精華區beta JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
11/6&11/7 http://i51.tinypic.com/2ikxonk.jpg
全洲 here i come!! 耳機從第一首歌就沒聲音 所以今天我唱的聲音聽起來有點奇怪 T_T 對不起 T_T 好遺憾 科科科-_-我下次會作更好的! 聲音超飄~~~~~~的 RT notoriousgonzo Thunderground Show D-Day!!! http://twitpic.com/34m6c6 some ppl change there lifestyle cause its what they want to be, the difference is this IS my lifestyle so its what I AM..SUCKAH CHYEAH 有些人依自己所望的改變生活方式,而我不同,這就是我的生活方式,我就是我。 今天要去GONZO演唱會站台!!! 6 o clock!! 弘大 is where its at!! CHYEAH see yall there 11/8 http://i51.tinypic.com/15334f5.jpg
@BeatboxBattle on snaps!! congratz!!! 我餓了 科科 time to get my grub on RE http://twitter.com/notoriousgonzo/status/1473214974795776 @JAYBUMAOM thx fo helpin me out last night hyung!!! See u at night! @notoriousgonzo no doubt homie see u later~ 11/9 http://i55.tinypic.com/2jetg6a.jpg
RE http://twitter.com/JuniorAOM/status/1830231908290560 i can only go up form here @JuniorAOM only go up form? man who taught u how to speak english?? Me?? HAHAHAHAHA chyeah 非常有自知之明的人 XD shouts outz to my homiez in Korea @notoriousgonzo @thequiett @rookieshin @bboyjotee @moonswings86 see yall when i get back!! 這次好快就回美國唷 >< also shout outz to Just Pizza, bboy ducky from the drifterz crew, and letz dance academy!! Fanmeets (showcase) to be held in Bangkok Thailand Nov.28th and Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Dec4 i'll make a youtube vid about is this week also i'm having like a mini showcase in Indonesia on Dec.6th, trying to meet my indonesian jwalkerz and trying to support and help out!! also big shout outs to 魔法師黃鐘華(音譯)(aka 哈利波特), and also a big thank you to everyone at Jenny House =P nothings complete without a hep parody pic haha i can only go up form here!! 誰在牆邊看 http://twitpic.com/3589xj 超傻 XDDDDDDDDDDDD 不錯咩 科科科科 我的心 11/10 http://i54.tinypic.com/2qly39x.jpg
waddup LA here once again haha http://i51.tinypic.com/jrfm2b.jpg
Jay Park can't be friends (cover) fan meets RE http://twitter.com/DIALTONE_AOM/status/2280696701788160 @JAYBUMAOM Damn bro I need to be in la with you guys,im boutta buy a ticket tonight @DIALTONE_AOM yeah right liar RE http://twitter.com/DIALTONE_AOM/status/2283948046557184 @JAYBUMAOM Aye Would you be able to swoop me? Ima get it right now @DIALTONE_AOM no cause ur wack haha RE http://twitter.com/DIALTONE_AOM/status/2284878825521152 @JAYBUMAOM hahaha What are you gonna do rip your pants again or sumn? @DIALTONE_AOM no im gonna go to outbreak canada and fall HAHAHAHAHA fr: JAYBUMAOM @ twitter -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: agsdf 來自: (11/10 20:26)
sandmans:照片笑的好憨好可愛 XDDDDDDD 11/11 01:56