精華區beta KARA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文出處:http://ppt.cc/xjP! Core Contents CEO wants the Kara members gone? The recent Kara controversy has many people upset, not only the fans but also many people who work in the industry. Mr. Kim Kwang Soo, the CEO of Core Contents Media who produced many famous groups such as T-ara, Seeya, Jo Sungmo, and SG Wannabe, raised his voice of concern much higher than others; he wants Seungyeon, Nicole and Jiyoung out of the industry… permanently. In a phone interview with Daily Sports, he stated, “I asked the Korean Entertainment Producers Association (KEPA) to take heavy measures against Kara. I believe that if the three members left the group to join another management company, then they should not be allowed to come back to music industry in the future. All 300 members of the association must stop the three members from breaking Kara up.” He continued, “It must have taken a great deal of the company’s passion and love to get the group up to their current level, and it breaks my heart to see it all crumbled overnight. If the quality of management was the problem, then they should get back with the company and solve it through discussions. They could also ask KEPA to intervene. Simply leaving the group like they did doesn’t solve any problems, it just creates more.” He finished by saying, “Many artists and producers that were seniors to them spent a lot of time and effort to create a market for Korean music in Japan. Kara made all those efforts by them turn into nothing by carelessly stopping their Japanese promotions. The members must have gone through a tough time, there is no doubt; but I still hope that they would first go back to the company and then solve the problem.” Mr. Kim is a big name in the Korean music industry, and seeing him speak out at this level shows that the management companies are quite upset, and at the same time, nervous about this fiasco. This must especially be the case as this is the second time that a major idol group has gone through something like this recently. Perhaps the CEOs want to set an example to other idol members who dream of such rebellion… but at the cost of DSP’s most valuable group. 圖:http://ppt.cc/YNRp -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
yoyokomi:跟T-ARA社長有關係嗎... 01/22 11:00
q0049:T.....TARA社長?? 01/22 11:00
flaicmish:這個標題根本亂下 請大家仔細看內文 01/22 11:00
flaicmish:由於這標題太有爭議性了 要翻可以請內文一起翻嗎 01/22 11:01
macrose:每日體育報到哪個國家都一樣爛... 01/22 11:04
plum306:內文有說到還是希望他們回公司好好解決問題 01/22 11:05
plum306:只是標題下的比較聳動 01/22 11:05
plum306:不過我把這篇解讀成其實是說給他社內的藝人聽的 01/22 11:07
leo770319:我覺得這篇新聞有問題... 01/22 11:07
leo770319:Simply leaving the group like they "did"... 01/22 11:08
leo770319:did是已經發生了...可是現在又還沒人說要離團 = = 01/22 11:08
blackk:放話放那麼大,小心變成粉絲讓社長永遠離開音樂界 01/22 11:11
mackinglis:看起來是恐嚇威脅自家人吧!! 01/22 11:16
mackinglis:勝妍,荷拉,妮可及智英不是已經向公司反應問題很久了嗎? 01/22 11:17
mackinglis:公司就是不接受,才逼得她們拿出最後的殺手鐧... 01/22 11:17
Eatyr:標題若錯誤 我願自請處分 01/22 11:20
Mugen0413:標題最後應該是問號...下這標題實在太恐嚇人了.... 01/22 11:24
Eatyr:社長所說的並沒有+問號喔 是肯定詞 01/22 11:27
laal:哼..他是怕t-ara也解約吧,這家公司的社長對他沒有任何印像 01/22 11:30
laal:以前李孝利不跟他續約,抄襲風波發生時,就裝死讓李孝利自己 01/22 11:30
laal:去面對傳媒跟FANS,搞的好像他們公司都完全沒責任。 01/22 11:31
laal:這金社長管到海邊去,關你P事=.= 01/22 11:32
Mugen0413:這金社長當時就不是Mnet的理事了(抄襲事件是辭職一年後 01/22 11:56
Mugen0413:不過這社長會說這種鳥話完全不讓人意外 想巴結DSP嘛(煙) 01/22 11:58
Albert124:噓T-ARA金社長,不噓原PO 01/22 12:25
Albert124:妮可、智英、勝妍還不快趁機吸收到T-ARA 01/22 12:28
Albert124:就算拿寶藍、智妍、花英去3換3都值得,馬上電爆少女時代 01/22 12:29
flaicmish:樓上不要討論其他藝人比較好吧.... 01/22 12:30
Albert124:sorry...我太激動了,對不起/_\" 01/22 12:30
flaicmish:將心比心 我們的五人不能拆 其他人的也不行 01/22 12:34
muner:噓Albert124 , 不噓原PO 01/22 12:36
eric61401:樓樓上想法真特殊 01/22 12:36
eric61401:是Albert124 :) 01/22 12:36
Albert124:剛剛發神經,被噓活該,現在推回來,非常對不起 01/22 12:38
v1020304:A大太偏激了點 只能說這些女團少了誰都不對 01/22 13:07
fxm00004:原PO把A大推文刪掉吧~比較的事情東西別拿出來講 01/22 13:15
plum306:你說換就換?我說不許換! 01/22 13:23
w8a82k75566:純噓Albert124,這種還不用桶嗎? 01/22 13:26
w8a82k75566:站在少女,T-ARA,KARA哪邊我都看不爽 01/22 13:27
mathrew:噓Albert124 , 你說電就電喔 01/22 13:29
hung31017:一次戰三團XDDDD 01/22 13:31
mackinglis:樓上三位噓Albert124的朋友,人家已經認錯道歉,你們還要 01/22 13:34
llotustw:幫原PO補血 Albert124 你可不可以不要在這時後來亂= =? 01/22 13:35
mackinglis:追殺到底嗎?! 水桶不水桶, 自有版主決定! 01/22 13:35
w8a82k75566:打人家巴掌再說道歉? 01/22 13:35
w8a82k75566:板規都清清楚楚在那說不要比較!上面還有一篇也有 01/22 13:36
w8a82k75566:我都懶的說了 01/22 13:36
mackinglis:KARA版,樓上說的算嗎?! 01/22 13:38
w8a82k75566:KARA版不是公開的版?況且我還發過版友文 01/22 13:39
w8a82k75566:在公開場合說這種話適合?按enter前有想清楚? 01/22 13:39
mackinglis:版主已經有處置, 一切到此為止 01/22 13:42
daster:我覺得金社長好像聲東擊西,說給他自己公司的人聽= = 01/22 13:44
SaraScofield:a大你這樣說少時我覺得很不尊重耶 01/22 13:58
formosass:看完內文,只想說金社長干你屁事,對待孝利已經不爽了,這 01/22 13:58
formosass:次還來插花,講的冠冕堂皇的道理"回到公司好解決",出嘴巴 01/22 13:59
formosass:,自己之前都沒好好解決,這次有何立足點說話(菸)想紅而已 01/22 14:00
terence1008:套一句秀英的話,金社長你還是先管好你自己吧! 01/22 14:06
rayking1114:自己開炮還拉上整演藝公會,看來是怕老闆壟斷權力的規 01/22 14:31
rayking1114:則被打破吧,前一陣子X團加上Kara,已經爆出一堆問題 01/22 14:32
Fukudome:就很明顯講給自己人聽的啊.....還真是此地無銀三百兩 01/22 15:19
Fukudome:如果CCM和自家藝人關係良好,何必這時候跳出來講這些話呢 01/22 15:20
william803:干金社長屁事= = 如果可以這麼簡單解決哪會走到今天這 01/22 16:03
william803:步啊 y 01/22 16:04
Piekeeper:這個社長根本就是.....來幫腔的嗎? 01/22 18:00
iwgpg1ghc:自己偷偷在公司講就好 還公開嗆 真開了眼界 01/22 20:32
jin062900:覺得他沒必要扯進來... 01/22 22:43