精華區beta KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Eatyr (希落)》之銘言: : ENG TRANSLATION of @pdjaeho tweets (one of DSP) #KARAStayTogether : : " its been a hard day. last year, i saw them climb one step at a time to the : top, and each day was a happy day. 過去這一天是很難熬的日子 去年,我看著她們一步一步爬上頂峰,並且每一天都過的很愉快 : but this year, at the very start, its been very hard. 但今年才不過才剛開始,狀況突然變的很糟 : just like the fact that there are good things after the bad, i guess there are bad things after the good. for us, this is not as grave an : issue as the media perceives it to be. 有句話說大難不死必有後福,但我想同樣的,樂極之後、也真的可能會生悲 但對我們來說,事情並沒有媒體渲染的那麼嚴重 : i believe that KARA will not disband because of this, and the kids are sure that they want to remain as 5, so i : dont know why the news articles are like this. 我不覺得KARA會因此解散,孩子們也絕對想保持目前五人的陣容 我不明白為何新聞報導會寫成這樣 : i am sure that the girls were happy just a few days ago working and KARA is getting very well along with : each other. 我確定在前幾天,她們還很高興的在一起工作,並相處融洽 : mass communication really likes to start fights. 大眾傳播真的很喜歡無事生非 : its hard for us to watch while we step back not being able to do anything, and i just hope : that this ends without them hurting each other. 我們真的不忍心在一旁看著事情發展,卻又對此感到束手無策 我只希望到了最後,事情能在她們不傷了彼此的情況落幕 : if KARA is not 5 members, for us, for us there is no KARA. 如果KARA不是這五個成員所組成的,對我們來說,那就不是KARA : we will not be making songs for KARA if they are not these 5 girls. 如果事情真的變成這樣,我們也不會再幫KARA作曲了 : just think that today was a nightmare preparing us for a beautiful tomorrow. 只希望今天這個惡夢,只是為了迎來更加美好的將來 : lets smile like we did yesterday, and let us gather our strengths and together, one by one, lets make that climb to the top again and : make our dreams come true." (from sweetune team) : 英文很爛 不知道這樣排對不對 待高手翻譯 就讓我們像昨天以前那般的笑著 並且帶著我們的力量,一步接著一步,再次登上高峰 實現我們的夢想吧 -- 內容主要是針對一些離間成員關係的報導與說法在做反駁 對於官司本身倒是沒做太多評論 快速翻一下,有錯就見諒了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
formosass:惡夢的一天ˋ(O_O)ˊ 01/20 00:35
hunterwang:剛翻譯到一半就看到有人翻完了o_o 關心的人真多 01/20 00:36
jongkcw:推!!! 如果KARA不是這五個成員,就不是KARA了... 01/20 00:36
koala2396:噢 我哭哭了ㄒ_ㄒ 01/20 00:39
a5334477:原PO翻譯很棒... 01/20 01:16
flaicmish:推翻譯 謝謝 01/20 01:20
foreverE1628:真的!! 沒有五個成員就不是KARA了 ToT 01/20 02:09
qw78963e:翻的真好!少了一個就不是KARA了Q_Q 01/20 02:44
※ 編輯: macrose 來自: (01/20 09:29)
yulingchu:惡夢到底還要幾天QAQ 我昨天根本睡不著... 01/20 10:55
steedptt:如果KARA不是這五個成員所組成 對我們來說 那就不是KARA! 01/20 13:27