精華區beta KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文出處: http://tinyurl.com/6j79nlr 全文中譯: (轉載請註明出處為PTT-KARA版) The parents of KARA’s Nicole, Jiyoung, and Seungyeon held a press conference with their lawyers, Landmark, at 3 PM KST on January 20th. The members were not present. 妮可、智英、勝妍的父母在Landmark律師的陪同下,在1/20下午3點召開記者會,成員 沒有出席。 The parents began by declaring that they wanted “a KARA of five members” and that the members genuinely wanted “a KARA of five members” as well. Although there are legal issues between the members and their agency, the parents were adamant about making clear that the members wanted to continue as a group. 父母們以他們希望是"五人的KARA"以及成員們也真誠地想要"五人的KARA"。即使在成員 與公司間有法律問題,父母也堅決明確地表達成員們要繼續做為一個組合。 The parents stated, “The priority right now are KARA’s promotions. The agency itself is the next problem. The basic job of a management agency is to support an artist’s activities. An artist is not subordinate to the company. ” 父母們表示"現在最優先的是KARA的推廣宣傳,公司本身是另個問題。一個經紀公司基 本的工作就是支持藝人的活動,藝人不是公司的下屬。" Representatives of the three members of KARA stated, “We want the full support of a management company that will allow KARA to express their full potential. The very foundation of an entertainment management company is trust and professionalism. The kind of relationship the members want with their company is one of trust and cooperation. We’ve reported many times that the company lacks both elements.” 三名成員的代表們表示"我們要求經紀公司要全力支持KARA展現她們所有的潛力。一個 娛樂經紀公司最根本的就是信任及專業。成員們希望與公司的關係就是信任及合作。 我們已經表達很多次,這間公司缺乏這些要素。" They continued, “This controversy is a problem between the members and their agency, not one between each other. There is no discord between the members, but DSP Media continues to contact each of the members in an effort to divide them. We genuinely hope that they will act with character for the members.” "這次爭議是成員們和公司的問題,不是成員彼此間的問題。成員們間彼此沒有不合, 但DSP不斷地個別接觸成員意圖分化她們。我們真誠的希望DSP能以名聲為成員採取行動。" 以上黃色部分是allkpop不知為何加入的段落,經由flaicmish提醒,加上我稍 微用線上翻譯看過Nate上Newsen與Seoul NTN的原文都沒有這個部分。但由於本篇文章來源 為allkpop,所以我在這還是保留,希望各位能自行判斷。 When asked about the possibility of the girls returning to DSP, Hong replied, “There is a possibility, but like we’ve said numerous times, it’s only possible once the problems as revealed by the members and their parents are fixed. ” 當被問到女孩們回到DSP的可能性,Hong回答"有可能,但就像我們說過許多次的,只有 在成員與父母間反映出的那些問題被解決的時候。" On Hara’s decision to cancel her termination, he replied, “From what I know, she has a strong attachment to the five and wanted teamwork.” 關於荷拉撤銷的決定,他回答"就我所知,她對五人有堅強的歸屬感,想要團隊合作。" A reporter asked, “What do you have to say about your previous claim of the members receiving 1% of their income?” Hong replied, “I do not have the exact documents so I cannot verify that for you.” 一個記者提問"關於你們之前所稱成員只收到1%收入,你有什麼看法?"Hong回答"我沒有 確切的文件所以我無法為你確認。" Another asked, “What do you think about the public believing Nicole’s mother is the cause of all this?“ Hong replied, “Not only Nicole’s mother, but the rest of their parents could not find a compromise with DSP, which is why they sought legal help.” 另個記者提問"大眾認為妮可的媽媽是這次事件的主因,你怎麼看?"Hong回答"不只妮可 媽媽,其餘父母也都不能與DSP妥協,這就是為什麼他們尋求法律協助。" When asked for further details on the “lack of professionalism” he mentioned earlier, Hong repied, “Details will be released later. I believe the fact that the situation has even reached this point is a big error on their end.” 被問到之前Hong所提到,有關"缺乏專業"的進一步細節,他回答"細節將在之後釋出。我 相信的是他們讓事情走到現在這個地步,是他們那端的大錯誤。" Source: Newsen via Nate, Seoul NTN via Nate -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
rayensighner:簡單的來說...有開跟沒開一樣... 01/21 16:02
peirol:簡單說 三人這邊態度其實已經軟化很多 01/21 16:03
rayensighner:他們說的話跟早上聲明書的沒什麼差太多阿 01/21 16:05
koala2396:我相信曙光快出現了 01/21 16:05
harimamomo:啊啊 我也正在翻這篇的說XDD 01/21 16:06
formosass:直接貼英文出來看比較實在 01/21 16:06
Piekeeper:關於最後一段的最後一句我不是很確定 有請高手補充 01/21 16:06
dear0729:事情似乎朝向好的地方進行!! 01/21 16:08
farr:我只希望五人能在一起 還有辛苦的付出都能拿到回報... 01/21 16:08
fxmy:有種到最後雙方會河蟹這場鬧劇的感覺= = 01/21 16:09
harimamomo:我相信他們讓事情走到現在這個地步,是他們最大的錯誤 01/21 16:09
fxmy:因為雙方都不能輸 輸了是雙輸 沒有誰贏的可能性= = 01/21 16:09
ivyfisher:剛剛貼的那篇大同小異瞬間OP 自D處分 01/21 16:09
formosass:看到3438篇下面連結的照片,也就是本篇的內容,鼻酸阿 01/21 16:09
harimamomo:↑感覺我翻的最後一句和大大翻的沒啥兩樣XDD 01/21 16:09
Piekeeper:hari你翻的比較通順符合語法~ 01/21 16:10
fxmy:真的 關注那麼多天 感覺雙方一開始就攤開說真的不至於這樣 01/21 16:11
ivyfisher:end這裡有沒有可能當成"對方那一端"來解釋? 01/21 16:11
poncn8513:感覺這次記者會很迅速結束.. 01/21 16:11
mccouay:DSP快出來回應阿 01/21 16:13
Piekeeper:謝謝hari 跟 fisher 已潤稿 01/21 16:14
szuning13:希望真的只是鬧劇....但還是希望他們可以獲得公平的待遇 01/21 16:18
koala2396:最後是希望DSP現有團隊解散換新的來當收尾嗎?以三人 01/21 16:19
koala2396:父母立場來看.... 01/21 16:19
Mugen0413:就看DSP私底下願不願意拿出讓父母及成員滿意的東西了... 01/21 16:22
jin062900:立場改變很多 原本是說絕對不會與DSP修復關係 01/21 16:23
jin062900:現在已經變成 有可能回DSP 01/21 16:23
leo770319:搞半天 就不要是律師為了賺錢從中挑撥 = = 01/21 16:27
koala2396:如果是那樣那位律師就真的..... 01/21 16:28
flaicmish:英文的新聞來源似乎有問題 有個翻譯者指這網站多加一段 01/21 17:28
flaicmish:請參考看看這篇的指正 http://tinyurl.com/65l2g7n 01/21 17:28
※ 編輯: Piekeeper 來自: (01/21 17:59)
flaicmish:那懶人包能更新一下這篇的回應嗎^^ 01/21 18:12
naver2:天啊http://aedcpr95.tacomall.com.tw/ 01/21 18:58
askingts:張爸辛苦了 01/21 23:41
etet811:再次提醒AK的新聞不用盡信囉 問了韓飯說父母根本沒參加 01/22 00:04
etet811:這場記者會 01/22 00:05