精華區beta KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文保留以茲比對 It’s been reported that all five members of KARA are planning to sit down together and discuss the future of the group. 據報KARA全部的五位成員正計畫坐下來一起好好討論團體的未來 On January 20th, a representative of the company stated, “The members, including Goo Hara, will meet tonight to discuss the current situation. Goo Hara said, “I will meet with the members and find a way to reach a solution. ” Ever since the rise of the situation, none of the members have been able to meet at one place for a discussion. Wouldn’t there be a breakthrough if the members talked face-to-face? Whatever happens, KARA will continue.” 1/20的時候,一位公司(應指DSP)的代表表示: "KARA的成員(包括具荷拉),將會在今晚碰面,並討論目前的狀況, Hara說:"我會和成員見面並試著找出一個解決問題的辦法" 但隨著情勢越演越烈,這個會面並無法成真 在無法面對面討論的情況,是否還能出現突破僵局的契機呢? 但無論未來情況怎麼變化,KARA都將繼續走下去。" Ever since Landmark revealed that Goo Hara, Han Seungyeon, Kang Jiyoung and Nicole were moving to terminate their contracts, the four members have been separated due to their personal activities. Han Seungyeon and Goo Hara had just returned to Korea from recording a New Year’s special program for SBS in Thailand, while Nicole was shooting SBS’s “Heroes“. Meanwhile, Kang Ji Young and Park Gyuri were said to have been at their own homes at the time of the notification release. 自從Landmark發表關於Hara、勝妍、妮可、智英想要終止合約的聲明後,四個成員就 一直因為個人的活動而分散著。勝妍跟Hara才剛結束在泰國錄製SBS新年特別節目的行程 返回國內。同時妮可正在拍攝英雄豪傑。智英跟奎利在聲明發表時則待在她們自己的 家裡。 Upon arriving at Incheon Airport, Goo Hara received a phone call regarding the urgent situation and her face stiffened immediately. 就在抵達機場不久後,Hara接到了關於這個緊急狀況的電話,而她的表情立刻僵硬 了起來。 It was reported that the member soon headed to the company office in Banpo, Seoul. “Goo Hara found us at the agency building on January 19th and expressed, “There was a misunderstanding. I didn’t know about any concrete details.” She came back again on the 20th and expressed her frustration, as she said, “I don’t know why this situation is turning into something different to what we really think.” The members themselves insisted to sleep at the sauna because it was too much of a hassle to go back to their dorms, so she was disappointed to see reports about the company mistreating them, amongst many other distorted facts.” 據說她接下來很快的就來到了公司(DSP) "Hara在1/19見到了我們,並表示:"具體的情況我並不清楚,但這其中一定是有什麼誤會" 她在1/20再度來到公司並表達了她的沮喪之情。她說:"我不知道情況怎麼會演變的跟 我們真正所想的差這麼多。" 是成員自己堅持要睡在桑拿房,因為回宿舍睡太麻煩了。所以她對於新聞報導所寫的 "公司虧待她們"的說法感到很失望。除此之外,還有很多事實被扭曲了。 The company continued, “It’s really frustrating to read about us making the members sleep at saunas. The members said that they wanted to sleep there, but the manager tried to stop them because there were too many people. We understand that they underwent continuous filming. They’re making people think that the members are wandering from sauna to sauna without a dorm to stay in. In comparison to other groups, KARA is treated comfortably, and are even driven around in two exclusive vans.” 公司繼續表示:"聽到說是我們讓成員睡在桑拿房的報導真的令我們很沮喪。是成員要求 要睡在那裡的,經濟人曾試著阻止她們,因為那邊閒雜人等太多了。我們能體諒她們持續 拍片的辛勞(言下之意,他們是因此所以才接受了讓她們睡在那邊的要求)。 他們(應指Landmark)試圖讓大眾以為我們害成員睡在桑拿房裡,不能回到宿舍。 其實跟別的團體比起來,KARA的待遇已經不錯了,她們甚至有兩台專屬的接送車輛(送她 們往返拍片現場跟宿舍)。 Source: JoongAng Daily via Nate -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tzer86:公司說是KARA自己要求睡在桑拿房的?! 01/21 11:41
lavercake:唉不要再互相透過媒體放話了 這對kara絕對不是好事 01/21 11:43
rayensighner:因為要繼續拍攝 回到房間實在太耗時間 所以成員們要 01/21 11:45
rayensighner:求直接睡 可是經紀人覺得人太多這樣不好 有試著阻止 01/21 11:46
jin062900:再這樣互相放話會越來越恐怖>< 01/21 11:47
plum306:不就是因為太缺乏睡眠不想浪費時間在移動上才這樣的嗎? 01/21 11:47
plum306:DSP反倒是打了自己一巴掌 01/21 11:48
sjack:顯然公司要荷拉去當說客 01/21 11:48
yulingchu:荷拉說客走向相當明顯 01/21 12:08
koala2396:我希望能好好的面對面談一談 01/21 12:09
poncn8513:兩方的說法都不同... 01/21 12:25
lynn79513:這樣荷拉的說法等於打了三個父母一巴掌,各說各話不好吧 01/21 12:26
lynn79513:公司的說稿應該有所保留,不然荷拉這樣很難堪..... 01/21 12:27
dowob:父母說要五個人在一起 但從新聞上來看 父母們只顧著跟律師 01/21 12:28
dowob:開會討論 好像沒有意思要跟經紀公司想辦法解決 別再隔空喊話 01/21 12:29
koala2396:隔空喊話很沒有效率啊...也不是解決問題的好方法... 01/21 12:30
Eatyr:最不希望看到的 開始往羅生門擺爛方向了 醜態盡出阿 DSP 01/21 12:32
Mugen0413:兩方下手之重已到根本失控的情況了@@" 難過阿.... 01/21 12:38
koala2396:最難過的還是KARA阿... 01/21 12:46
Maybemaktub:大驚!! 綜合DSP幾天的陳述,DSP宛如正義的化身,完全 01/21 12:52
flaicmish:公司跟父母降互相放話來放話去只會傷害孩子們阿 01/21 12:52
Maybemaktub:是為KARA的利益及福祉著想...這麼棒的公司怎麼會有人 01/21 12:52
Maybemaktub:想離去呢?!.這一切都是三人組父母無事生事、引火自焚 01/21 12:52
flaicmish:不要再透過媒體趕快會面坐下來談...到底為什麼沒辦法見 01/21 12:52
Maybemaktub:蓄意破壞飯對KARA美好將來的行為............. --" 01/21 12:52
flaicmish:面呢 它們現在降只會讓事情越來越糟而已 01/21 12:52
Maybemaktub:好吧!! 我承認我是反諷..我不相信天下間會有無風起浪 01/21 12:53
Maybemaktub:這種事,事出必有因;相對,我也不大相信會有任何公 01/21 12:53
Maybemaktub:司在面對官司時,會大方出來承認自己的過錯。這幾天 01/21 12:53
Maybemaktub:總覺得DSP自我美化的工作做的挺積極、挺好的。 01/21 12:53
Maybemaktub:這種態度如果能早幾個月用在跟成員溝通上,也不至於 01/21 12:54
Maybemaktub:演變成星火燎原的局面。現在雙方持續互丟泥巴,都快 01/21 12:54
flaicmish:重點不是到底誰對誰錯 而是他們不能再降放話了..... 01/21 12:54
Maybemaktub:一樣黑了.只希望5人同心的想法能貫徹到底,早點落幕。 01/21 12:54
flaicmish:現在對公司和父母的回應方式都很失望 01/21 12:54
Eatyr:目前羅生門=家長指控DSP一概不承認+都是成員自己決定的 01/21 13:04
aiba52031:如果是因為工作進度關係而睡桑拿房也許可以理解 01/21 13:08
aiba52031:畢竟KARA行程很多,有時候需要趕一下 01/21 13:09
chiaowei:坐下來談能解決的話也不會變成今天這樣了 01/21 13:09
aiba52031:但希望公司也能讓他們好好休息,給他們溫暖的床睡>"< 01/21 13:09
※ 編輯: macrose 來自: (01/21 13:27)
life5612:感覺真的是公司與父母之間的角力,彼此都不想被黑掉 01/21 17:00
life5612:最後承擔的還是KARA本身,希望能早日和平解決 01/21 17:01
wendyg:韓國的經紀公司多數不是省油的燈 桑拿房只是引爆點之一 01/22 01:51
wendyg:檯面下沒說的事情可能更多 長期累積的不信任才是主因 01/22 01:52