a harsh answer, I know, but... This country is already on the dole. With huge amounts of international aid pouring in there's already too much of a 'why invest our own money and energy when some foreign government or NGO will do it for us?'. This trickles all the way down to the little kids who, if the recipient of small presents from foreigners, will only come to see foreigners as a source of free handouts. You might think you're doing something cute and nice, but such actions have a lot of negative repercussions which you will never see 什麼都別帶 , 什麼都別給 . 這樣的答案可能很刺耳 , 我知道 . 但是這個國家已經接受太多大量的國際援助了 , 為何要把你自己的精力和金錢 繼續投資進去呢 ? 這些偶一為之的禮物發送只會使小朋友把外國人當作ㄧ種 送禮物的來源 ~你也許以為你在做好事 , 但是這些行為將會帶來負面的影響, 是你永遠看不見的. And what are you trying to accomplish anyway? Appease some sense of guilt because you're well off and they are not? Bestow gifts upon the little people? If you want to make some kids happy, just spend time with them. Joke around, play some games. If you have a digital camera, take some photos and play them back to the kids. There are many ways to put smiles on faces that don't require the dispensation of material goods. So, please, while there's nothing wrong with bringing a basket of fruit if making a home visit, as is a local custom, or helping out an individual who demonstrates a genuine effort to help themselves, don't be a patronizing twat and turn up somewhere with a bag of candy or pens or whatever and start tossing them out to expectant little hands... Santa Claus isn't real. 而且你幹嘛這樣作呢 ? 只是因為你有錢而他們很窮這樣的罪惡感嘛 ? 送禮物給 小朋友 ? 如果你想要讓小孩子開心 , 你花時間和他們相處 , 說說笑話一起玩 , 如果你有數位相機 , 幫他們拍照放給他們看 , 除了施捨以外 , 很多方式可以讓 小孩開心 , 拜訪當地居民的時候 , 當然你可以帶一籃水果當作禮物 , 這是當地習俗 . 或者幫助那些努力改善自己生活的人 . (ㄜ..應該是自助而人助之..翻不好..) 別ㄧ副施捨者的樣子跑到那邊帶著一袋糖果或鉛筆丟給那些充滿期望的小手. 聖誕老公公只是童話而已 . 來源 : http://www.talesofasia.com/cambodia-faq-misc.htm#patronizingwankers : 可是這樣會不會被包圍不能脫身啊?? : 最後一問 明信片那種基本的紀念品 該跟店家買還是路人買比較好?? : 感謝大家~ <(_ _)> -- Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in middle of it. P.J.O'ROURKE http://www.wretch.cc/blog/armilla -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tracys:有的小朋跟他們聊天打屁 用樹枝玩OOXX他們常就很開心了 06/01 18:57
tracys:畢竟他們大都還是純真的小孩呀! 06/01 18:58
doze:可是有很多不天真的小孩,拿的東西少了還會發脾氣=_= 06/01 19:04
bluebelinda:推這篇的想法 之前在尼泊爾爬山時 嚮導也呼籲大家不要 06/02 17:43
bluebelinda:隨意給小孩子糖果 06/02 17:43