精華區beta JayPark 關於我們 聯絡資訊
time for a productive day~ 100911 3:43AM http://0rz.tw/wPKSY @Hep_AOM is cleaning his room cause why??? hmmmmmmmmmmmm 100911 9:23AM http://0rz.tw/DWtHa follow @chachaAOM he has a new USTREAM show called chase malone crime detective hahahahahha 100911 9:26AM http://0rz.tw/Za6hs ---- trust me i'm anticipating the music video as much as yall lol, man, sore from practice and SC2 haha 100912 3:25AM http://0rz.tw/328um 我不是因為喜歡玩電動 是因為跟朋友一起玩才覺得更有趣 科科 100912 3:26AM http://0rz.tw/y6wDU went to a battle today repped with my crew AOM, now just chillin at the crib, u know how we do haha 100912 2:02PM http://0rz.tw/MU5xA capture: http://0rz.tw/jNNGf http://0rz.tw/GA1xi === 大家都桑心到不想幫你更新推特了 科科 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
novivi:辛苦了(捏捏!!) 09/13 23:08