精華區beta Japan_Travel 關於我們 聯絡資訊
圖文英文版:http://tinyurl.com/p64a6p4 We returned our rental car this morning. The gas station we went to had a brilliant way of saving space in a crowded city. The gas tanks were *above us*! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9014.jpg
The staff was amused when I explained to him that this does not happen in the US. We walked to 生国魂神社 (Ikutama Jinja) which is beginning its 2-day summer festival today. Called いくたま 夏祭り (Ikutama natsu matsuri), it is one of the three major festivals in Osaka. Participants of the festival include many local school kids and volunteers, and the event is highly enjoyed by locals, as it will become apparent later in the evening. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9022.jpg
During the morning, things were still in preparation and the shrine was relatively quiet. But outside you could already see tons of food and game stands setting up. We passed by kids from the nearby Ikutama Kindergarten. They're a cute bunch! >///< https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9025.jpg
We briefly left Ikutama to go to Osaka's equivalent of 秋葉原 (Akihabara). Here it is the main strip of 日本橋 (Nipponbashi) that has all the video games, manga/anime, and electronics. A PS Vita here seems to be cheaper. I got a brand new one (Wifi-only) for 19800 Yen (~198 USD). On Amazon it's 247 USD right now. I also got some second-handed PS Vita games. This place is a second-hand game heaven! Of course, a visit to the manga store is inevitable. I'm more of an anime than manga fan these days though, probably because I like listening to seiyuus >///< https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9033.jpg
Around 5PM, the festivities return to the shrine. First are the kid's taiko (子供太鼓): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9043.jpg
They were first carried on trucks (as they have toured around the city earlier in the day), then, as they approach the shrine, the taiko cart is pushed by men. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9061.jpg
The procession is succeeded by other returning marches. Here is the kid's lion dance (獅子舞/Shishimai): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9145.jpg
The dancing lions are accompanied by fan wielding dancers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9151.jpg
In the center stage, there is constant drumming of the makura taiko (枕太鼓): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9106.jpg
So far, I have been trying to write this blog using as few pictures as possible. Yet today the only the way to convey the atmosphere is by showing what the locals look like on this day. Little kids were dressed up in bright colored kimonos and yukatas: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9049.jpg
While participants of the festival are clad in bright colored uniforms: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9080.jpg
Around 6PM, the place was bustling with activity. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9178.jpg
This only got more so as people got off school and work and are now at the festival with their friends and family: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9184.jpg
The highlight of the evening is 枕太鼓お練り (makura taiko oneri). The taiko is fixed to the cart with three drummers *standing* on either side. As such, people can push and pull the cart around while the drummers continue to play the taiko. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9227.jpg
At first the men only pulled the cart around the shrine. But then they started to *attack* the cart! They jump on one end to force it to tilt, then violently pull it down from the other end like a see saw. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9247.jpg
Yet the drumming continued as if they had never left the center stage. In a few instances, the men spun it around and around: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9256.jpg
Again the drumming remains constant. Now the men topple the cart and it falls to the ground! The drummers hold on to the rope behind their standing seat while drumming with their other hand. They never missed a beat and continued to chant at the top of their lungs. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9252.jpg
Finally, after what seemed like a lot of cart torture, the taiko returns to the center stage. Now they can drum some more without falling on top of each other :) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9276.jpg
A lot of the drummers look really young. Some of the local folks behind me were saying that they were high school students. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9278.jpg
This was my first time experiencing a summer shrine festival, and it was definitely an eye opener. I loved that a lot of kids and young folks performed. It just showed how the locals were contributing to keeping a local tradition. And then there's all that delicious food outside that I stuffed myself with! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/47842021/2013%20Japan/IMG_9301.jpg
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yoyo830917:看不懂啦! 07/15 21:57
neilan:你看不懂也用不著噓人家吧? 07/15 23:05
yellma510:補推~不要因為寫英文就噓人家吧 雖然我也看不太懂 07/15 23:05
yellma510:而且他的照片拍的不錯阿~ 看不懂字看圖也不錯阿! 07/15 23:05
potent:一樓好兇.... XDDDD 07/15 23:14
zomb12:照片拍很棒+1 07/15 23:30
zomb12:不過PO英文版應該是有什麼理由才對,這點說明一下也許可以 07/15 23:31
zomb12:避掉一些莫名的誤會,(另外其實英文不難懂~~) 07/15 23:31
jerrylin:1F英文爛有必要這麼心虛嗎 07/16 01:07
hemels:這寫英文是因為我大部分朋友現在都是美國人 我貼在臉書上 07/16 06:12
hemels:寫中文沒人看得懂.... 07/16 06:12
hemels:哈但是還是想要分享一下圖 畢竟我去的行程很多版上遊記已有 07/16 06:13
SoFluffy:應該是說 PTT上實在很難閱讀英文= = 就算看得懂我也END.. 07/16 09:42