精華區beta JYJ 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Remarkable Awards 2012 German Korean Entertainment Awards 2012德國韓流卓越獎項: (以下連結直接點開就是該獎項的部分) 1.最佳單人舞蹈獎:金俊秀-TARANTALLEGRA http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=93ibQPR3ru0#t=345s
(只有俊秀不是LIVE的影片QQ) 2.最佳單人美聲獎:金俊秀-討厭愛情 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6dNVMsv6Cjg#t=66s
(演唱會的片段) 3.最佳電視劇獎:有天-屋塔房王世子 (背景音樂是俊秀的討厭愛情) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6dNVMsv6Cjg#t=228s
4.最佳男演員獎: 朴有天 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6dNVMsv6Cjg#t=309s
5.最佳男歌手獎:金俊秀-Uncommitted http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xLfeM71rxEg#t=176s
金俊秀-tarantallegra 入圍年度最佳專輯 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=xLfeM71rxEg#t=309s
金俊秀-tarantallegra 入圍年度歌曲 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AB11ecG5-xE#t=232s
!!!年度卓越藝人:金俊秀!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=AB11ecG5-xE#t=325s
以下為年度藝人點評 Xia Junsu took a step on a difficult road. Although the doors of Korean music shows are closed to his group JYJ, he still decided to make a solo album, even if he knew that he won't be able to promote this album. He created a wonderful album for his fans and himself and proved that he is a great musician. Xia Junsu is the first Korean solo artist who made a world tour this year. He put a lot of effort in each concert and so all of them became an unique experience. On this difficult road he was succesful and never lost what is important to him: his love for music. He doesn't just sing, he lives music! That's why he was chosen as the most remarkable Artist of the Year! 重點翻譯 有錯請指正 即使JYJ無法上韓國音樂節,俊秀仍決定要發行SOLO專輯。 在無法宣傳的窘境下,俊秀完成了一張非常棒的專輯, 也是今年第一位展開世巡的韓國男歌手。 (我OS: 不然還有誰敢開╮(╯_╰)╭) 踏在這艱難的音樂之路上,俊秀從未忘記對他來說最重要的就是: 他 愛 音 樂 ! 他不僅僅只是唱而已,俊秀甚至賦予了音樂生命 俊秀剪輯: http://t.cn/zjpTYgJ @NBAMBAA F:remarkableforum 所有得獎名單 http://goo.gl/es1wu ______________________________________________________________________________ 謝謝德國這麼厚愛我們JYJ啊(*〞▽〝*) 有去開演唱會果然不一樣XD 明年就看在中哥囉XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
miffy7:推秀秀年度藝人!!講評真棒!!有天俊秀大發!!!明年換在中哥! 12/22 20:25
tamaoi:每次看得獎影片都好感動~希望總有一天三人一起站在台上領獎 12/22 22:30
duckzoe:在中哥Fighting!!!!!!! JYJ好棒!bbb 12/22 23:42
julia761029:好棒喔!三人都好棒!JYJ fighting!!! 12/23 00:23
perfumelady:JYJ Fighting!2013一定會更棒! 12/23 01:42