精華區beta JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
@traphik I'm in LA man whats good @KeoneMadrid when and where are your class's? jay bum is trending lol what the... thank yall =) 康 to the 撒哈咪達 科科 RE http://twitter.com/KeoneMadrid/status/28622241678 @JAYBUMAOM yo homie! I got weekly ones on weds in SD. But I can teach wherever ha. You comin down here?! @KeoneMadrid i'm in LA right now damn San Diego thats far RE http://twitter.com/Traphik/status/28622206936 @JAYBUMAOM shit son I'm in san diego!! How long you in LA for!? @Traphik for like a week and a half i tried to DM u but i can't for some reason lol RE http://twitter.com/notoriousgonzo/status/28621852945 @JAYBUMAOM whats good hyung what u've been up to!? @notoriousgonzo just been recordin in LA, me, U and and Q hyung gotta make some songs too man! lets do i when i get to Korea 豬腳聚會 son! RE http://twitter.com/notoriousgonzo/status/28633611717 @JAYBUMAOM haha word!!! No doubt imma prepare some beatz for it!!! See u when u get back! And get down to our 豬腳 批薩 保齡球 & tatts!!! 科科 @notoriousgonzo haha ok see u in a couple weeks homie Dok2 放開那個男孩 XD 僅僅三天內錄了三首歌 科科 我聲音都沙啞了 .... -_- 你們最近好嗎? Jay表示 我真的一點也不急著出專輯 ^_< http://i55.tinypic.com/rk35sj.jpg
RE http://twitter.com/ajRAFAEL/status/28647359801 @JAYBUMAOM my dude!!! im mad im missin out on chillin right now! haha @ajRAFAEL sall good man its not like i'm never gon come LA again fr: JAYBUMAOM @ twitter -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: agsdf 來自: (10/26 08:59)
outlawstar:我覺得他是有靈感就想趕快做好XD 10/26 12:53