精華區beta JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
JAYBUMAOM me having the sexiest twitter? IONO bout that lol. 推特是要怎麼sexy啊? 科科 listening to Who know's by musiq soulchild, what a beautiful song http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/7977/20100615051646.jpg
jayparkaom 大家都不睡覺 在做什麼呀 科科 already been 4 months since i joined youtube lol crazy http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9639/20100615104212.jpg
So there's this Taiwanese singer named Nick Chou who i met in Taipei just for a second and i was told thats he's holding a concert and if 3000 people don't come that he can't be a singer anymore? so if you live in Taipei go check him out, he was very nice to me and supportive when he met me just trying to return the favor~^^ and if what i'm saying makes no sense i'm very sorry lol~ fr: jaybumaom @ twitter jayparkaom @ youtube -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
novivi:水管也有 06/15 05:16
novivi:之前是看到好像有人一直推"sexy twitter"的投票給他?(沒看 06/15 05:17
novivi:清楚,不知那啥,想說大概是色情廣告吧XD" 06/15 05:18
novivi:推特不能sexy,可是水管可以喔^_< 06/15 05:26
huibear0104:http://0rz.tw/i2yyy 就是這個~ 有點...無聊 06/15 05:28
yoyosocute:又上線了~~Nick Chou是哪位?? XDXD 06/15 08:05
huibear0104:周湯豪啦= = 06/15 08:12
huibear0104:傻眼了 06/15 08:13
huibear0104:所以來台和華納有關? 周湯豪 Jae Chong? 06/15 08:16
osta33:朴先生刪掉了!! 補圖 http://ppt.cc/u4cV 06/15 08:30
yoyosocute:為什麼只要和台灣扯上邊的消息/留言都讓我有點...Orz 06/15 08:43
kyona:沒有刪掉 水管有時候會吃掉大聲公 06/15 09:08
huibear0104:K大有看到你留言耶^ ^ 你真的要去唷 好主意J當嘉賓XD 06/15 09:13
huibear0104:http://ppt.cc/1f19 周湯豪推J了而且也follow他 06/15 11:01
huibear0104:不曉得J會不會也加他...@ @ 06/15 11:01
sandmans:脫離華語圈太久... 完全不認識 :P 06/15 11:15
sandmans:接蹦去我就去 XDDDDD 06/15 11:15
※ 編輯: choomia1108 來自: (06/15 11:17)
inli:周湯豪是比莉的兒子啦..比莉說以前SME有接觸過他兒子.. 06/15 13:32
blackjack7:原來是這樣!怪不得我剛無意看到周湯豪推jay... 06/15 18:22
xjp6ao3:試問大家會去Nick的演唱會嗎... ? 06/19 00:55