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大概四月要和外甥女一起去東京... 也想幫她買一張,就可以省去不少買票的時間... 我們外國人(小學一年級的學生)可以到綠色窗口買嗎.... http://www.jreast.co.jp/suica/about/type/index.html#04 還有可以拿護照去買嗎... 謝謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
a07602724:謝謝~ 12/28 09:29
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: a07602724 (Eova) 看板: Japan_Travel 標題: Re: [問題]外國人可以買小兒用Suica嗎~ 時間: Mon Jan 21 14:05:15 2008 後來有寫信去問,今天收到回信了~ 內容如下; Thank you for your e-mail and your interest in Suica. Yes, foreigners too, can purchase My Suica for children at our stations ticket offices where Suica system has already been introduced (Tokyo Metropolitan area, Sendai area, and Niigata area). Please note that you need positive ID for your child who is using the Suica (passport, health insurance card, etc). Parents can buy My Suica for children for their child, but they still need positive ID of their child. Also, please watch for the expiration date. (It is only good until March 31 of the year your child graduates from elementary school in Japanese school year) After that date you cannot use it any longer. If your child wishes to continue using Suica, it needs to be changed to ordinary Suica (for adult) at our stations ticket offices. Please also note that, your child can only have one of the followings: My Suica for children, or Suica pass for children, or PASMO for children. Thank you and have a nice trip in Japan. ※ 引述《a07602724 (Eova)》之銘言: : 大概四月要和外甥女一起去東京... : 也想幫她買一張,就可以省去不少買票的時間... : 我們外國人(小學一年級的學生)可以到綠色窗口買嗎.... : http://www.jreast.co.jp/suica/about/type/index.html#04 : 還有可以拿護照去買嗎... : 謝謝~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
junchen:太感謝!如果NEX的優惠要如何辦理? 01/21 15:41
a07602724:我想可以找綠色窗口一起買,辦理吧,因為小孩的卡要記名~ 01/21 16:36
junchen:所以準備小孩護照及拼音就可以買NEX+SUIICA優惠? 01/21 21:46
chibiusa:似乎沒看到小孩的N`EX+SUICA套票耶... 01/21 22:48
a07602724:NEX+SUIICA優惠建議到綠色窗口一併詢問~如果有優惠也是 01/22 10:07
a07602724:要SUICA記名,沒有的話分開單獨買也行~看那個較划算 01/22 10:09
a07602724:不好意思,因為我們沒有要買SUICA+NEX優惠,不過我在寫信 01/22 10:11
a07602724:過去問看看好了~ 01/22 10:13
a07602724:已經寫過去問了,有回音再po上來~ 01/22 10:58
junchen:超級感謝,我月底會用到 01/24 15:26