精華區beta JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
didnt even get 1 second of sleep on the plane haha, feels good, gotta warm welcome from peatry 終於見到Peatry了! yo just took a quick nap happy 100th day birthday jaypark.net 隔壁某大站在@#$%^& 科科 more photos up on jaypark.com Jay cafe裡也很多(傻子)照片 RE http://twitter.com/dumbfoundead/status/27428594727 @JAYBUMAOM yo Jay good lookin' on using Different Galaxies for that Vogue video hahaha, just saw that! @dumbfoundead haha its all u man, hope to see a dumbfoundead vogue girl photoshoot soon haha @ydgman78 hyung 你怎麼還沒睡? 科科 big 4 concert後 我們隔天有要幹嘛嗎? 11/7? ydgman78是Jay在韓國的經紀人 yall know i gotta facebook right? www.facebook.com/jaypaom RE http://twitter.com/AndrewBsoreal/status/27440856983 @Sthanlee Me either! @AndrewBsoreal u need to tweet more, if i dont know what your doin every 5 minutes i get anxiety attack andrew damn it haha 這人很無聊......XD RE http://twitter.com/JuniorAOM/status/27471152021 @jacklynk8 im already there! lol jk but ill see yah later tonight @JuniorAOM hey do u like chicken? how bout liver? oh yeah meow mix meow mix please deliver 一直在亂回推 嘖嘖 http://twitter.com/iDanielJerome/status/27461569739 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCOtayx3Npc so good!
@iDanielJerome what a biter tweeting the same vid as me haha, and oh yeah u suck and bowling jay park the tweet bully http://i51.tinypic.com/ifn0b8.jpg
RE http://twitter.com/KelTCarter/status/27482890052 @JAYBUMAOM tomorrow night my house we're watching akiyama. There will be snacks! Who could resist snacks? @KelTCarter oh snaps thats tmmrw?!! what time? did like 12 corkscrews at gymnastics and than tried it on the hard floor and guess what... it was fail blog... haha RE http://twitter.com/Moonswings86/status/27528423031 @JAYBUMAOM had a nice trip? Thanks again for shootin thru @Moonswings86 no doubt man thanks for havin me, i'mmah go there again once i get back that place is hella good haha akiyama fights tonight!! Akiyama 今天比賽...fighting!!!!ufc 120 hopefullly the results will be good!! beste was trending and i thought ppl were trying to trend bestie but spelt it wrong haha i'm trippin.. 自己也愛打歌齁 XD o snaps #jayparkonitunes jayparkonitunes my butt is back cause someone said bring your butt back here and help us trend..so i said my butt is back...get it? nevermind #jayparkonitunes fr: JAYBUMAOM @ twitter -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: agsdf 來自: (10/18 01:04)