精華區beta Jeremy_Lin 關於我們 聯絡資訊
【翻譯】火箭迷對林的鼓勵 翻譯百度林吧:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2002636965?pn=1 Clutchfans 站長放了一段林的賽後訪問 視頻 http://ppt.cc/8gkD 看了這段視頻,不少老火箭迷紛紛表示支持林 並給予他鼓勵 老火箭迷開始挺林了~~ He doesn't deserve the ridiculous hate he gets from some people on here, whatever the motivation for that is. 不管背後有什麼動機,林不該得到這裡某些人莫名其妙的厭惡。 Weirdly, some of the antagonism stems from the over-enthusiasm of the fans Lin brought with him. But we missed the friggin' playoffs last year because Kyle Lowry sucked so badly during the last few weeks, and that didn't generate near the hatred I see here for Lin's bad stretch at the beginning of the season. 奇怪得很,過度熱心的粉絲和林一起過來,結果引起了一些人對他的反感。去年因為洛瑞 在最後幾周表現糟糕,所以我們打不進季後賽,但那時也沒像林這樣,不過開季幾場球沒 打好,引來那麼大的仇視。 Any rational Rockets fan should be disappointed with Lin's performance thus far; but at the same time, how can you not appreciate his attitude and work ethic? Great comparison to Lowry from an outside shooting standpoint. Lin is still really young. He will get better and will surely break out of thisslump sooner or later. 任何理性的火箭迷對林目前的表現應該感到失望,但與此同時,你怎能不欣賞他的態度和 敬業精神? 洛瑞外線投籃命中率是個很好的比較。 林真的還很年輕。他會越來越好,遲早會從低迷的狀態中破繭而出。 I think some people want him to fail. I don't know if it's racism, or some kind of resentment that the Rockets have Lin instead of Lowry or Dragic, or what.He's not playing well, but he's the best we've got at his position, so why stress everybody out and waste your breath on excessive negativity? Whining aboutit does not do any good. 我想有些人巴不得他失敗。不知道是因為種族歧視,還是因為火箭得到林,沒有得到洛瑞 或德拉季奇,還是其他原因。 林目前打得是不好,不過現在的位子上最好的人選就是他了。那為什麼還要加重大家的心 理負擔,浪費力氣在不斷講消極負面的話呢?諸多抱怨是不會帶來什麼好處的。 I'm in his corner. He'll break out eventually, but right now, its all mental. Last year, when he was just balling and having fun it was easy. It showed he has the skills. Just gotta get the mind right. 我站在林這一邊。他一定會有所突破的。他現在所面對的,是心理上的問題。去年他純粹 以打球為樂,所以打起來不費力氣。這證明他有技術,只需要把思想調整好就行了。 Lin is clearly more disappointed about tonight's performance than any of the posters here. He needs someone to give him some encouragement. This is not the same guy who made the last second shot against Toronto. Where did his swagger go? Maybe he should stop by the old Compaq Center and ask Joel Osteen for some positive energy. 對今晚的表現,林顯然比任何一個發帖的人還要來得失望。他需要有人給他鼓勵。他不再 是那個壓哨絕殺暴龍的人。他的霸氣跑哪兒去? 或許他應該去一趟Compaq Center 請 Joel Osteen (註:全國著名作家和牧師,教會設 在休斯敦)給他一點正面能量。 Lin looks like he needs a hug right about now 林看起來現在需要一個擁抱 Lin needs to drive to the hole more. His jumpers not falling and everyone knows he is looking to pass and scared to shoot. Once he makes some layups or gets to the line more, he will get more rhythm and hit more jumpers. He just lacks confidence right now and if you're a Rocket's fan you should be supporting him. All the haters can go root for the punk Knicks. 林需要多切入上籃。他的跳投不准,大家都知道他要傳球,不敢出手。只要他多上幾次籃 ,或多站上罰球線幾次,就會找回節奏,投中那些跳投。他現在只是缺乏自信而已。真心 是火箭迷的話,就應該支持他。黑子都去給爛泥加油打氣吧。 Yeah tough stretch for the youngster. He is a man in faith and it's through trials that his faith needs to shine most. I'm sure he doesn't read the boards because any player that does will go nuts like tmac. Kidding aside i hope he handles the tough times well and continues to stay focused on his faith first and for most. In doing so he'll be blessed moving forward, not saying all star stats or anything, but he'll do his job right. Funny thing is look at tebow this year. He's getting grounded from his crazy popular run as well. Those true in faith will be humbled, blessing in disguise so they don't go crazy and forget about what they really need care about. 這幾場比賽對這小伙子來說,真是不容易啊。他是個有信仰的人,他的信心需要在經歷試 煉的過程中發光發亮。我相信他不會來看我們版上的帖子,因為任何到火箭版來看留言的 球員都會瘋掉。 撇開玩笑話,我希望他好好面對這困難的時刻,最重要的是繼續專注在他的信仰上。那麼 他就會得到祝福,不是一定取得全明星數據,但他肯定能把事情做對。 看看今年的狄柏(註:TimTebow,美式足球球星)。他也從瘋狂的名氣中回歸根本。那些 有真實信仰的人會謙卑下來。這其實是反面的祝福,好教他們不被外在事物沖昏了頭,忘 記他們真正在乎的東西是什麼。 Remember other very good PGs have also taken some time to reach their prime. Dragic struggled enough in his 3rd season for the Suns to trade him. Lowry wasn't what he is now during his 2nd/3rd season. Billups (a high draft pick) wasn't doing much in either Boston or Denver at the start of his career. Steve Nash's first few seasons were not very memorable. The difference with Lin is he has to do his growing up in the spotlight, after he was signed to a decent sized contract. 不要忘了其他很棒的控衛也是花了點時間才達到巔峰的。德拉季奇在打第3賽季的時候也 挺掙扎的,後來太陽隊把他交易了。洛瑞第2、3 年的時候,還不是現在看到的樣子。比 盧普斯(高位選秀)剛開始的時候,在波士頓和丹佛也沒多大作為。納什早期的幾個賽季 根本沒人記得。 林和他們不同的地方在於他簽了一份中等的合約之後,就必須在聚光燈下成長。 There is no way lin can be as bad as he is playing right now. The only place would be up from here on or at least you would hope so. 林再也不可能打得比現在更糟了。現在只能從這裡提升上去,至少可以抱這樣的希望。 (此人向來不待見我林,但今天沒落井下石) He needs to just go have fun and play basketball. Don't think about it. Just play. Don't measure your shot. Let it fly. Do the other things that create easier opportunities. 林需要享受打籃球的樂趣。不要用想的,上去打就對了。不用琢磨投籃,投就對了,然後 做一些能輕鬆製造進攻機會的事。 Notice how this thread is generally nice, clean, and sane. It's because the trolls have gone to sleep Lin definitely deserves some criticism for the last few games, but in the beginning he was doing quite well. And he had 2 recent games with 10+ assists. This is a learning process and he's only started in 35 games! So I think it's obvious the people who want him "sent to the D-League" are definitely just trolls looking to cause some havoc. 注意到這個話題的帖子大部分友善且理智。因為黑子都睡覺去了。 林上幾場的表現應該受到一些批評,但其實他賽季剛開始的時候打得相當好。最近有兩場 拿下十幾分的助攻。這是一個學習過程,他才不過打了30幾場首發而已! 所以,我認為那些嚷嚷著要他下放到發展聯盟的人肯定是來挑事,都是些唯恐天下不亂的 好事者。 以下林迷在版上的留言~~ Jeremy, we support you all the way. Be patience, be smart, don't get hurt. At the end of day, you have three year to play. That is 243 games. it is only 10 plus game. 林書豪,我們會一路支持你。要有耐心,打球時要聰明,不要受傷。別忘了你有三年的球 要打,即243場比賽,現在只不過十來場而已。 Thanks for the video Clutch. He had a bad game it happens. Let's see how he bounces back against his former team. He's a competitor so I think he will bounce back nicely. 謝謝站長的視頻。林今天打得不好,這樣的事常發生。我們且看看他如何觸底反彈,與前 隊友較量。林是個競爭力很強的人,我認為他會有很好的回彈的。 I hope he would just play as much as he could, don't force it. Happy for TD playing well, so Lin would have more time to figure out his own game. Don't worry about Knick's game, or being benched, or whatever. If Lin is not look as good as Felton on Friday, so be it. Lin just need to have the confidence that if he play his own game, he could be better than Felton, but he wouldn't be there if he is forcing it. Still think this is all mental, Lin need to clear his mind, and see himself through his own heart, not through other people's eyes or words. Oh how much I miss Mchale, Lin will need that heart to heart talk he gave him in pre-season. 希望他能夠盡力,但不要勉強自己。 道哥今天打得不錯,替他高興,這樣一來林會有較多時間想一想自己要怎麼打。不要擔心 對尼克斯的比賽,也不要擔心會坐板凳或其他事。星期五的球賽,如果林表現不如費爾頓 ,那也沒怎麼樣。林只需找回自信,打出自己的水準,他有可能比費爾頓還要出色。要是 他勉強自己,可能就沒辦法了。 我還是覺得這是心理上的問題,林需要理清思想,從內心來看待自己,而不是從他人的眼 光或言語。 我還真的挺想念冰箱的,林需要和冰箱進行像季前賽那樣的交心對談。 Respect to him for talking to the media after today. Most players would have avoided the media Lin didn't. He'll figure everything out. 今天比賽過後,林還對媒體講話,值得尊敬。大多數的球員大概會避開媒體,但林卻沒有 這麼做。他有一天會把事情想通的。 最後是譯者: 不管怎樣,可以肯定的,林的心裡不會比我們好過。 剛去Clutchfans看到老火箭迷的留言 讓我覺得很感動 他們雖然沒有像紐約那樣熱情擁戴林 但他們似乎更能體諒林的困境 願意給予他更大的包容和鼓勵 耐心等候他成長 林在賽後發了聖經馬太福音的一節經文 「凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。我心裡柔和謙卑,你們當負 我的軛,學我的樣式,這樣,你們心裡就必得享安息。因為我的軛是容易的,我的擔子是 輕省。」 他心裡的壓力,肩上的重擔,不言而喻。 最後想說的是: 如果林的表現不再讓你欣賞他,沒關係,等他表現好了,你再來。 如果你不喜歡他,那也無所謂,不過請你不要胡亂罵他---- 這麼一個善良正直、品格高尚又勤奮謙遜的人 實在配不起你的那些污言穢語。   -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hrmymeg:先推!謝謝翻譯! 11/22 20:54
yun0215:推...這篇很感人...超級不像CF的東西XDDDDD 11/22 20:54
rutenac:先謝謝翻譯! 話說FB湧入大批去加油的人 11/22 20:56
rutenac:說過了~ 你可以不喜歡他,但他是個值得尊敬的人無庸置疑! 11/22 20:59
iamPamela:淚推~ 感謝翻譯:) 11/22 20:59
kerotamama:怎麼這麼感人 這不是CF啦~~~~~~Q.Q 但也許酸的更多?XD 11/22 21:01
praylove49:謝謝翻譯~Lin加油! 11/22 21:04
snowwof:這篇好感動,這才是真正客觀的人講的話 11/22 21:04
nancyh:溫馨QQ 感動推!!!!!!!!!! 11/22 21:06
admorert:謝謝翻譯~~~淚推~~~~ 11/22 21:07
lomoC:謝謝翻譯Q_Q 11/22 21:14
Hildebrandt:推! 11/22 21:21
patrickleeee:推 11/22 21:23
ppppllo:這一段滿好的 如果Lin最近的表現讓你不再欣賞他了..沒關係 11/22 21:23
ppppllo:等他表現好了,你再來..如果你不喜歡他,那也沒關係..不過請 11/22 21:24
ppppllo:你不要胡亂咒罵他..這麼一個善良正直,又謙遜努力的人.. 11/22 21:25
spider0903:看完好想哭喔 he needs a hug 11/22 21:25
ppppllo:實在不需要你的那些汙言穢語. 耐心等待 Lin加油Go!! 11/22 21:26
ppppllo:說真的其實Lin還是會在意別人怎麼看待他 11/22 21:28
PTT0000:推!我看了鼻酸~希望他接收到大家的加油,不要失去自信 11/22 21:32
snyders:推pppp 都是我想講的話 11/22 21:32
ppppllo:那是上面打的話啦 我重新打一次而已 11/22 21:33
ppppllo:我們要做的是在他迷網時支持他,在他挫折的時候鼓勵他! 11/22 21:34
ppppllo:希望如果有不這麼緊張的比賽 教練可以讓他上場練練手感 11/22 21:35
ppppllo:大家一直在說的..手感還是得從實戰比賽中找回來 11/22 21:35
ppppllo:其實Lin可能就是想太多了(我們同星座的)對自己標準都特高 11/22 21:36
baer:Lin加油! 希望你早日走出低潮! 11/22 21:36
ppppllo:如果表現不好 會很自責 然後自尊心又很強 11/22 21:37
ppppllo:可能他也知道自己的狀況不是很好 不過還是不斷信心喊話 11/22 21:37
EVASUKA:Hugs! Fans will go through all this together with you. 11/22 21:38
ppppllo:也才打幾場 這場算是比賽中的低潮 希望Lin能克服心魔!! 11/22 21:38
ppppllo:我想他也知道很多球迷很期待他的表現 也不想讓大家失望 11/22 21:39
gaudiron:太推了.... 11/22 21:39
moonstay:最後一段感人T_T 現在除了繼續支持他什麼也沒辦法幫他做 11/22 21:39
ppppllo:只是人生總不會一直在上坡 這也是Lin要成長的過程之一 11/22 21:39
azegrant:原本心情很差 看完這篇文心情就好了 Lin加油!!! 11/22 21:40
ppppllo:希望他真的不需要太在意別人說的 就算上場時間變少了 11/22 21:40
ppppllo:只要把握每次上場的時間 專注於場上 這樣就夠了 11/22 21:41
snyders:好丟臉喔 直接看推文被發現了 > < 11/22 21:41
ppppllo:不會啦 這篇文值得你從頭再看一次 11/22 21:41
ppppllo:支持Lin的人都會感動的 11/22 21:42
snyders:我還在消化上一篇 ... 11/22 21:42
jaykinki:感謝這篇 林加油... 11/22 21:47
ppppllo:其實可以建議Lin一些傳球不用處理的太複雜..減少失誤做起 11/22 21:48
ppppllo:出手的時候 猶豫不決明顯就是信心上的問題 11/22 21:49
patrickleeee:PPPP你回文算了XDDDDD 11/22 21:49
ppppllo:最近又沒有可以輕鬆撿來的比賽 不然倒是可以練練手感 11/22 21:49
ppppllo:吼 今天看到BOX又看到板都翻了 不知道怎麼回事 11/22 21:49
ppppllo:4分又怎樣 又不是0分 也不是世界末日啊 11/22 21:50
ppppllo:其怪人人都有低潮期 只是開季場次多了一點咩 11/22 21:50
luvya:請問哪裡可以看到這場的賽後訪問... 11/22 21:51
ppppllo:Lin大概是被焦慮淹沒了 其實再糟也不過如此了 11/22 21:51
ts0821:豪哥 3.0 舖梗中! 上帝會給他力量的!這是一個試煉 ! 11/22 21:55
minnie0428:【LD字幕組】1122vs公牛 林書豪賽後採訪 11/22 21:56
bowin:Lin, 加油! 我永遠支持你! 持續努力就對了! @_@ 11/22 21:59
ppppllo:還好今天贏了.其實不要想太多 TD表現好Lin還是很高興的 11/22 22:01
ppppllo:畢竟連敗的壓力會讓人更在意 這場止敗真得滿重要的 11/22 22:01
vitaminB:推~~~ 11/22 22:02
ppppllo:大家也可以安心一點點了 我不以為這低潮會困擾太久!! 11/22 22:02
luvya:謝謝M大!y 11/22 22:03
wuling1001:狀況不好最難過的是他自己啊 希望他能找回自信和手感 11/22 22:04
wuling1001:或許有的人習慣打好狂捧打不好狂酸 但林迷會永遠支持你 11/22 22:05
yuki3534:就算零分也不是世界末日,以前Lin在哈佛時也曾零分過還不 11/22 22:05
ppppllo:哪有人會一直高潮的一時失志毋免怨嘆 一時落魄毋免膽寒 11/22 22:06
ppppllo:人生可比是海上的波浪 有時起有時落 11/22 22:07
ppppllo:= = 結論就是 有時候只看BOX會覺得很糟糕 11/22 22:07
yuki3534:是挺過來了,之後還帶領球隊取得32勝1敗的最佳成績(應該 11/22 22:07
ppppllo:常常我認真看了重播之後 會覺得還ok啊 11/22 22:07
mycoeba:林書豪加油阿 讓看扁你的人沒話說! 11/22 22:08
ppppllo:其實也不用為了要證明給誰看.. Lin最難超越的還是他自己 11/22 22:08
wuling1001:就是那不聽話的手感啊 到底要怎麼讓他回來呢~"~ 11/22 22:09
yuki3534:沒記錯吧?)最差的情況大不了再回去當替補然後再打出來就 11/22 22:09
yuki3534:好了 11/22 22:09
ppppllo:總會等到有一場比賽 那個fu對了 投起來就順順順了.... 11/22 22:10
sillywhoever:我在本版第一推,獻給這一篇。因為林在低潮時,我們 11/22 22:10
sillywhoever:支持鼓勵他,當他攻頂時,我們也會是這美好故事中 11/22 22:12
sillywhoever:美好的一部分,也才有資格共同享受最棒的喜悅。 11/22 22:12
sillywhoever:讓我們幫上帝把鼓勵和愛傳達給他吧。他需要我們。 11/22 22:13
ppppllo:大推樓上!! 11/22 22:13
irenes:好感人的文章!我會一直支持林的!! 11/22 22:15
irenes:別害怕!林加油!! 11/22 22:15
vilovej:他真的可以去約爾牧師的湖木教會走走,一定能獲得安慰! 11/22 22:24
evatear:Keep The Faith。 11/22 22:27
jt:今天CF站長放的那段訪問有5分鐘長 他看起來真的不太好 11/22 22:54
jt:今天CF真的很意外 大家幾乎都不酸Lin的表現不好 11/22 22:56
jt:好多留言讓人感動 其實Lin之前的努力大家還是有看在眼的 11/22 22:57
※ 編輯: minnie0428 來自: (11/22 23:02)
hggj14:謝謝翻譯,LIN真的不需要想太多!回歸當初吧!禮拜六尼克爆發 11/22 23:20
iapcy:最後一段看了好想哭喔QQ 一想到他現在的心情就好難過 11/22 23:27
iapcy:啾咪加油加油>________< 11/22 23:27
attdave:我喜歡那句 Don't measure the shot. 非常正確的觀察 11/22 23:28
lsforever:看完鼻酸 希望林早日找回他的節奏 度過低潮 11/22 23:32
renie57:加油啊孩子 谷底反彈極為辛苦 但一定會回來的 要相信自己! 11/22 23:46
snowwof:他眼睛似乎有水光,而且黑眼圈好重,燈光的關係? 11/22 23:58
ppppllo:這篇文章我看了3遍..真是感動!! 11/23 00:43
k761014:看完之後好想推到爆 11/23 01:09
heacoun:推一下雪中送炭 11/23 01:15
heacoun:Lin looks like he needs a hug right about now 11/23 01:16
WUPIN7:推 11/23 01:27
okis0531:太感人了 加油啊lin 11/23 01:48
dondon0911:前幾場的低迷,就在對尼克的比賽一舉爆發吧! 11/23 02:03
HUANnn:加油 11/23 02:32
sharonsh:推 11/23 02:40
putare:加油!! 11/23 03:10
emaoo:謝謝分享~明天加油 11/23 07:20
verna312:感謝分享 加油啊 11/23 09:13
rutenac:再推一次 很感動 11/23 09:17
jaykinki:黎明前的深夜是最黑暗的 林加油加油加油!!!!!!! 11/23 09:45
VieriKing:推這篇~落井下石真的是品德上的缺失行為...好好的人不當 11/23 11:15
VieriKing:為什麼樣當負面思想的酸民? 11/23 11:15
odysseyptt:加油~~ 11/23 12:32