精華區beta JessicaJung 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近少女時代Jessica的特寫照片被上傳到一個熱門社群,並對她的美貌稱讚不已。 這張照片來自電視節目「One Night of Celebrity TV」,在臉頰上襯托著淡粉腮紅,顯 現出Jessica的無暇肌膚。 網友們盛讚她的美貌,並表示: 「(這張照片)捕捉了到原本的真實之美。」 「Jessica看來像是進入太空,真漂亮!」 「像是進入太空中,她怎麼能看來如此美麗!」 在她(這張照片中)的放空表情,她有沒有讓你聯想起一個娃娃? (自己大概翻的,要是有不通順之處請指正,Thank you) http://www.allkpop.com/2010/11/snsds-jessica-looks-like-a-doll SNSD’s Jessica looks like a doll? by VITALWARNING on November 14, 2010 at 6:41 am A recent close-up picture of SNSD’s Jessica was uploaded onto a popular community site, and has fans cooing over her beauty. The picture was originally captured from the TV show, ‘One Night of Celebrity TV‘, and it shows off Jessica’s flawless skin with the light pink blush on her cheek. Netizens praised her beauty as they commented, “This capture turned out really pretty”, “Jessica looking into space, so pretty!”, “How can she look so pretty even when she’s looking into space?” With her vacant expression, doesn’t she remind you of a doll? ※ 編輯: EllaElla 來自: (11/14 21:17)
Yokidping:西卡根本就是洋娃娃>//< 11/14 21:17
baychi999:我要看"這張照片"XD 11/14 21:18
heygirlz:本人也超級像洋娃娃的xdd 11/14 21:18
EllaElla:原文的連結有啊 :) 11/14 21:19
baychi999:真的耶我眼殘了XD 11/14 21:20
lasoon:就是洋娃娃啊!!!! 女王娃娃!! 11/14 21:22
jacklee60705:西卡好正>////////< 11/14 21:22
k29229863:復古娃娃照片 11/14 21:22
momo4th:後面的Sunny.......XDDD 11/14 21:23
storyf66014:西卡是真人版芭比吧~ XDD 11/14 21:24
PhysicsJerry:西卡娃娃推~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/14 21:25
plu:西卡娃娃>///////< 11/14 21:26
j807192003:真人芭比桶西卡!!!!!! 11/14 21:26
yulingchu:有沒有耳環比耳麥還要大的八卦XD 11/14 21:26
kolykinki:有出我一定買!!!!!!!>////< 11/14 21:27
jlks:後面的SUNNY好好笑...是在放空嗎........ 11/14 21:28
toro10710:其實那是耳機XD 11/14 21:37
szuning13:金髮尤物潔西卡 11/14 21:38
we13we2002:前進:他說妳是上流社會的洋娃娃 11/14 21:42
loveme00835:這好娃娃喔 XD 11/14 21:48
macrose:如果推出西卡芭比,就算被當變態我也要買來收藏!! 11/14 21:51
genniehuang:http://tinyurl.com/387jphu 真的很像洋娃娃!! 11/14 22:04
eric61401:==================金髮尤物潔西卡==================== 11/14 22:21
GoreWon:西卡是我看過最適合金髮非混血的東方人 11/14 22:26
mit2502: http://0rz.tw/dqWUs http://0rz.tw/WprdE 11/14 23:04
mit2502:http://0rz.tw/Sx92A http://0rz.tw/16Ptk 11/14 23:04
mit2502:http://0rz.tw/BQ2Zy http://0rz.tw/GZC0Y 11/14 23:04
mit2502:http://0rz.tw/WgTQZ http://0rz.tw/o2yV0 11/14 23:05
heygirlz:感謝mit大的動圖也太俏皮了xdd 11/14 23:08
eric61401:http://0rz.tw/ggeH9 http://0rz.tw/dQ8Xr金.黑髮都很正 11/14 23:13
herryck:西卡>////////////< 11/14 23:17
mike1990:西卡阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11/14 23:21
july22:sunny好好笑!! 11/14 23:46
hacrazy:西卡ZZANG!!! 11/15 00:17
miniruby:陶瓷肌耶~ 膚質好好~ 11/15 01:28
bokumino:我也覺得金髮超像洋娃娃的 11/15 03:55
ayumi001:>//////////< 11/15 09:59
kosha:正正正正正正啦 11/15 16:32
wawacar:可愛炸了................. 11/15 18:17